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Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)

 Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)| Çitra's Home Diary. #caramembuatcilok #tapiocarecipe #Indonesiansnack #endonezyamutfağı #cilok #Indonesianfoodrecipe

What is "cilok"?

Cilok (from Sundanese language), is an Indonesian ball-shaped dumpling made from aci (tapioca starch). 
It's a Sundanese snack originating from West Java, Indonesia. 
In Sundanese language, cilok is an abbreviation of aci dicolok or "poked tapioca", since the tapioca balls are poked with lidi  (skewer made from the midrib of the coconut palm frond).

Cilok balls are boiled until cooked or deep fried in ample cooking oil and might be served with peanut sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), sambal, or chili sauce.
The texture of cilok is quite chewy, its shape and texture are quite similar to Japanese dango, although almost all cilok variants are savory compared to sweet dango.

Cilok is a popular street snack, usually sold by traveling vendors using carts or bicycles frequenting residential areas, marketplace, busy street-side, or stationed in front of a school. The chewy tapioca balls with savory peanut sauce are a popular snack among Indonesian school children

Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)| Çitra's Home Diary. #caramembuatcilok #tapiocarecipe #Indonesiansnack #endonezyamutfağı #cilok #Indonesianfoodrecipe

From street food snacks, that becomes more and more popular these few years. It is made of mixed tapioca starch and flour, garlic, and some spices. Add then knead with hot boiling water/ broth and shape marble-like shape. 

Cook over boiling water. Enjoy it with a spicy peanut sauce and kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce) and enjoy. It's a typical West Javanese food.

Many new variants after getting popular from "kampung" (village/ alley) food until becoming restaurant menus now. You can find it full vegan version to non-vegan version. Some fill/mix with meat.

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Cilok / Indonesian chewy tapioca ball in peanut sauce recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary


🍡 300 gr (1 ¾ cup) tapioca starch
🍡 250  gr (1 ½ cup)  AP flour (less AP flour for chewier, reduce the water/ broth)
🍡 2-3 spring onions, finely chopped
🍡 5-6 cloves of garlic, puree/mashed 
🍡 2 tsp Salt or to taste
🍡 1 tsp white/ black Pepper
🍡 ½ tsp coriander powder--> optional
🍡 ±1 ¼ cup hot broth/water. Adding gradually
🍡 1 tbsp oil

To serve:
🍡 Peanut sauce. See this post on how to make it or you can use satay peanut sauce.
🍡 Kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
🍡 Hot chili sauce (or sambal uleg), optional
🍡 lemon juice

How to make:

1) In a bowl, mix together AP flour and tapioca starch flour. Add the spices; salt, white/ black pepper powder, coriander powder, mashed garlic, and chopped spring onion. Mix it well.

2) Make a hole in the middle, GRADUALLY add hot broth (or water) while mixing it with a wooden spoon. Mix until the dough is warm enough to touch, then start to knead with your hand. Knead until all incorporated and shapeable. It should not too much tacky in your hand.
Note: add 1 cup of the hot broth 1st so you will not end up with too wet dough.
tips: If you accidentally add too much wet, add more flour and tapioca.

3) Boil about 2 lt of water in a pan. 
Shape the dough into small balls until all the dough finishes. Cook the tapioca balls in boiling water until they float. After the tapioca balls float, let them cook for another 5-6 minutes until it gets cooked through. 
How to check if the ball is cooked, cut it in the middle, it should have an almost transparent inside, NOT milky white.

4) Using a slotted spoon remove the balls from the pan into a bowl with water. It helps to remove excess starch before draining the balls.
Serve the "cilok" with peanut sauce, lemon juice, sweet soy sauce, and chili sauce if you like.


Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)| Çitra's Home Diary. #caramembuatcilok #tapiocarecipe #Indonesiansnack #endonezyamutfağı #cilok #Indonesianfoodrecipe

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

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Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)| Çitra's Home Diary. #caramembuatcilok #tapiocarecipe #Indonesiansnack #endonezyamutfağı #cilok #Indonesianfoodrecipe

a la: Çitra's Home Diary


🍡 300 gr (1 ¾ gelas) tepung tapioka
🍡 250  gr (1 ½ gelas)  tepung terigu
🍡 2-3 daun bawang, iris halus
🍡 5-6 siung bawang putih, haluskan
🍡 2 sdt garam (atau sesuai selera)
🍡 1 sdt merica bubuk
🍡 ½sdt ketumbar bubuk (opsional)
🍡 ±1 ¼ gelas kaldu daging (atau air) panas
🍡 1 sdm minyak

🍡 Saus kacang. resep bisa dilihat disini. Kali ini saya pakai bumbu sate.
🍡 Kecap manis 
🍡 saus sambal
🍡 perasan jeruk limau/ lemon

Cara membuat:

1) Campur tapioka dan terigu dalam mangkok besar. Masukkan garam, merica dan bubuk ketumbar. Bawang putih halus dan irisan daun bawang, aduk rata. Buat lubang ditengahnya.

2) Masukkan kaldu panas-panas (bisa juga pakai air panas), sambil diaduk dengan sendok kayu/ spatula. Penambahan Kaldu panas secara bertahap ya, jangan dimasukkan dulu semuanya. Saya tuang perlahan 1 gelas dahulu.
Lalu pelan-pelan uleni dengan tangan, hati-hati karena agak panas. Uleni hingga semua tercampur rata dan bisa dipulung,  tidak lengket ditangan.

3) Sementara itu didihkan air kurleb 2 lt.
Ambil adonan dan bentuk bulat hingga habis. Masak dalam air mendidih sampai bulatan cilok mengapung. Setelah mengapung saya biarkan masak lagi kurang lebih 5 menit untuk memastikan bagian dalamnya matang.
Jika cilok dibelah, bagian tengah sudah tidak berwarna putih susu lagi, cenderung transparan.

4) Angkat dari panci lalu pindahkan kedalam mangkok berisi air agar cilok tidak terlalu lengket. Baru ditiriskan dan disajikan.
Saj,kan dengan bumbu kacang, kecap manis dan saus sambal jika suka. Bisa ditambah perasan jeruk lemon jika suka.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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