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Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce. Authentic recipe with Video.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang  / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #sateklopo #satekelapa #Indonesianfoodrecipe #foodphotographysatay #endonezyamutfağı #satayrecipe #Indonesiancuisine #Indonesisch #coconutsatay #sataypeanutsauce

My today's post is pretty unique and something you will love
Klopo is the Javanese term for coconut in English. In the Indonesian language, klopo means kelapa. So sate klopo or sate kelapa is a satay wrapped in shredded coconut in the process of making it. When the satay is grilled, the grated coconut gives a distinctive and unique flavor and aroma to the satay. 

Traditionally sate klopo is dished up on banana leaves and eaten with lontong (rice cake). served with sate peanut sauce and Indonesian sweet soy sauce " kecap manis", sliced shallot, chili, and of course "serundeng" or spiced shredded coconut.

Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang  / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #sateklopo #satekelapa #Indonesianfoodrecipe #foodphotographysatay #endonezyamutfağı #satayrecipe #Indonesiancuisine #Indonesisch #coconutsatay #sataypeanutsauce

"Sate klopo" or sate kelapa, a famous dish that originated from East Java especially Surabaya and Madura Island.
Geographically, Surabaya and Madura island is very near and connected by a bridge. No wonder the satay seller mostly Maduranese people and they have the best sate klopo to enjoy every morning or early lunch.

Besides chicken, coconut satay also can be using beef or lamb/ mutton meat. The meat is cut into small bite-size then mix with spiced shredded coconut then thread onto a skewer. Grill just before serving over aromatic charcoal (mostly mixed with coconut shell charcoal). Served over steamed rice or rice cake/ ketupat then generously flush with satay peanut sauce, kecap manis, sliced shallot, and fresh birdseye chili. 
Serundeng ( spiced stir fry shredded coconut) served as a side dish also.

If you like this post, you will love this INDONESIAN SATE PADANG / Padang style Satay

Sounds complicated? Well, for you who have never made satay before or even don't know about Indonesian food at all, it may sound scary for you to start. But Don't worry, I make a video for you to follow and guide you step by step on how to make this delicious satay.
And believe me, Indonesian food is fun to make, with a bit time-consuming preparation but it's worth it.

Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang  / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #sateklopo #satekelapa #Indonesianfoodrecipe #foodphotographysatay #endonezyamutfağı #satayrecipe #Indonesiancuisine #Indonesisch #coconutsatay #sataypeanutsauce

Before starting anything, you should already have satay peanut sauce in hand. Whether you buy it ready or homemade. Check my previous homemade satay peanut sauce hereOnce you have peanut sauce, you are ready to go. 

But if you want to make a satay with a sweet soy sauce version, check my Lamb/ mutton satay in sweet soy sauce kecap manis.

So here is my authentic coconut-wrapped satay recipe.

Sate klopo (sate kelapa)  / Indonesian coconut wrapped satay
By: Çitra's Home Diary

make 20-25 skewers

🥥 ±800 gr boneless chicken (including fat/ skin), cut into chunks. You can use lamb/ beef
🥥 satay skewers
🥥 250 gr ( ±2 cup packed) shredded fresh coconut (*)
Note: (*) If using desiccated coconut, 1 cup mix with ½ cup coconut milk/ hot water

Ground spices:
🥥 5 shallots ( or 1 medium one)
🥥 6-7 cloves of garlic
🥥 2 tsp coriander seeds (or 1 Tbsp powdered)
🥥 5 cm fresh turmeric (or 1 tsp powdered)
🥥 1 tsp salt
🥥 1 tbsp oil

 Satay peanut sauce. Click here how to make it homemade
 some shallots, finely sliced
 some birds eye chili pepper as taste
 kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
 Lime juice/ lemon
 Steamed rice or rice cake (ketupat)

How to :

Make the satay.

1. Using mortar and pestle or blender, ground all spices except oil. Blend them until very smooth. Then mix the mashed spice with shredded coconut, mix well.

2. Cut the chicken (beef/ lamb) into small bite-size. Set aside.

3. Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a wok, stir fry the spiced coconut. Stirring continuously until dry but do not brown it. Take about ¾ part of the coconut and place it into a medium bowl. Let it chill before mixing with chicken.
Let the remaining (¼) part in the wok, you can add 1 or 2 tsp sugar and continue to stir fry until it's golden brown, do not burn it. Remove from heat and keep for serving later.
This calls "serundeng".

4. Take the previous ¾ part of the coconut and mix with chicken, mix well until all chicken (meat) is covered by spiced coconut. Then thread the chicken (meat) onto skewers.
Make-ahead tip: Keep chicken (meat) chunks in a container without threading them onto the skewer. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Thread the chicken satay when you are ready to grill.

5. Grill the satay over charcoal (best way) or on the grilling pan or in the oven with grilling mode until golden brown on all sides. Meanwhile, you can prepare the peanut sauce.

Prepare peanut satay sauce.

Take enough satay peanut sauce and dilute with a small amount of hot water to get thinner consistency before use.

How to serve.

In a serving plate, add satay peanut sauce, sliced shallot, sliced chili (if using), and fresh lemon/ lime juice. Mix in kecap manis .

Enjoy chicken satay with peanut sauce, rice (or rice cake), and cucumber pickle.

Serve it also with fried spicy coconut (serundeng) made before.

Let's befriend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang  / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #sateklopo #satekelapa #Indonesianfoodrecipe #foodphotographysatay #endonezyamutfağı #satayrecipe #Indonesiancuisine #Indonesisch #coconutsatay #sataypeanutsauce

🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥 🥥  


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

Sate klopo (sate kelapa) bumbu kacang  / Indonesian coconut wrapped SATAY with peanut sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #sateklopo #satekelapa #Indonesianfoodrecipe #foodphotographysatay #endonezyamutfağı #satayrecipe #Indonesiancuisine #Indonesisch #coconutsatay #sataypeanutsauce

Siapa yang tak kenal sate kelapa atau sate klopo ini. Dari namanya sudah bisa ditebak ya bahwa sate berbalut parutan kelapa gurih ini berasal dari Jawa, tepatnya Surabaya- Jawa Timur.
Konon sate ini berasal dari Madura, maka tak heran jika kebanyakan penjual sate klopo ini adalah pedagang dari pulau garam tersebut.
Rasanyapun khas ala masakan Madura yang gurih. Dulu saya punya langganan sate klopo ini di sebelah POM bensin jalan karet, depan stasiun Semut. Paling tidak itu yang saya ingat pada tahun 1999 an. Nggak tahu kalau saat ini sudah tidak ada lagi.

Jadi kali ini postingan berjudul kangen-kangenan makanan khas Surabaya ini. Ternyata bikinnya mudah kok, cuman kadang kita kan malas saja karena banyak yang jual ya.... 😊. Kalau saya disini.... kalau pengen apa-apa ya harus bikin, harus gak males... ya kan gak ada yang jual 😁

Jangan lupa subscribe dan aktifkan tanda "lonceng" ya

Sate klopo (sate kelapa) 
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Menjadi 20-25 tusuk

🥥 ±800 gr daging ayam (termasuk lemak/ kulit). Bisa pakai daging sapi/kambing
🥥 tusukan sate
🥥 250 gr ( ±2 gelas) parutan kelapa setengah tua (*)
Note: (*) Jika tidak ada kelapa segar, pakai kelapa parut kering, 1 cup campur dengan ½ cup santan encer/ air hangat.

Bumbu halus:
🥥 5 siung bawang merah
🥥 6-7 siung bawang putih
🥥 2 sdt biji ketumbar (atau 1 sdm bubuk)
🥥 5 cm kunyit (atau 1 sdt bubuk)
🥥 1 sdt garam
🥥 1 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis

Untuk disajikan:
 Bumbu kacang. Klik disini untuk membuat bumbu kacang sendiri di rumah
 bawang merah, rajang halus
 cabe rawit sesuai selera, rajang halus
 kecap manis
 Perasan jeruk nipis/ lemon
 Nasi atau lontong/ ketupat

Cara membuat :

1. Potong-potong ayam (atau daging sapi), sisihkan.

2. Haluskan semua bumbu kecuali minyak goreng. Lalu campur dengan parutan kelapa, aduk hingga tercampur rata.
3. Panaskan 1 sdm minyak goreng, masukkan kelapa berbumbu tadi lalu tumis sambil terus diaduk hingga kelapa agak kering tapi belum kecoklatan.
Lalu ambil kurang lebih  ¾ bagian dan sisihkan hingga dingin.
Sisanya (¼) bagian, tambahkan 1 atau 2 sdt gula dan aduk-aduk sambil tetap disangrai dengan api sedang sampai kecoklatan. Matikan api dan sisihkan dalam tempat lain untuk disajikan. Kita sudah punya serundeng kelapa juga.

4. Campurkan kelapa berbumbu yang sudah disisihkan tadi dengan potongan ayam (daging). Aduk rata hingga semua daging berbalut kelapa.
Lalu susun di tusukan sate, selang seling dengan lemak/ kulit ayam secukupnya.

5. Bakar sate diatas arang (paling bagus). Atau diatas bakaran listrik, atau diatas wajan grill. Bisa juga dalam oven dengan "mode grilling".

Siapkan saus kacang.

Ambil secukupnya saus kacang, tambahkan sedikit air panas secukupnya untuk sedikit mengencerkan sebelum dipakai.

Tambahkan irisan bawang merah, cabe rawit, kecap manis dan perasan jeruk nipis. aduk rata. Cicipi rasanya sesuai selera, tambah kecap atau jeruk nipis jika perlu.
Sajikan sate dengan nasi atau lontong dan serundeng yang sudah kita bikin tadi.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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