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Dumpling/ Wonton/ Shumai Wrapper. Make it at home. Easy recipe with video

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Dumpling/ Wonton/ Shumai Wrapper. Make it at home. Easy recipe with video | Çitra's Home Diary. #homemadewontonwrapper #shumaiwrapper #resepkulitpangsit #dumplingwrapperrecipe

Dumpling wrapper, wonton wrapper, or shumai (siomay) wrapper was something I could easily get anywhere when I was in Indonesia. So making any kind of dumpling was never difficult at that time.

But since I live here, those things are so fancy to get. Sometimes I must go to the biggest supermarket to find it and mostly can't find it. Once I got that dumpling wrapper ( in the frozen food section), it wasn't like I wanted it.

That is why I started to make my own dumpling wrapper at home. Actually, I already posted one recipe before
You may check my previous dumpling wrapper which I made before.

Dumpling/ Wonton/ Shumai Wrapper. Make it at home. Easy recipe with video | Çitra's Home Diary. #homemadewontonwrapper #shumaiwrapper #resepkulitpangsit #dumplingwrapperrecipe

For you who can access this Asian staple easily, may never think how easy it actually to make this wrapper, and it's required only 3 ingredients! If you have flour, salt, and hot water in your kitchen, you are ready to go.

Why hot water?
You need to use hot water to help denature the gluten proteins in the flour; This helps with the texture and thinness of the wrapper. So you will get an elastic and stretchy wrapper in the final product.

After you add the hot water to the flour, just mix it with chopsticks or a spatula until you get a shaggy rough dough.
Place the shaggy dough on a floured surface and knead it with the heel of your hand, folding the dough into itself and continuing to knead for about five minutes or until the dough is smooth. Let the dough rest for 60 minutes before rolling it out on your pasta machine.

You may love this post: Asian style Stuffed Pepper Recipe

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Homemade dumpling/ wonton/ shumai wrapper
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make about 50 pcs ( ⌀ 7-8 cm)

🥟 250 gr AP flour
🥟 1 tsp salt
🥟 120 ml hot water (add gradually, you may not need all the water)
🥟 cornstarch or tapioca starch for dusting

🥟 Rolling machine and/or
🥟 rolling pin
🥟 7 or 8-cm ring cutter (optional)

How to make:

1) In a medium bowl, sift the flour. Add a teaspoon of salt, and mix well. Slowly add the hot water while stirring it with a chopstick or spatula, mix the flour and water until it becomes a shaggy dough consistency. 

2) After the dough is touchable and not too hot to hold, start to knead until the dough is smooth. Wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 1 hour.

3) Flour the working table with cornstarch/ tapioca starch. Place the dough on a floured surface and knead the dough with the heel of your hand, folding the dough into itself a few times. Divide the dough into four equal parts.

4) Working one part at a time, using a rolling pin, start to roll each part to flatten the dough before you roll it in a rolling machine. 

5) Working one part at a time, flatten the dough using a rolling machine, starting from the thickest until the thinnest (or second thinnest). Then cut the dough sheet using a ring cutter ( I use 8 cm in diameter). Alternatively, you can cut it into squares.
Do the same procedure for all the dough.

6) If you don't have a rolling pin, you can roll the dough into a long log (about 5 cm in diameter). Then cut the log about 2 cm thick. using a rolling pin, flatten each part until thin and become about 7-8 cm in diameter wide.

Now you have wonton/ dumpling wrappers ready to use.

How to keep the wonton/ dumpling wrapper.

Dust each sheet with cornstarch/ tapioca starch and stack every 20 sheets. 
Keep it in a ziplock bag. Store in refrigerator for up to 5 days, but better use them as soon as you make it.

Happy cooking.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Dumpling/ Wonton/ Shumai Wrapper. Make it at home. Easy recipe with video | Çitra's Home Diary. #homemadewontonwrapper #shumaiwrapper #resepkulitpangsit #dumplingwrapperrecipe

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

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Dumpling/ Wonton/ Shumai Wrapper. Make it at home. Easy recipe with video | Çitra's Home Diary. #homemadewontonwrapper #shumaiwrapper #resepkulitpangsit #dumplingwrapperrecipe

Apa kabar semuanya? Inshaallah sehat semua ya di tengah kondisi berbagai pandemi yang makin beragam. Belum tuntas pandemi Covid19, terakhir, akhir Maret kemarin saya dengar di Indonesia juga sedang melawan pandemi Hepatit.
Harus selalu menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan keluarga selalu ya moms. Jaga asupan untuk keluarga. Banyak berdoa agar keluarga terhindar dan terlindungi dari segala penyakit.

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Membuat sendiri kulit wonton/ pangsit/ shumai
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi ±50 pcs ( 7-8 cm)

🥟 250 gr tepung AP
🥟 1 sdt garam
🥟 120 ml air panas (ditambah secara bertahap)
🥟 tepung maizena atau tepung tapioka untuk taburan

🥟 Mesin penggulung dan/atau
🥟 Rolling pin/ penggiling manual
🥟 ring cutter diameter 7-8 cm (opsional, bisa dipotong kotak)

Cara membuat:

1) Ayak tepung kedalam baskom ulen. Tambahkan satu sendok teh garam, dan aduk rata. Tambahkan air panas sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk dengan sumpit atau spatula, campur tepung dan air hingga menjadi adonan bergumpal.

2) Setelah adonan tidak terlalu panas untuk dipegang, mulailah menguleni hingga adonan kalis. Bungkus dengan plastik wrap dan diamkan selama kurang lebih 1 jam.

3) Taburi meja kerja dengan tepung maizena/ tepung tapioka. Letakkan adonan di atas permukaan yang ditaburi tepung dan uleni ringan. Bagi adonan menjadi empat bagian yang sama.

4) Ambil satu bagian, dengan menggunakan rolling pin, gilas adonan menjadi lebih tipis, langkah ini lebih memudahkan sebelum digilas dengan mesin penggiling. 
Gilas dan pipihkan adonan menggunakan mesin gilas, mulai dari yang paling tebal sampai yang paling tipis (atau ketipisan kedua). Kemudian potong lembaran adonan menggunakan ring cutter ( saya menggunakan diameter 8 cm). Kamu bisa memotongnya bentuk kotak. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.

5) Jika tidak memiliki mesin giling, Kamu dapat menggulung adonan menjadi log panjang (diameter sekitar 5 cm). Kemudian potong log setebal 2 cm. Lalu gilas tipis dengan rolling pin manual hingga tipis dan diameternya menjadi sekitar 7-8 cm.

Kini kulit wonton/pangsit/dimsum siap digunakan.

Cara menyimpan bungkus pangsit/pangsit.

Taburi setiap lembar dengan tepung maizena/tepung tapioka dan tumpuk setiap 20 lembar.
Taruh dalam plastik ziplock. Simpan di lemari es hingga 5 hari, tetapi lebih baik gunakan segera setelah membuatnya.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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