♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.
Showing posts with label Tahu (Tofu) & Tempeh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tahu (Tofu) & Tempeh. Show all posts

Tahu Tek-tek Surabaya / Indonesian Tofu in shrimp paste peanut sauce

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Tahu Tek-tek Surabaya / Indonesian Tofu in shrimp paste peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #tofurecipe #Indonesiancuisine #asianfoodrecipe #peanutsauce #tahuteksurabaya #endonezyamutfağı #indonesisch

Basically, there is no single form of "Indonesian cuisine", but rather, a variety of regional cuisines which are influenced locally by Indonesian culture as well as foreign influences. 
For example, rice that is processed into (steamed) white rice, ketupat or lontong (rice cake steamed using banana leaves or plastic) is the staple food for the majority of the Indonesian population, but for the eastern Indonesia, sago, corn, cassava, and sweet potatoes it is more commonly consumed. 
The general serving format for most Indonesian meals consists of staple foods with side dishes of meat, fish, or vegetables on the side of the plate.

Sumatran cuisine, for example, often displays Middle Eastern and Indian influences, such as the use of curry spices in meat and vegetable dishes, while Javanese cuisine develops from indigenous Indonesian cooking techniques. Cultural elements of Chinese cuisine can be distinguished in several Indonesian dishes. Dishes such as noodles, meatballs, and spring rolls have been absorbed in the art of Indonesian cooking.

Tahu Tek-tek Surabaya / Indonesian Tofu in shrimp paste peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #tofurecipe #Indonesiancuisine #asianfoodrecipe #peanutsauce #tahuteksurabaya #endonezyamutfağı #indonesisch


Indonesian mix salad with peanut sauce; Gado Gado Betawi. Recipe with Video / Resep gado gado Betawi

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 . 
And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes. 

Indonesian Food Recipe; Gado Gado Betawi.With Video / Resep gado gado Betawi | Çitra's Home Diary. #citrashomediary #resepgadogado #gadogadobetawi #gadogadosaladrecipe #Indonesiangadogado #Gadogadosalad #Indonesisch #healthyfood #Indonesiansalad #veganrecipe #vegetarianrecipe

Gado gado is one of the popular Indonesian dishes. It is on the list of Indonesian national dish among with others.
It's a dish consisting of mixed pre-boiled vegetable and fried tofu (or sometimes with tempeh) and dressing with creamy umami peanut sauce then served with kerupuk (shrimp cracker or other types of cracker). Lontong or rice cake also serves as a compliment. Adding simple chili sambal is most people's choice to enjoy this delicious and healthy gado gado.

We have a dozen types of gado gado. Every region has its own version of gado gado. From East Java, Surabaya gado gado is most popular. İt is slightly different from gado gado in Jakarta / Betawi. In middle java, people also serve different kinds of gado gado. But all gado gado uses one same ingredient; Peanut sauce as dressing.

Indonesian Food Recipe; Gado Gado Betawi.With Video / Resep gado gado Betawi | Çitra's Home Diary. #citrashomediary #resepgadogado #gadogadobetawi #gadogadosaladrecipe #Indonesiangadogado #Gadogadosalad #Indonesisch #healthyfood #Indonesiansalad #veganrecipe #vegetarianrecipe

The difference between those 2 cities is the vegetables used and how to make the peanut sauce.
Surabaya gado gado uses coconut milk to make the sauce and then cook and thicken by adding a small amount of rice flour solution. 
While Jakarta/ Betawi style gado gado, peanut sauce grind with fresh garlic, chili, and palm sugar. Besides tamarind paste,
 Jeruk nipis (kaffir lime juice) is added into it so the taste is slightly sweet, umami with a sour touch of tamarind and jeruk nipis. If you don't have kaffir lime simply use lemon or lime juice instead.

You probably love this Surabaya style Gado gado also


Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO

Resep Dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa di-klik disini

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO / Resep gado-gado khas Surabaya  | Çitra's HOme Diary. #indonesiansalad #indonesiangadogadorecipe #indonesianfoodrecipe #veganrecipe #tofu #resepgadogado #gadogadosurabaya #rujak #howtomakegadogado

Merhaba from Türkiye everybody 👋 

Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor. It is diverse, in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 18,000 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than 300 ethnic groups calling Indonesia their home. Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and foreign influences. Indonesia has around 5,350 traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most important. 

Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO / Resep gado-gado khas Surabaya  | Çitra's HOme Diary. #indonesiansalad #indonesiangadogadorecipe #indonesianfoodrecipe #veganrecipe #tofu #resepgadogado #gadogadosurabaya #rujak #howtomakegadogado

The diversity in Indonesia has led to a rich culinary heritage. From the famous rendang to Indonesian salad gado-gado, every Indonesian food is really worth to try.
Just like what I am going to share today- as my promise before from the previous post, that I will post Gado gado Salad in a different post. 
So here it is..... 😃

Gado gado is one of popular Indonesian dishes. Its on the list of Indonesian national dish among with others.
It's a dish consist of a mix of pre-boiled vegetable and fried tofu (or sometimes with tempeh) and dressing with creamy umami peanut sauce then served with kerupuk (shrimp cracker or other type of cracker). Lontong or rice cake also serves as a complement. Adding simple chili sambal is most people's choice to enjoy this delicious and healthy gado gado.



Indonesian mix vegetables cooked in coconut milk (vegan curry) / Resep Sayur Lodeh

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia klik disini.

Indonesian mix vegetables cook in coconut milk / Resep Sayur Lodeh. #sayurlodeh #Indonesianfood #coconutmilk #vegetariancurry #tofu #tempeh #vegancurryrecipe

Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey.

Today's post is about my childhood meal. Me and siblings grew up with this dish. My mom or my grandmother usually cooked this for us. İt's mix vegetable (curry-look alike) cook in coconut milk. Most often tofu or tempeh also mixed in it. And if we have enough money (at that time) to buy shrimps, my mom or grandma also put some small shrimp in it.

This Called sayur lodeh ( or in Javanese language calls Jangan Lodeh). Javanese curry-like dish, content with various vegetables, like eggplant, chayote, zucchini, young green jackfruit, bamboo shoot, yardlong bean, green bean, corn and so on. Just any leftover vegetable you have in your fridge can be added. 
And for protein addition, we add some tofu, tempeh or shrimp.
İt is so simple and cheap. That the reason why this was most repeatable menu in our house during my childhood.

We eat this with plain steamed rice, adding sambal terasi is a must. Together with fried protein - like fish or chicken- as side dish, this is the most humble and so traditional of Indonesian food. And forget to mention it's vegan and healthy.

Indonesian mix vegetables cook in coconut milk / Resep Sayur Lodeh. #sayurlodeh #Indonesianfood #coconutmilk #vegetariancurry #tofu #tempeh #vegancurryrecipe

What you need:


Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut

For Recipe in English please scroll down

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Tanggal 22 Desember di Indonesia diperingati sebagai "Hari Ibu" nasional. Berbeda di Turki yang memperingati "hari Ibu" pada tanggal 8 Mei. 
So untuk kangen-kangenan dengan ibu yang jauh di tanah air, saya mencoba memasak masakan yang biasa ibu bikin untuk kami dulu. Sebenarnya banyak sekali makanan yang biasa ibu bikin dan semuanya pastinya enak tiada dua ^,^
Saya paling suka kalau Ibu masak kepiting kare campur sayur terong...kangeeennnn banget makanan itu...sayang disini susah banget nemu kepiting..hiks..kalaupun ada (itupun di supermarket besar) kepitingnya sering 'gembos' alias gak ada daging...

Terus Ibu saya kalau 'nyambel' maknyusss.... Mungkin tiap orang akan selalu bilang "sambal ibuku paling top" ..... ya..memang begitulah..tiap masakan ibu pasti berkesan dan melekat sepanjang hayat pada anak-anaknya.
Selain sambal uleg dan sambal tumpang, ibu suka masak sayur trancam dan urap-urapan.... hmm... harum kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya begitu menggugah selera...

So.... kali ini saya mau sharing Urap sayur a la ibu saya... Biasanya Ibu membuat ayam bakar bumbu rujak sebagai lauk pendampingnya..tapi karena disini saya sudah banyak "effort" untuk membuat urap sayur ini, jadi lauknya seadanya saja.... tempe goreng dan ikan asin. Walaupun sederhana..alhamdulillah terasa lezat dan enak sekali karena memang saya jarang masak makanan Indonesia disini. Mungkin lain kali saya akan masak ayam bakar bumbu rujak khas Ibu juga.....jadi kangen iiihh..

#Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut-Çitra's Home Diary #indonesianfood #urapsayur #vegan #vegetarian #asian #vegetableswithcoconut

Seperti masakan rumah kebanyakan yang tanpa menggunakan takaran persis sama, Ibu saya pun kalau ditanya bumbunya apa aja dan berapa banyak, pasti jawabnya..kira-kira segini..atau sekitar segitu.... yaahh.sama halnya dengan urap-urapan ini... resep dibawah juga hasil kira-kira dari ibu (^,^) Utuk kesesuaian rasa, modifikasikan saja jumlahnya, bisa dikurangi atau tambah sesuai selera, yang pasti jenis bumbu-bumbu dasarnya seperti ini.
Urapan khas Ibu saya ini wangi kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya berasa sedap...itu kuncinya.


Pecel Tumpang / #sambaltumpang (Indonesian sambal from tempeh)

For Recipe in English please scroll down

Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba dari Turkey.

Selain suasana kampung ketika kita kecil dulu, hal yang selalu dirindukan jika jauh dari kampung halaman adalah makanan. Yaa... makanan adalah sebuah tradisi/ kebiasaan yang tumbuh bersama kita. 
Misalnya saya masih ingat ketika setiap pagi bapak saya (almarhum) selalu bersepeda bersama saya dan adik untuk mencari sarapan berupa ketan bumbu kedelai atau jajan pasar lainnya. Kadang kami mencari kompyang, roti goreng atau cakwe untuk sarapan.

Tapi yang paling melekat dalam benak adalah masakan ibuk tentu saja. Makanan ibuk menurut kami adalah makanan paling enak, terutama sambal uleg nya. Mbah uti (ibunya ibu) juga pinter masak mungkin itu diturunkan ka ibuk saya. Mbah Uti dan Ibuk saya kalau bikin bumbu pecel..wahhh..top markotop! nomer satu pokoknya! ^,^
Bahkan dulu sempat ibuk buka warung nasi pecel di rumah di Surabaya dulu ketika kami masih kecil. 

Ketika Ibuk sudah tidak berjualan pecel lagi, di rumah ibuk masih suka membuatkan kami bumbu pecel. Kadang Ibuk membuat pecel tumpang juga buat pendamping/ campuran bumbu pecel kacang... jangan tanya lagi rasanya.... hmmmm.... kita sampe "tanduk" (nambah nasi) berkali-kali ^,^

Kali ini saya mau sharing resep pecel tumpang a la ibu saya. Biasanya kalau bikin sambel tumpang Ibuk selalu kasih cabe rawit agak banyakan sebab rata-rata orang rumah jago makan pedes semua jadi semua masakan ibuk kebanyakan pedas.


Orek Tempe / Indonesian Sautéed tempeh with soy sauce

Sometimes we forget to appreciate things we already have until it gone

Selam Everybody..... merhaba from Turkey....

Today I'll post about something which recently become "treasure food" after I live in Turkey, it's tempeh. Yes, this healthy fermented soybeans becomes staple protein source for Indonesian people for decades as well as tofu. You will find tempeh in everyday menu in Indonesia, morning to night. Snack to main dish. We have many food variant made from this tempeh. We fry, steamed, braised, even grilled/ barbecue it.

I never made my own tempeh when I was living in Indonesia--no body does ^,^ . Many tempeh industries already provides tons of tempeh for us daily, fresh. So..here I am.. make my own "treasure food" here ^,^
Making tempeh seems easy... but you need some experiences to be succeed. You should maintain and care about temperature during fermentation, it should around 28 ~ 30 deg C. And most important thing to notice is cleanliness and hygiene during process, because spores of fungus Rhizopus oligosporus need hygiene environment to grow.

I made my own tempe since 2009 and failed twice or three times as I remember. Now making tempeh - Alhamdulillah- is no more fail for me. I even sell to some Indonesian friends here too... yes..practice make perfect..

Resep Tahu Tek khas Surabaya (Surabaya style Tofu in peanut sauce)

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey....

You know, Indonesia has many many traditional food and each regions or city has their own typical food as well. 

And my today post is "Tahu Tek" , it's one of Indonesian traditional meal originally from Surabaya city-East Java. Tahu means tofu in Indonesian language. People call "tahu tek" maybe because the seller (mostly mobile traditional street vendor, we call it "gerobak") make a typical noise sounds  " tek..tek..tek..tek" very loud and shrilly along kampoong/ alleys. That sound comes from the wok clink with fork or spatula by the seller to get attention.

Surabaya is "the home" of "tahu tek" . You can find this food seller more than 2 or 3 sellers almost at the same time in same alley, it's different from in other city. You should go to a certain place where one seller have open a stall.

The typical of "tahu tek" is they use scissors instead of knife to cut everything during the serving with a very noisy sound they make...clak...clak...claakk. (^,^)
Another unique thing about this "tahu Tek" is they only sell this food only at night, in many kampoong/ alleys you probably can meet this "tahu tek" seller upper 8 or 9 pm. I have no idea why...but for me (also for my families) the taste would be different if you eat it at noon or morning... This tahu tek kick your appetite when it ate beyond 9 pm or even midnite! it's REALLY... ! So I call it "midnite snack" (^,^)

I am original from Surabaya..so I know almost everything about this my favorite food (^,^) 
poto sent by my sister

Tempeh/ Tempe Nedir? (What is tempeh?)

Turkiyenin her yerine Tofu (tahu) ve Tempeh satışı. Ürün hakkında bilgi için Sms veya Email arayınız.


Is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty. Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from the Sinosphere cuisine.

It originated in today's Indonesia, and is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue.

Tempe, dunanın en çok sağlık gıda 
ürün, aslen Endonezyanın geleneksel bir soya ürünüdür.Doğal kültürleme ve kontrollü fermentasyon işlemlerinden onra bir çeşit kek şeklini alır.Tempe Soya ürünleri arasında benzesiz bir yere sahiptir.Bugünün Endonezyasında, özellikle Java adasında Soya Proteini açısından vazgeçilmezdir.Tempe,Tofu gibi Soya fasulyesinden yapılır ancak beslenme özellikleri ve dokusal nitelikleri bakımından farklı karaktere sahiptir.Tempenin fermentasyon süreci yüksek protein,vitamin ve diyet lifi açısından yüksek içerik sağlar.Bu yüksek içerik sebebiyle dünya vejeteryan mutfağının gözdelerindendir.

Bugünün Endonezya kökenli, ve protein elyaf kaynak Java, adada özellikle popüler. Tofu gibi, tempe soya fasulyesinden yapılmış, ancak farklı beslenme özellikleri ve dokusal nitelikleri ile bir bütün soya ürünüdür. Tempeh en fermantasyon süreci ve bütün fasulye alıkoyma o protein, diyet lifi, vitamin yüksek bir içerik vermek olduğunu . Sıkı bir doku ve bu yaş gibi daha belirgin hale gelir dünyevi bir lezzet vardır. Çünkü besin değerinin, tempeh bir et analog olarak kullanılan vejetaryen mutfağı, dünya çapında kullanılmaktadır.

Check my homemade Tofu here.


Tahu Acar (Tofu Salad) / Indonesian tofu salad

Selam everybody... Merhaba from Turkey...

I am so joyful and grateful because Ramadhan will soon start in these few days.... 
Ramadhan is the 9th month in Islamic calendar. The most important and sacred month to all Muslims and a month when we must "fast" during the hours of daylight which is part of our 5 pillars of IslamThe Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this month. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night known as Lailut ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

Ramadhan is so important for me and family. And since this 2015 Ramadhan month is on summer time, we must prepare our self so well due to in summer time we will "fast" about 16 hours during daylight. So healthiness and good stamina are become our priority....

Beside keeping our health... preparing Ramadhan menu is also preoccupation for me and for mostly Muslim moms .... We usually already have at least 30 kind of meals, 30 kinds of dessert and 30 kind of beverages for whole ramadhan month in our mind or written on sticky paper on fridge's door :)

Well... maybe next time I will share my Ramadhan menu also here... :)

And maybe my today post also can be an idea for your Ramadhan menu .... :)


Balado Tempe (Indonesian Tempeh cooked in sambal sauce)

Tempeh (/ˈtɛmp/), is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty. Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from the Sinosphere cuisine.

It originated in today's Indonesia, and is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue.

And because tempeh has become part of our people in ages, we have so many kind of menu variant made of this tempeh. Start from light snack until the main course with variety in process and spices. You will never boring with this full of nutritious meat substitute.


Cara Membuat Tahu sendiri/ Homemade tofu

Have you eat tofu?- it's healthy.
Have you ever think to make your own tofu?- beside it's easy, it's also healthy because anything we make by our self, we can control what and how the ingredients we use.
Tofu was my daily food back when I was in Indonesia. I ate it almost everyday on my menu. You can eat it as  a snack or as side dish. So, when I'm living here I can not find ready tofu here in Turkey.. maybe nobody eat tofu here :))
Then I feel something missing from my menu... so here I am.. making my own tofu... Try it once and you will like it too.. ^,^

Things to Prepare:
1) a large pot at least 6 liters capacity
2) Sieve/ strainer
3) Cheese cloth to filter or can use a clean cloth thin cotton.
4) Blender/ food processor
5) Tofu mould-anything you have with holes.
6) Weight or press tools

• 500 grams of soybean
• Warm water
• ± 200 ml lemon / lime juice

How to make:
A) Rinse soybeans. Soak in plenty of water (see Figure 1). Soak overnight untill double its volume because absorbed water (Fig. 2). Rinse and drain (Fig. 3).

B) Blend soy bean with warm water, the ratio 1: 4 in volume = 1 for soybeans: 4 for water (Figure 4). Prepare a strainer and cheese cloth. Strain and wring out the blender yield (figure 5). You may keep the dregs and  used to make tempeh gembus.

C) Put all soy milk in big pan, heat until almost boiling (Fig. 6). You can cover with lid, but let it open a bit so it won't boil overt. After almost boiling, let stand briefly until lukewarm. Then slowly add lemon juice while stirring very slow until the soy agglomerate such as figure 7, Leave it up to room temperature and precipitation settled.

D) Prepare tofu mold like a figure 8, Cover with cheese cloth (cotton filtre). Slowly, pour the soy precipitation/ sediment into the mold (Figure 9) and cover with the rest of the filter cloth (Fig. 10). Give ballast like the picture 11. As you can see at Fig. 12, residu fluid drop down from the mold. This process  for about 3 ~ 5 hours.

E) If you want more dense tofu, Steamed after being pressed. 
The process of making yellow tofu, add a little salt, turmeric powder and garlic powder in the cooking process No. 6. 

Have a try.


Tahu Isi (Stuffed tofu)

Stuffed tofu or in Indonesia we called Tahu Isi, one from many kind favorite snack in Indonesia. Main ingredient, of course tofu. For the stuffing we can vary with many kinds as our favorite like vegetables, chicken, etc.
Today I made stuffed tofu with vegetables filling. Simple but enough to ease my homesick to Indonesia...
If you want to try to make it, let's start with the ingredients...

- about 500 gr firm tofu. cut into small triangles and deep fry .
- 1 large carrot. coarse grated or cut into match shape.
- 2 tablespoons bean sprouts
- 3 stalks spring onions. minced
- 1 medium size onion. finely chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic. Finely chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- 2 teaspoons flour

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