♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.


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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe

Muḥarram (Arabic: مُحَرَّم‎‎ muḥarram) is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year. 
Aşure Günü or in Arabic ʻĀshūrā’ (عاشوراء) day is the 10th day of Muharram month (the first month in the Islamic calendar). In Islamic believed many important occurrences happened in this month. This month also important for Muslims and we also do Fasting a couple days in this month.

The word "Muharram" means "forbidden". It is held to be the second holiest month, following Ramadan. Some Muslims fast during these days. The tenth day of Muharram is the Day of Ashura or Aşure Günü in the Turkish language.

AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe

In Turkey, people make this aşure in Aşure day (Aşure Günü). Aşure or ashure is a Turkish dessert made from mixed dried fruits, grains, and nuts. Besides serving among the family, this dessert is generally shared among neighbors, relatives, and friends. Also called Noah's pudding

I made these sweets every year, and actually already shared my ashura sweets before. You can check my previous recipe here or here.

Yes, if you were searching around the net or Turkish book recipes, you will find a wide variety of its recipe. But the main ingredients which all recipes have are pre-cooked white beans, pre-cooked chickpeas, and pre-cooked whole wheat. 

The main dried fruit uses are dried fig, dried raisin (sultana), and dried apricot.
Other nuts, fruits, or grains are optional. Basically, you can add anything you want or available in your kitchen, such as pre-cooked rice, roasted peanut, or dried coconut, until dried currant.

AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe
Whole wheat grain

So here I will share my other recipe of Aşure, also called Noah's Pudding. And this time I include the video also to give you a simple illustration of how easy it actually to make this dish.

It will at least take two days for making this aşure, at 1st day you need to soak white beans and dried chickpea one whole day with warm water until they are tender. Then cook separately bean and chickpea until soft and tender. 
But now we can easily find pre-boiled chickpea and white beans, you can use them as well so you can skip the soaking and boil process. 
But honestly, I never use that store-bought pre-cooked one.

At night before you make aşure at next morning you should soak whole wheat with warm water also.

Aşure (Turkish mix nuts, grains and dried fruits dessert)
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Yield: enough for sharing with your friends and neighbors 😊

🥣 1 cup (±100 g) dried chickpea, soak with warm water a day before then cook until tender
🥣 1 cup (±100 g) dried white bean, soak with warm water a day before then cook until tender
🥣 ±300 gr Aşurelik buğday/ whole wheat grain for ashure, soak in warm water overnight
🥣 ±3.5-4 lt water 
🥣 1 tbsp sunflower oil
🥣 1 stick of cinnamon
🥣 4-5 pcs cloves
🥣 350 gr sugar or to taste
🥣 2-3 tbsp roasted peanut
🥣 ±100 g dried apricot, roughly chopped
🥣 ±100 g dried fig, roughly chopped
🥣 1 cup (250 ml) of milk
🥣 ±200 gr golden sultanas/ raisins

For serving (optional):
🥣 whole or chopped pistachio 
🥣 whole or chopped hazelnuts
🥣 pomegranate seeds

How to make:

Day 1.
Separately soak white beans and chickpea with warm water until they are soft. It will absorb the water and double in size so make sure you have enough water and a proper bowl. I soaked them at night to cook the next day.
After they are soft, separately cook them until they really cook thoroughly and really tender. Set aside.

A night before you make aşure soak whole wheat in warm water and drain well.

The day of making aşure.
In a big pan (10 lt capacity) boil water with cinammon dan cloves. Add in wheat, and cook until its tender.
After the wheat is tender, add white bean, chickpea, and 1 tbsp sun flower oil, continue to cook until all tender/ soft. 
Add in sugar and continue to cook until sugar dissolves. 

Now mix in raisins/ golden sultana, and roasted peanuts. Let it bubble a few minutes before adding chopped apricot and chopped fig. Cook and boil until all dried fruits soft. Add in milk and continue to cook until boiling again.

Your aşure is ready to serve.

Note: if you have leftover aşure in the next morning the water will be absorbed, you can add a small amount of hot water and warm it up. But if you like congee look-alike you can leave it like that and only warm up slightly.

Serve warm or room temperature with topping e.g chopped hazelnuts, almond, pistachio, pomegranate, and cinnamon powder to your liking.
Enjoy it with your big families, friends, and neighbors.

Afiyet Olsun. Enjoy.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe

🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe

Bulan Muḥarram adalah bulan pertama dalam kalender Islam. Bulan ini adalah salah satu dari empat bulan suci dalam agama Islam.

Di Turki juga mempunyai tradisi memperingati bulan Muharram ini disebut Aşure Günü atau dalam bahasa Arab hari shūrā’ (عاشوراء).
Aşure günü (hari ashura) diperingati tiap tanggal 10 Muharram. Dalam kepercayaan Islam banyak peristiwa penting terjadi di bulan ini. Bulan ini juga penting bagi umat Islam.

Pada aşure günü orang Turki biasa membuat kudapan manis bernama aşure. Aşure atau ashure ini adalah makanan manis khas yang terbuat dari campuran buah-buahan kering, biji-bijian, dan kacang-kacangan. Selain disajikan untuk keluarga, makanan manis ini umumnya dibagikan kepada tetangga, kerabat, dan teman. 
Rasanya yang legit dengan aroma kayu manis atau aroma mawar membuat kudapan ini selalu dirindukan tiap tahunnya.

Bahkan di beberapa titik keramaian di kota dan desa, aşure ini dibuat oleh pemerintah daerah atau perorangan dan dibagikan untuk masyarakat umum sekitar.

AŞURE. TURKISH MIX NUTS, GRAINS AND DRIED FRUIT DESSERT | Çitra's Home Diary. #aşuretarifi #resepmasakanturki #ashuredessert #ashurerecipe #noahpudding #aşuregünü #turkishfoodrecipe

Seperti kebanyakan keluarga di Turki sini, saya juga biasa membuat kudapan ini setiap tahunnya. 
Resepnya juga sudah pernah saya sharing sebelumnya yang bisa dilihat di postingan ini atau versi yang lain disini.

Memang jika mencari resep aşure ini baik di internet atau buku resep masakan Turki, kalian akan menemukan berbagai macam versi. Tetapi satu kesamaan dari banyak variasi resep itu adalam kesamaan bahan utama yang dimiliki semua resep. Yaitu adalah kacang putih kering, atau semacam white kidney bean, kacang buncis putih kering (bhs Turkinya Nohut). Dan bahan utama lainnya yaitu gandum utuh.
Semua bahan-bahan itu direndam sehari sebelumnya dan dimasak dulu hingga empuk sekali.

Buah kering yang dipakai juga umumnya hampir sama yaitu: kismis (buah anggur kering/sultana), buah tin kering dan aprikot kering.
Kacang-kacangan, buah-buahan, atau biji-bijian lainnya bisa ditambahkan secara opsional. Pada dasarnya, kalian dapat menambahkan apa pun yang kalian suka atau yang tersedia di dapur, seperti beras (bulir pendek), kacang tanah sangrai, atau parutan kelapa kering, atau buah cranberry kering.

Gandum utuh

Bagaimana? tertarik untuk membuatnya juga di rumah? Yuk simak resep terbaru saya. Kali ini saya buat video sederhana yang bisa memberi gambaran bagaimana membuat kudapan manis khas Turki ini.

Oh iya.. jangan lupa like, share dan subscribe ya di chanel YT untuk support saya biar makin rajin 😊

Aşure ( Bubur khas Turki menyambut 10 hari Bulan Muharram)
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Hasil: 5-6 lt

🥣 1 gelas (±100 g) fasulye/ kacang putih kering (semacam kidney bean), rendam dengan air hangat sehari sebelumnya lalu masak hingga empuk
🥣 1 gelas (±100 g) nohut/ kacang polong putih kering, rendam dengan air hangat sehari sebelumnya lalu masak hingga empuk
🥣 ±300 gr Aşurelik buğday/ gandum utuh untuk, rendam dalam air hangat semalaman
🥣 ±3,5-4 lt air
🥣 1 gelas (250 ml) susu
🥣 1 sdm minyak bunga matahari
🥣 1 batang kayu manis
🥣 4-5 buah cengkeh
🥣 350 gr gula pasir atau sesuai selera
🥣 2-3 sdm kacang tanah sangrai
🥣 ±100 g aprikot kering, cincang kasar
🥣 ±100 g buah tin kering, cincang kasar
🥣 ±200 gr golden sultana/kismis

Untuk penyajian (opsional):
🥣 pistachio utuh atau cincang
🥣 hazelnut utuh atau cincang
🥣 biji delima

Cara membuat:

Hari 1.
Rendam fasulye/ kacang putih dan nohut/ kacang polong putih secara terpisah dengan air hangat sampai lunak. 
Setelah empuk, masak dipanci secara terpisah hingga benar-benar matang dan benar-benar empuk. Menyisihkan.

Semalam sebelum membuat aşure rendam gandum utuh (buğday) dalam air hangat lalu tiriskan.

Membuat aşure.
Dalam panci besar (kapasitas 10 lt) masak air (kurleb 4lt) bersama kayu manis dan cengkeh. Masukkan gandum utuh, masak hingga gandung benar-benar lunak.
Setelah lunak masukkan kacang (kidney bean) putih, kacang polong (nohut), dan 1 sdm minyak bunga matahari. Masak lagi sampai semuanya lunak. Tambahkan gula dan terus masak sampai gula larut. 

Sekarang campurkan kismis/ golden sultana dan kacang sangrai. Masak lagi kurang lebih 10 menit. Tutup panci tapi terbuka sedikit agar tidak meluap.
Lalu masukkan potongan aprikot kering dan potongan buah tin kering., aduk dan masak hingga buah keringnya lunak.
Terakhir masukkan susu, masak lagi hingga mendidih kurang lebih 5 mnt.

Aşure siap disajikan.

Catatan: jika ada sisa dan aşure ini disimpan sampai keesokan harinya, biasanya konsistensinya akan menjadi makin kental. jika ingin mengencerkan, tinggal tambah sedikit air atau susu dan menghangatkannya. 
Tetapi jika kalian suka kental, tidak perlu ditambah air lagi. Jadi konistensinya mirip bubur.

Sajikan hangat atau suhu ruang dengan topping misalnya hazelnut cincang, almond, pistachio, delima, dan bubuk kayu manis sesuai keinginan.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.


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