Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Noodles are a type of food made from unleavened dough which is rolled flat and cut, stretched or extruded, into long strips or strings. Noodles can be refrigerated for short-term storage or dried and stored for future use. Noodles are usually cooked in boiling water, sometimes with cooking oil or salt added
Generally, noodles made from wheat flour and water. Salt is sometimes added, and cornstarch is sprinkled on fresh noodles to keep them from sticking together. Egg noodles or dan mian, occasionally flavored with shrimp and yellowish in color, are popular in southern China.
Other types of noodles made with rice flour (cellophane noodles/ vermicelli) or mung bean flour (glass noodles). Soba noodles made from buckwheat flour, wheat flour, and water.
Check my previous Spinach egg noodle for smuggling vegetables in your noodles and you will love the vibrant green color of it.
But if you want plain noodles, you can check my previous Chewy Homemade noodles here.
And today I will share egg noodles using beetroot for coloring the noodles. You can not taste the beetroot in it, it just gives a vibrant beautiful red color for your noodles. I bet your kids would love it!
Making this homemade noodles is amazingly easy. All you need is flour, beetroot, egg white, salt, and a pinch of baking soda. Baking soda will add a chewy texture and typical taste for your noodles after you boil it.Equipment.
The pasta rolling machine would very much help you because of the dough texture is hard, dry-look alike, so pasta rolling machine will help you for kneading process.
Important note:
The dough texture after you mix all ingredients should be hard, dry-look alike, but it should have all the flour come together, that's the right texture to get chewy noodles.
The "kneading" process will be at the rolling stage using a rolling pin or pasta machine that would be very helpful.
The dough texture after you mix all ingredients should be hard, dry-look alike, but it should have all the flour come together, that's the right texture to get chewy noodles.
The "kneading" process will be at the rolling stage using a rolling pin or pasta machine that would be very helpful.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make about 1.500 gr
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make about 1.500 gr
🥗 150 grams of beetroot, grated
🥗 3-4 tablespoons of water (plus if needed)
🥗 150 gr eggwhites
🥗 2 tsp of salt
🥗 1 tsp baking soda
🥗 675 gr All-purpose flour (plus if your dough still wet)
🥗 tapioca or corn starch to taste for sprinkling
1. Blend grated beetroot with 3-4 TBsp water until it's completely smooth. Weigh the beets puree and egg white to a total of 300 gr. You may add the egg white.
2. Put it in a large bowl, add flour, baking soda, and salt. Knead until all ingredients are well blended. Press hard until there is no flour that hasn't clotted. The dough does look hard and is rather dry but don't add more water.
3. Keep kneading by press hard the dough-use your strength, it doesn't need to be smooth, just all the flour has come together. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out. Then rest in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
4. Take the dough then cut it into 4 parts. work one part at a time (wrap tightly the other part), using a rolling pin or run over pasta machine (I recommend pasta machine) start to "knead" the dough.
Start from the thickest, roll it in several times. Initially, the dough will look rough, roll and fold neatly again and again until the sheets look smooth. See my picture above, (A) to (B).
This "kneading" step is important for making chewy and elastic noodles. Sprinkle with tapioca or corn starch during the rolling "kneading" process.
Do the same method to other parts until finish, wrap the noodle dough again in plastic wrap and rest for another 30 minutes.
5. Take 1 sheet, roll again several times. Sprinkle with tapioca or corn starch during the rolling process. At this stage, the noodle dough will be flexible and easier to handle. Roll to desired thickness, do not too thin.
Then cut the dough into noodle shape. I use a small size noodle cutting machine. Sprinkle the noodle again with tapioca/ cornstarch. Roll the finished noodles according to the desired portion. Let stand to aerated for few minutes before storing it in airtight zip-lock plastic.
Start from the thickest, roll it in several times. Initially, the dough will look rough, roll and fold neatly again and again until the sheets look smooth. See my picture above, (A) to (B).
This "kneading" step is important for making chewy and elastic noodles. Sprinkle with tapioca or corn starch during the rolling "kneading" process.
Do the same method to other parts until finish, wrap the noodle dough again in plastic wrap and rest for another 30 minutes.
5. Take 1 sheet, roll again several times. Sprinkle with tapioca or corn starch during the rolling process. At this stage, the noodle dough will be flexible and easier to handle. Roll to desired thickness, do not too thin.
Then cut the dough into noodle shape. I use a small size noodle cutting machine. Sprinkle the noodle again with tapioca/ cornstarch. Roll the finished noodles according to the desired portion. Let stand to aerated for few minutes before storing it in airtight zip-lock plastic.
Note: You can hang your noodle over the noodle hanger until it is slightly dry before keep in a zip-lock plastic. You can keep it up to 2 days.
How to cook the noodle:
Boil water in a big pot (about 2 lt) with 6-7 Tbsp oil. After the water is boiling add in some portion noodles as you need. Let it cook for only 1-2 minutes, DO NOT too long. Once you see noodles start to floating, drain immediately, and wash over running cold water.
You now have ready noodles to cook.
How to cook the noodle:
Boil water in a big pot (about 2 lt) with 6-7 Tbsp oil. After the water is boiling add in some portion noodles as you need. Let it cook for only 1-2 minutes, DO NOT too long. Once you see noodles start to floating, drain immediately, and wash over running cold water.
You now have ready noodles to cook.
Place the cooked noodle in a big bowl, sprinkle with vegetable oil and roughly toss them so all noodles are coated by oil.
Keep in an airtight container and use it within 3 days.
See my simple and quick fried noodles at the lower section.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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How to make simple and quick fried noodles.
🍜 1 bowl pre-boiled noodles above
🍜 sesame oil
🍜 salt
🍜 black pepper powder
🍜 sweet soy sauce
🍜 Some chicken cutlets
🍜 some eggs
🍜 some shallot, thinly sliced
🍜 some garlic, bruised and chopped
🍜 enough cooking oil
🍜 some vegetables eg. shredded cabbage, bean sprout
🍜 1 stalk of celery, chopped.
Place noodles in a medium bowl. Add some sesame oil, white/ black pepper powder, sweet soy sauce, and salt. Toss to combine, set aside.
Heat enough cooking oil in a wok/ dip pan. Stir fry chicken cutlets until it's changed in color. Set aside at the side of the pan. Crack an egg and scramble it, set aside with chicken at the side of the pan also.
Stir fry sliced shallot and crushed garlic until fragrant. Mix with chicken and eggs and continue to stir fry. Add some vegetables if using, like shredded cabbage and bean sprout and celery.
Add in noodles and toss few minutes until all well combined. Check the flavor, you may add some salt or pepper as your taste.
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Definisi mie adalah makanan yang terbuat dari adonan tidak beragi dari tepung gandum dicampur dengan air atau telur dan dibentuk menjadi lembaran atau berbagai bentuk, kemudian dimasak dengan cara direbus atau dipanggang.
Setelah sukses percobaan mie dari bayam beberapa waktu lalu. Terus coba bikin mie plain dari putih telur saja yang resepnya bisa dilihat disini.
kemarin saya dan si kecil bikin mie telor lagi. Iyaa... anak saya ini suka banget makan mie, tapi sukanya yang simple dan gak banyak bumbu. Biasanya saya bikin mie goreng kecap plus ayam cincang dan sedikit sayuran.
Kali ini bereksperimen bikin mie warna merah pakai putih telor saja, kebetulan sambil habisin stok putih telor yang lumayan banyak. Warna merahnya saya pakai buah bit, bahasa Turkinya pancar, mumpung lagi banyak dan murah. Buah bit disini biasanya dikonsumsi sebagai salad atau dimasak sayur sebagai side dish.
Kali ini bereksperimen bikin mie warna merah pakai putih telor saja, kebetulan sambil habisin stok putih telor yang lumayan banyak. Warna merahnya saya pakai buah bit, bahasa Turkinya pancar, mumpung lagi banyak dan murah. Buah bit disini biasanya dikonsumsi sebagai salad atau dimasak sayur sebagai side dish.
Yuk yang pengen bikin mie gonjreng warna merah ini.... cuss ke resep mie homemade pake buah bit a la saya ya...
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil kurleb 1,5 kg mie basah
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil kurleb 1,5 kg mie basah
🥗 150 gr buah bit, parut halus
🥗 3-4 sdm air (plus jika diperlukan)
🥗 150 gr putih telur
🥗 2 sdt garam
🥗 1 sdt baking soda
🥗 650 gr Terigu serba guna (plus jika adonan masih terasa basah)
🥗 tapioka atau pati jagung secukupnya untuk taburan
1. Blender buah bit dan sediikit air sampai benar-benar halus. Timbang pure buah bitnya dan telur sampai total 300 gr. Jika kurang bisa tambah air atau putih telur.
2. Taruh dalam mangkok besar, masukkan terigu, baking soda dan garam. Uleni hingga semua bahan tercampur rata. Tekan-tekan keras hingga tidak ada tepung yang belum bergumpal. Adonan memang terlihat keras dan agak kering tapi jangan tambah air lagi.
3. Uleni terus sambil ditekan-tekan kuat tidak perlu sampai kalis, cukup semua terigu sudah bergumpal. Bungkus rapat dengan plastik wrap agar tidak kering. lalu istirahatkan dalam lemari es kurleb 1 jam.
4. Ambil adonan mie lalu gilas hingga halus. saya gunakan mesin giling, mulai dari yang paling tebal. Lakukan dalam beberapa batch. Adonan awalnya akan terlihat kasar, gilas dan lipat rapi lagi berulang-ulang sampai lembarannya terlihat halus. İni penting untuk membuat mie kenyal dan kalis. Taburi tapioka atau pati jagung TİPİS-TİPİS SAJA selama proses menggilas.
Setelah semua adonan habis dan kalis/ halus, bungkus lagi lembaran adonan mie dengan plastik wrap dan istirahatkan kurleb 30 menit.
5. Ambil 1 lembar, gilas lagi beberapa kali. Taburi tapioka atau pati jagung TIPIS-TIPIS saja selama proses menggilas. Pada tahap ini adonan mie akan lentur dan mudah dibentuk tapi tidak mudah patah. Gilas sampai ketebalan yang diinginkan.
Lalu potong lembaran adonan sesuai selera. Saya gunakan mesin pemotong mie yang kecil. Taburi tapioka/ starch tipis-tipis. Gulung mie yang sudah jadi sesuai porsi yang diinginkan. Diamkan sambil diangin-anginkan beberapa lama sebelum disimpan dalam plastik ziplock kedap udara.
Cara memasak mie:
Rebus air yang cukup banyak, tambahkan 3-4 sdm minyak. Setelah air mendidih masukkan mie sesuai porsi yang diinginkan. Biarkan sampai mengapung, urai-urai mie dengan garpu/ sumpit lalu segera saring, jangan terlalu lama dalam air mendidih CUKUP SAMPAI MENGAPUNG SAJA.
Cuci dengan air mengalir. Mie siap digunakan.
Setelah semua adonan habis dan kalis/ halus, bungkus lagi lembaran adonan mie dengan plastik wrap dan istirahatkan kurleb 30 menit.
5. Ambil 1 lembar, gilas lagi beberapa kali. Taburi tapioka atau pati jagung TIPIS-TIPIS saja selama proses menggilas. Pada tahap ini adonan mie akan lentur dan mudah dibentuk tapi tidak mudah patah. Gilas sampai ketebalan yang diinginkan.
Lalu potong lembaran adonan sesuai selera. Saya gunakan mesin pemotong mie yang kecil. Taburi tapioka/ starch tipis-tipis. Gulung mie yang sudah jadi sesuai porsi yang diinginkan. Diamkan sambil diangin-anginkan beberapa lama sebelum disimpan dalam plastik ziplock kedap udara.
Cara memasak mie:
Rebus air yang cukup banyak, tambahkan 3-4 sdm minyak. Setelah air mendidih masukkan mie sesuai porsi yang diinginkan. Biarkan sampai mengapung, urai-urai mie dengan garpu/ sumpit lalu segera saring, jangan terlalu lama dalam air mendidih CUKUP SAMPAI MENGAPUNG SAJA.
Cuci dengan air mengalir. Mie siap digunakan.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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Homemade Chewy and springy Noodles (from egg white only) |
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