Being chosen on Top 9 is always brighten my day and definitely bring smiling face. I believe it happend to you too if your post being chosen on Foodbuzz too @(^_^)@
And here are some of my posts which being chosen on Top 9 by Foodbuzz.
* Brownie Tangerine Cheesecake being chosen at January 14th 2011.
* Pırasa Böreğı being chosen at February 9th 2011. Please Buzz my post just until 9th March 2011 at
* TIRAMISU CHEESECAKE being chosen at June 17th 2011.
* SUCUKLU PIDE (Tutkishsausage Pita bread) being chosen at June 21st 2011.
* YOGURT "CHEESE" SOUFFLE being chosen at June 21st 2011.
Bursa, 9th 2011
I got this ward pass from Elisabeth @ food and thrift finds Thank You so much!
Actually I got this award last 25th Jan 2011, but since my absence for several days at that time I just received it these recent day (almost at same time I got "sunshine award" from my sweet friend Angellove's Cooking.

Now it's my time to pass this award to my other talent friends and great blogger. But Please friends, give me sometime to do listing job (which will be long list). I'll make sure everybody will get this award also.
So.. I'll give you a notification later after I've done with my list. @(^_^)@
Bursa, 8th Feb 2011
Today, It is really brighten my day, My lovely blog friend : Angellove's Cooking, just passing me this "Sunshine Award". Thank you so much and it definitely will sunshine may days and make me happy.

And to all my friends, I would like to say thank you for the support and sharing. I'd like to pass this award also to my friends as list below, hope it can bright your day and bring sunshine in your smile too:
Angella @This is What I do
Brooks Walker @cakewalker
Claudia @What's Cookin Italian style Cuisine
Elisabeth @Food and thrift finds
Lisa @Breaking bread with Lisa
Pauline @Mrs Mulford's cakes
Mateja @Indulging life
Ping @Ping's picking
Something_good @dessertgirl
Keep on cooking, baking, steaming, craving, blogging and sharing! @(^_^)@
February, 7th 2011
thank You to my lovely and sweet Blogger friend Mateja ^_^ @Indulging Life for gave me this award. It's my first award I ever get (hope will be more later on) ^_^ . Thank you for your support and sharing these time being.. your award design is so pink and lovely.. I love it!
2nd January 2011 another my post on Today's Top 9. Actually this post is about my blog's reviews during 2010, I'll do better for the year ahead.
Bursa-Turkey: 1st Jan 2011
Starting my new year for this Page...My Hearted Eggless Tiramisu on FoodBuzz Today's Top 9, January 1st 2011
Bursa-Turkiye,Dec 31 2010
Tonight, 31 December 2010, time 21.00 when I write this. Try to review my blog's journey in the last day of 2010. Until tonight as I record here, I still posted about 128 post that already published. I started this page on July 2010, so it's pretty baby actually. I remember my first post is Turkish Food Dolmalık biber. That was my 1st Turkish meal I can made and my husband liked the way I cooked it d(^_^)b
I never officially take cooking class or what so ever, and before marry my husband, frankly speaking, as a single living alone, I hardly ever cook for my self - I was busy at office and usually end up my self in my favorite restaurant for dinner (^_^). Anyway, after quite success cooking Turkish food without any complaint, I started self learning to cook anything. I love being in my kitchen and make things like when I was kid before.
And my 1st "restaurant look alike" meal is Chicken Steak with mushrooms sauce. I made that chicken steak because I was terribly miss that favorite dish when I was In Jakarta.
Baking cheese cake? Never. and this Japanesse style cheese cake was my 1st. After googling and learning how people make this cheese cake, carefully I learn the most basic thing to make it.. and voallaa... it was my 1st cheese cake I made @(^_^)@

Well, of course not all these posts were my 1st.. I just want to share my feeling and thought about those post. Like for example: the most comment get, goes to : Steamed Zebra cake from left over egg white. Maybe because I think this recipe is unique and interesting cause made from (left over) egg white only. Also some of my friend also tried this recipe which made me happy. You can visit Taking on magazines one recipe at a time blog to see it, and Dailyfoodporn . Also Piece of Cake. Thank you for tried my recipe, and glad if you like it ^_^
I also join in one of foodbuzz site which all foodies gathering and sharing their passion about food and making it. I got some post that being choice in their TODAY'S TOP 9. My 1st foodbuzz chosen for Today's Top 9 was "Turkish Pizza" Yumurtali Sucuk Pide. And after that I feel have more spirit to learn much more about cooking and baking.
And here my other post chosen for Today's Top 9: November 7th 2010 Tiramisu
And December 9th Choux Pastry with Cinnamon custard
I remember I started make simple choux pastry when I was at 6th grade (maybe 10 or 11 years old that time) because there was some kind of test and cooking was one of those tests d(^_^)b
During learning to cook and to bake, of course there were many of failures I made but I will never stop to learn anything. I always admire people who create such a beautiful art of food and make other people happy to taste and enjoy those food.... For me now, cooking it's not only to make food to eat, but also art which requires happy feeling and heart to create great flavor and attractive appearance of food.
Top ten favorite 2010 post according google search during 2010 :
But above of all.. this Onde-Onde is my favorite of all .... @(^_^)@.. this snack is my favorite snack since I was a kid
Citra,,,You have awesome blog,aku suka banget :) thanks for follow my blog too,i'm new blogger :)
ReplyDeleteRelly bagus saya ingin seperti itu... caranya gimana ya????
ReplyDeleteHello Citra. I found your comment on Daring Gourmet's post on homemade black bean sauce. When you said you make your own black beans, I had to click on your name! It was a surprise to find you are in Turkey ang cooking both Turkish and Indonesian food and such some very nice cakes, too. I make ice creams, often with a custard base so I will soon try one of your several steamed egg white cakes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your very interesting blog. Unfortunately I am unable to find a post where you tell how you made your fermented black beans; can you point me to the right page?
MashaAllah, they're must be yummy