♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Cherry Flaky Pie

“Never do for a child what he is capable of doing for himself.”--Elizabeth Hainstock

Salam..... Merhaba from Turkey everyone.....

Weekend is my favorite time..when we can spend time with family, husband and kid or with your friend. Don't you agree of that? Spending quality time with your love ones.

Welcome September.. the month where summer will end and fall will come. And as the season changes, I should prepare some change on our wardrobe---yeahhh... maybe it's too early for some of you-- but for me as a mom of growing kid, I am not sure that my kid still has some fall/winter clothes which still suit for her.

Kids growing so fast you know. We change her shoes twice. I remember bought her new shoes for summer at early summer this year... but couple weeks ago she complained that her feed was pain.. she said in her mix language "mommy, my feet sıkıstı"
sıkıstı she means like in bind or being pressed in Turkish (^,^) . So Last week we bought new shoes for her.

And of course with her clothes.... I should check and prepare all for upcoming fall/ winter-head to toe...
Anyway.... summer almost end and I'm a little regret I didn't buy much cherry this summer. I love cherry and like always do previous summer I freeze them for dessert in fall/ winter. Sometimes I made cherry jam. But as I said, I didn't buy much cherry this season.... 
I just got this cherries last week from local farmer market with slightly higher price than peak season, it's okay, at least I still can enjoy cherry this weekend.
And as my promise before, I will make pie dessert. And since I got this lovely fruits stay on my fridge for few days.. so voalla... our weekend dessert is cherry pie.

  • 1 recipe basic pie dough/ double crust pie. Check here for flaky pie crust recipe.
  • 700 gr fresh Cherry /frozen (thawed), pitted
  • 30 gr cornstarch
  • 30 gr all purpose flour 
  • 225 gr caster sugar or to taste
  • about 2 Tbsp butter 
  • vanilla powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg yolk for brushing

The Method:

  1. Pre heat oven at 160 deg C. Prepare one 20cm in diameter pie pan ( I use heart shape non stick baking pan).
  2. In medium bowl, sift together; flour, cornstarch, sugar, vanilla powder and salt. Mix thoroughly.  Mix in cherries, toss thoroughly, set a side.
  3. Take one part of pie crust dough, over lightly floured working surface roll it wide with approximately 2~3 mm thick. Arrange over your pan, let the edges over your pan, you can cut or entwine later. 
  4. Fill with cherries filling and distribute butter over it in small chunks.
  5. Take other part of pie crust (you might need only half of it), roll over flour working surface with rolling pin (about 2~3 mm thickness) and cover on to filled pie. Seal the edges (see picture D)
  6. Brush the surface with egg yolk and bake 160 deg C about 30 minutes, then up temperature to 180 deg C continue baking until golden brown on surface (it took me about 30 minutes)
  7. Remove from oven and let it cool down to room temperature. Keep in fridge before serving at least 45~60 minute.

Enjoy your weekend and happy baking! ^,^


  • 1 resep basic pie crust, check disini untuk resepnya
  • Buah Cherry segar atau frozen (dicairkan dulu s/d suhu ruang) sekitar 700 gr (buang bijinya)
  • pati jagung (misal;maizena) 30 gr
  • terigu 30 gr
  • gula pasir 225 gr
  • butter sekitar 2 sdm
  • vanilla powder
  • salt
  • 1 kuning telur untuk olesan bagian atas pie

Cara Membuat:
  1. Pre heat oven pada suhu 160 deg C. Siapkan loyang pie--Saya gunakan loyang bentuk hati ukuran 20an cm.
  2. Campur jadi satu; terigu, pati jagung, gula pasir, garam dan vanilla powder. Masukkan buah cherry, aduk rata hingga semua cherry terbalut tepung. Sisihkan.
  3. Ambil satu bagian adonan dasar pie, taruh di atas meja kerja bertabur sedikit tepung, gilas dengan rolling pin hingga ketebalan sekitar 2~3 mm. 
  4. Tata diatas loyang, biarkan tepinya agak lebih, jangan dipotong (lihat gambar B)
  5. Isikan adonan pie dan beri butter yang dipotong kecil-kecil dibeberapa bagian (lihat gambar C).
  6. Ambil satu bagian adonan dasar pie yang lain (mungkin anda cuma membutuhkan separuhnya), gilas hingga ketebalan kurleb 2~3 mm, lalu tutupkan diatas pie, rapikan tepinya dengan ujung garpu (atau dipilin sesuai selera), olesi dengan kuning telur (lihat gambar D), jangan lupa beri lubang dipermukaannya.
  7. Panggang kurleb 30 mnt, lalu naikkan suhu 180 deg C dan lanjutkan memanggang hingga kuning keemasan (kurleb 30 mnt). 
  8. Simpan dalam lemari es sekitar 45 mnt sebelum disajikan.

*kenali kondisi oven masing-masing, kondisi oven yang berbeda menghasilkan panas yang berbeda.


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