Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Some say roll cake while other calls swiss roll cake or jelly roll or cream roll.
But for me they are the same. İt's just normal sponge cake that rolled up filled with buttercream or jam or whipped cream or whatever you prefer.
The sponge cake itself can vary in flavor or in the method.
İf you check my swiss roll cake category at the sidebar, you can find some various recipes, method and filling.
The sponge cake itself can vary in flavor or in the method.
İf you check my swiss roll cake category at the sidebar, you can find some various recipes, method and filling.
And what İ am going to share is another roll cake.
İt's tangerine orange roll cake with orange curd filling, yet you can fill with anything you like. Also you can use mandarin orange instead of tangerine, yess.. İ know.. they are family 🍑
Different from my other recipe which using an emulsifier.This roll cake using separated egg sponge method.
You separate the egg yolk from the white. Then the yolks mix with other main ingredients while the egg whites whisked into stiff peak meringue.
The meringue then gradually added into the yolks batter to loosen the batter and also being used for leavened the batter. The air in meringue that makes the cake rise nicely and light.
How to mix yolk batter and meringue? İ usually add meringue to my yolk batter ⅓ (one third) at a time. First and second addition İ use balloon whisk to break down the big lump of meringue, then use "fold" movement at last addition.
Tangerine orange Roll Cake, easy and failproof recipe.
Çitra's Home Diary
For one pan 37 x 24 cm baking tray ( İ use 35 x 25 x4 cm ) or 30 x 30 x 4 cm
- 6 Medium Size Egg Yolks
- 60 g fresh squeeze tangerine orange (you can use mandarin)
- 60 g Oil
- 1 tsp orange essences or you can use Vanilla
- ½ tsp fine Salt
- 110 g Plain Flour
- 10 gr cornstarch
- 6 Medium Size Egg Whites
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 110 g caster Sugar
- 2 tsp cacao powder for decorative (optional)
butter cream or anything you love
5) Take ⅓ (one third) of meringue to the yolk. Mix to combine use balloon whisk. then add another ⅓ (one third) of meringue, mix thoroughly with balloon whisk. Then pour back the yolk batter to the meringue. Carefully fold the batter until completely mixed using rubber spatula. Careful not to deflate the batter.
Optional; take about ¼ cup batter and add 2 tsp cocoa powder, fold to combine. And move into small piping bag.
6) Pour the batter slowly into prepared pan, fill each edges with batter using rubber spatula then jiggle the pan to flatten the surface. Then pipe the brown batter to make marble pattern. Using chopstick or knife, swirl the batter to make marble pattern. See illustration bellow.
Bang few time the pan to flatten and release the air bubbles. Bake at 150°C for about 20 minutes, then 160°C for 8 minutes. Check the surface, it should spring back and dry when you touch it gently.
7) Remove from oven then chill over a cooling rack. Turn over the cake (bottom part up) and peel off the baking paper. Spread filling evenly over the cake then start to roll from the shorter side. Don't be afraid/ hesitate, just roll it tightly like you roll sushi.
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Mandarin orange essence |
How to:
1) Pre heat oven at 150°C. Line your baking tray with parchment paper, make sure it wider than the tray. Set a side.
2) İn mixing bowl, stir together egg yolks, oil, orange juice, essences and salt. Using balloon whisk, stir them to well combine.
3) Sift in flours and continue to whisk until well combine. Set a side
4) İn another clean bowl (preferred glass or stainless steel) , place egg white with lemon juice, Using electric mixer start to whisk until foamy. Add sugar gradually in 3 batches while whisking. Continue to beat the white until formed stiff peak.
5) Take ⅓ (one third) of meringue to the yolk. Mix to combine use balloon whisk. then add another ⅓ (one third) of meringue, mix thoroughly with balloon whisk. Then pour back the yolk batter to the meringue. Carefully fold the batter until completely mixed using rubber spatula. Careful not to deflate the batter.
Optional; take about ¼ cup batter and add 2 tsp cocoa powder, fold to combine. And move into small piping bag.
6) Pour the batter slowly into prepared pan, fill each edges with batter using rubber spatula then jiggle the pan to flatten the surface. Then pipe the brown batter to make marble pattern. Using chopstick or knife, swirl the batter to make marble pattern. See illustration bellow.
Bang few time the pan to flatten and release the air bubbles. Bake at 150°C for about 20 minutes, then 160°C for 8 minutes. Check the surface, it should spring back and dry when you touch it gently.
Note: recognize your own oven. Different condition may produce different result.
7) Remove from oven then chill over a cooling rack. Turn over the cake (bottom part up) and peel off the baking paper. Spread filling evenly over the cake then start to roll from the shorter side. Don't be afraid/ hesitate, just roll it tightly like you roll sushi.
Wrap with clean baking paper and store in refrigerator for about 30 minutes until it set before slice it.
Enjoy. and happy baking 😍
Ya udah... yuk ..cuss ke resep aja 😊
Bolu gulung jeruk mandarin-Çitra's Home Diary
Untuk loyang ukuran 37 x 24 cm ( bisa 35 x 25 cm ) atau 30 x 30 x 4 cm
5) Campur ⅓ bagian putih telur dan campurkan ke adonan kuning telur. Aduk balik dengan balon whisk hingga tercampur. Masukkan lagi ⅓ bagian putih telur dan aduk lagi dengan balon whisk. Terakhir masukkan sisa putih telur dan aduk balik dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
Ambil kurang lebih 1/4 cup adonan putih lalu tambahkan 2 sdt bubuk cacao, aduk hingga rata. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag kecil dan lubangi ujungnya.
7) Keluarkan dari oven lalu balik dan kelupas kertas bakingnya. Letakkan diatas rak pendingin hingga suhu ruang. Beri isian lalu gulung rapi dan set.
Bungkus dengan baking paper dan simpan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 menit sebelum dipotong.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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Assalamu'alaykum.........Merhaba dari Türkey.
Roll Cake atau bolu gulung termasuk kudapan yang sering saya bikin. Selain cepat dan praktis, bolu gulung ini salah satu favorite anak dan suami.
Selain itu kudapan ini termasuk yang paling mudah divariasikan rasa dan fillingnya.
Kalau anak saya sih sukanya pakai isian whipped cream, apalagi yang cokelat 😊
Kalau saya sih ..tetep..suka yang berbau pandan gitu. Kalau anda penyuka cake aroma pandan juga, coba cek postingan saya sebelumnya deh, bolu gulung marmer pandan-coklat.. dijamin suka deh.
Naahh...kali ini saya mau sharing resep bolu gulung saya yang lain. Resepnya sih gak jauh beda dengan resep bolu gulung cokelat saya sebelumnya tapiiiiii yang ini saya pakai perasan jeruk tangerin segar. Jadi kebayang kan bagaimana rasanya.
Jeruk tangerin ini mirip-mirip jeruk mandarin karena satu family, Jka nggak nemu tangerine bisa banget pakai mandarin juga... Atau pakai jeruk sunkist juga bisa lho.
Jeruk tangerin ini mirip-mirip jeruk mandarin karena satu family, Jka nggak nemu tangerine bisa banget pakai mandarin juga... Atau pakai jeruk sunkist juga bisa lho.
Jadi ceritanya sekarang lagi musim keluarga jeruk-jeruk'an gitu sih.. Ada jeruk sunkist, blood orange, mandarin dan ada beberapa jenis lain juga.
Yang paling murah saat ini adalah jeruk mandarin.... biasa, lagi peak season.
Jadi kalau peak season itu harga-harga jadi murraahhh banget.. tempo hari beli 2 kg harganya 1,5 TL ,kurs rupiah skr berapa ya.... kalau gak salah 1 lira kurleb 4000 rupiah deh.... jadi sekitar 6 ribu rupiah 2 kg itu.
Yaaa jadi saya bikinlah sebagian jeruknya buat bolu gulung jeruk tangerine/ mandarin ini. Kalau mau coba juga, boleh kok jeruk mandarin diganti dengan jenis jeruk lain misal sunkist atau blood orange...asal jangan jeruk nipis ya...hehehehe.... bisa asem banget kalau pake resep ini.
Ntar bolu gulung lemon beda lagi resepnya... 😃
Filiingnya saya pakai orange curd, kebetulan ada stock itu.. jadi klop deh! Kalau pengen bikin orange curd, resepnya bisa dilihat disini ya. Atau jika pengen lemon curd, cek resepnya di link ini.
Kalau mau filling yang lain okeh juga koq.... sesuai selera ajah ☺
Ya udah... yuk ..cuss ke resep aja 😊
Bolu gulung jeruk mandarin-Çitra's Home Diary
Untuk loyang ukuran 37 x 24 cm ( bisa 35 x 25 cm ) atau 30 x 30 x 4 cm
- 🍑6 kuning telur ukuran sedang
- 🍑 60 g perasan segar jeruk mandarin
- 🍑 60 g minyak sayur
- 🍑 1 sdt esen jeruk mandarin( bisa pakai vanilla)
- 🍑 ½ sdt garam halus
- 🍑 110 g terigu serba guna
- 🍑 10 gr pati jagung (maizena)
- 🍑 6 putih telur ukuran sedang
- 🍑 1 sdt perasan jeruk lemon
- 🍑 110 g gula kastor / gula pasir halus
- 🍑 2 sdt bubuk cacao
orange curd / lemon curd / atau sesuai selera
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Mandarin orange essence |
Cara membuat:
1) Panaskan oven suhu 150°C. Alasi loyang dengan kertas baking, sisihkan.
2) Dalam mangkok besar campur jadi satu; kuning telur, minyak, susu dan garam. Aduk dengan balon whisk sampai rata dan halus.
3) Masukkan terigu dan maizena sambil diayak. Aduk kembali dengan balon whisk hingga rata. Sisihkan.
4) Kocok putih telur bersama perasan jeruk lemon dalam mangkok bersih-usahakan stainless steel. Kocok dengan mixer kecepatan sedang hingga berbusa banyak. Lalu masukkan gula pasir halus dalam 3 tahap sambil tetap dimixer kecepatan tinggi. Kocok hingga hampir stiff peak.
5) Campur ⅓ bagian putih telur dan campurkan ke adonan kuning telur. Aduk balik dengan balon whisk hingga tercampur. Masukkan lagi ⅓ bagian putih telur dan aduk lagi dengan balon whisk. Terakhir masukkan sisa putih telur dan aduk balik dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
Ambil kurang lebih 1/4 cup adonan putih lalu tambahkan 2 sdt bubuk cacao, aduk hingga rata. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag kecil dan lubangi ujungnya.
6) Lalu tuang adonan ke loyang, ratakan tiap sisinya dengan spatula. semprotkan adonan coklat membentuk corak sesuai selera. Hati-hati banting loyang ke meja kerja / lantai untuk mengeluarkan udara besar dalam adonan.
Panggang dengan suhu 140-150°C selama 20 menit lalu 160°C selama 5-8 menit
Panggang dengan suhu 140-150°C selama 20 menit lalu 160°C selama 5-8 menit
Note: Kenali kondisi oven masing-masing, berbeda kondisi berbeda pula panas yang dihasilkan.
7) Keluarkan dari oven lalu balik dan kelupas kertas bakingnya. Letakkan diatas rak pendingin hingga suhu ruang. Beri isian lalu gulung rapi dan set.
Bungkus dengan baking paper dan simpan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 menit sebelum dipotong.
Enjoy. and happy baking 😍
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
First, I love orange cake. I always have, so this recipe intrigued me. Then, I saw how pretty this cake is. I have to make this. It's so pretty. This cake is perfect in every way.
ReplyDeletethank you Patti..hope you can try it soon 😍
DeleteWe do use orange essence in our baking but not that often. It's a winter flavor after all. I like the way you used it and as it comes I just got a new pack of orange essence as a gift from Germany. Looking forward to have a slice soon!
ReplyDeleteSo this recipe is just perfect to use your gift from German Helena.. İ am sure U'll love this roll cake
DeleteWhat a beautiful dessert! Chocolate and orange is such a great pairing and I love both the swirl effect from the rolling and the cake marbling. This would be so perfect served on a dessert display!
ReplyDeletethank you Amanda, appreciate it 😍
DeleteAh, this looks fabulous! I love the taste of orange in cake. I wish I could just reach into the post and take a piece. Yum!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a gorgeous cake. Thank you for the step-by-step directions too. Seems simple but will really impress guests with how beautiful it is.
ReplyDeleteI love the flavors of this cake. Roll cakes are so festive so this would be perfect for a holiday dinner or party. YUMMM
ReplyDeletethank you D 😍
DeleteWhat a beautiful cake! I have never made anything like this before, but I would love to try!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your orange cake, it's simply gorgeous! Orange cakenis one of my fav, so I'll have to try this soon!
ReplyDeletethank you Andrea.. ope you love this
DeleteThis looks like such a pretty cake. The flavors look incredible.
ReplyDeleteNothing goes wrong to pair orange and chocolate 😍 thanks Katie
DeleteRoll cakes are so festive! Perfect for the holidays. I love your step-by-step instructions with the photos showing the incorporation of the beaten whites into the egg yolk batter. That's the one thing that can really trip people up, and having the detailed instructions really help.
ReplyDeletethank you. İ want to show my reader how easy to make this delicious cake.
DeleteI would love to have a piece, or two! look moist and delicious!
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely gorgeous and I love the detail you provided! Thank you for going into depth on how to make this! I'll save this one to make myself! BEAUTIFUL!