♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Süt Helvası / Turkish dessert; Bake Milk Pudding

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

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This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

Ramadhan Mübarek for you my friends who celebrating Ramadan feast this month. Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful Ramadhan.... May Allah accept all your prayers in this holy month.

Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Quran was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

During Ramadan, two main meal are served. İftar, is the meal to break the fast after sunset. Typically, people will enjoy dates, dried apricots and Ramadan juices, before heading to evening prayer.
And Suhoor is a meal taken just before sunrise (the fajr), before the day of fasting starts.

Ramadan is known for its wide variety of irresistible meals as an iftar. And it cannot be completed without having dessert or sweets. I know, in Ramadhan we should prepare our body and soul more on ibadah than cooking but as a mother we should also provide our family with good quality of food during Ramadhan.

Thing to remember, best way to break the fast by eating a few dates and or something sweet, as the legend has it Prophet Mohammed broke his fast in the same way.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

As in my family as well, having something sweets after our big meal in iftar is a must. Just try to make it light, hearty and healthy for everyone. Like this Süt Helvası. İt is easy to make.
Süt Helvası is traditional Turkish dessert make of milk then bake. The pudding so creamy and light as dessert especially after main meal.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

And this is my recipe after long trial and fail many recipe across internet. Basically I get this recipe from my friend's auntie but I didn't get the consistency as I taste in local restaurant here. She gave me recipe in glass measurement. So I "played" a little here and there from that auntie's recipe.

So here my recipe for me to perfection near to local restaurant here 😊
Try to see my note and video below to get a tip how to get perfect creamy and right consistency of this Süt Helvası.

 Süt Helvası / Turkish dessert; Bake Milk Pudding
By: Çitra's Home Diary

👉 1 lt milk
👉 250-300 gr sugar (depend on how sweet your prefer)
👉 pinch of salt
👉 1 egg yolk
👉 100 gr butter
👉 65 gr AP flour
👉 2 tsp powdered vanilla or 1 tsp extract

How to make:

1) Heat part of milk (about 700 ml) with sugar and a pinch of salt until simmer and sugar dissolve. Remove from heat. İn another bowl beat egg yolk with the remaining milk then pour into warm milk. Stir quickly to prevent the yolk cooked. Set aside

2) Preheat the oven at 200℃. Prepare 6 x 250 ml heat-proof ramekins and 1 big tray for water bath baking.

3) Melt butter over medium heat, stir in AP flour, and cook until you smell a distinctive aroma from the flour. Keep stirring over medium heat and the color change into white opac, slightly brown, but do not burn.

4) Carefully pour the milk into the butter, keep stirring to prevent lump. Add in vanilla powder or extract. Cook for about 3 or 4 minute until it slightly thickened. Do not cook too long, you will get harder pudding later. See the video above to get illustration how the right consistency of the milk.

5) Divide the milk pudding over ramekin on the baking tray, fill up to top. Carefully place into oven and pour warm water into baking tray half way to the ramekin. Bake them 35-40 minutes until you get caramelize brown on top of pudding. You can set up grill mode for 1 minute before take out from Oven.
Note: İf you move the ramekin it should be wobbly like video below, so you get right perfect creamy consistency.

Let sit to room temperature before store into refrigerator.
Enjoy cold or room temperature. 

Afiyet şeker olsun. Bon appetite

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚 💚

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.


Assalamu'alaykum....... Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Ramadhan Mubarek untuk teman semua yang sedang menjalankan ibadah di bulan penuh berkah ini. Semoga semua doa dan amal ibadah kita diterima dan dijabah oleh Allah SWT. Amin.

Dan mari kita berdo'a untuk negeri kita Indonesia agar dijaga dari segala bencana dan keburukan. Dikaruniai pemimpin yang adil dan mau mendengar keluhan rakyatnya. Bekerja dengan ikhlas karena Allah ta'alla untuk memajukan dan mensejahterakan seluruh lapisan rakyat Indonesia. 
Pemimpin yang tidak takut kecuali kepada Allah ta'alla. Pemimpin jujur dan mampu mengayomi semua rakyat Indonesia.
Menjadikan Indonesia makmur dan mandiri. Kuat hingga disegani semua bangsa di Bumi ini. Mampu menginspirasi kedamaian dan kemerdekaan bagi bangsa lain.

Biasanya saya kalau berdo'a agak-agak "selfish". hanya untuk diri sendiri, anak, suami dan keluarga saya. Boro-boro untuk negeri saya.....
Tapi ...hhhh... Ya Allah... mendengar kondisi di Indonesia sana..hati saya diam-d,am menangis.
Kapaaannn Indonesia ini bisa benar-benar maju, adil dan tetram untuk semua rakyatnya.

Yang ngikutin berita up to date April 2019 sampai sekarang pastilah faham apa yang saya prihatinkan ya.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

Eeeehhh... apa hubungannya dengan postingan makanan kali ini ya? Ya gak ada. İni bulan Ramadhan, bulan baik. Bulan dikabulkannya segala do'a inshaallah. Jadi mari kita berdoa untuk kebaikan negeri yang sama-sama kita cintai ini. Inshaallah Allah SWt mengabulkan segala doa baik kita. Amin.

Masih edisi bulan Ramadhan. Bulan Puasa penuh kenikmatan beribadah. Penuh pula dengan segala kenikmatan dan kelezatan berbagai masakan khas Ramadhan.
Tapi yang perlu diingat, konsentrasi kita harus lebih ke İBADAH daripada kehebohan menyiapkan segala jenis makanan menjelang berbuka atau pas sahur nanti. Biasa saja, asal kebutuhan gizi keluarga terpenuhi, inshaallah sehat semuanya ya moms. 😊

İngat, dalam agama Islam Allah mengingatkan kita untuk tidak berlebihan termasuk makan

Allah berfirman,
وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا وَلَا تُسْرِفُوٓا

“Makan dan minumlah, tetapi jangan berlebihan.” (QS. Al-A’raf: 31)

Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,

ما ملأ آدميٌّ وعاءً شرًّا من بطن، بحسب ابن آدم أكلات يُقمن صلبَه، فإن كان لا محالة، فثُلثٌ لطعامه، وثلثٌ لشرابه، وثلثٌ لنفَسِه

“Tidaklah anak Adam memenuhi wadah yang lebih buruk dari perut. Cukuplah bagi anak Adam memakan beberapa suapan untuk menegakkan punggungnya. Namun jika ia harus (melebihkannya), hendaknya sepertiga perutnya (diisi) untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk minuman dan sepertiga lagi untuk bernafas”

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

Postingan saya kali ini adalah süt helvası atau pudding creamy khas Turki yang terbuat dari susu dan dipanggang.
Süt helvası ini terkenal berasal dan mahsyur dari kota Bursa-kota tempat saya tinggal saat ini.
Semua orang suka dan pasti mengenal makanan manis ini terasuk keluarga saya. Menu ini termasuk most request dan repeatable di rumah saya selain fırın sütlaç dan künefe tentunya 😊

Süt Helvası / Turkish dessert; Bake Milk Pudding
By: Çitra's Home Diary

👉 1 lt susu UHT atau segar
👉 250-300 gr gula pasir
👉 sejumput garam
👉 1 kuning telur
👉 100 gr mentega
👉 65 gr tepung terigu
👉 2 sdt vanili bubuk atau 1 sdt ekstrak

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

Cara Membuat:

1) Panaskan sebagian susu (± 700 ml) dengan gula dan sedikit garam sampai hampir mendidih dan gula larut. Angkat dari api. Di dalam mangkok lain, kocok kuning telur bersama sisa susu sampai tercampur rata dengan whisk. Lalu Tuang ke dalam susu hangat dan gula, Aduk cepat agar telur tidak matang. Sisihkan.

2) Panaskan oven suhu 200℃. Siapkan 6 x 250 ml mangkok kecil tahan panas (bisa juga pakai aluminiyum foil)  dan taruh diatas baking tray (nampan oven).

3) Lelehkan mentega dan masukkan terigu, masak hingga keluar aroma tepung yang khas. Aduk terus sampai berubah warna sedikit kecoklatan tapi jangan sampai gosong. Lalu hati-hati tuangi susu sambil diaduk cepat agak tidak bergerindil.

4) Masak dengan api sedang sambil diaduk-aduk kurleb 3-4 menit saja. Masukkan vanili bubuk/ ekstrak. Dan matikan api.

5) Tuang ke dalam ramekin lalu panggang dengan cara water bath. Tuangi air hangat ke dalam baking tray dan panggang 35-40 menit sampai permukaannya terkaramelisasi. Bisa juga set 1 menit dengan mode grill untuk mendapatkan permukaan yang agak gosong tersebut.
Note: Konsistensi pudding ketika diangkat dari oven agak wobble ketika digoyangkan. Lihat video di bawah untuk ilustrasinya.

Diamkan sampai suhu ruang sebelum disimpan dalam lemari es.
Nikmati dingin atau suhu ruang.

Afiyet Olsun. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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