♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

My ultimate Turkish bagel; Simit Recipe / Resep Simit Khas Turki

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Selam..Merhaba from Türkey everybody

Simit....is  Turkish style bagel. 
Famous among all Turkish people or people who had visited Turkey. İt's very difficult to turn your head and did not find this- round, chewy inside, cover with sesame- bread. 
You can find it easily in every corner or mobile seller in Istanbul's street or any street all around Turkey.
I can say this bagel is Turkish's signature. Write this on your "must try" list when you plan to visit Turkey 😊

Every kid grew up with this simit. Every adult will miss this simit while they were away from their homeland. People can eat it almost every day, every morning, every afternoon with a glass of hot Turkish tea or cold ayran (Turkish yogurt drink).
This is one of fast-food breakfasts for busy workers or students in hurry to school.

Image result for abdal simit fırını kuyruk
One of famous simit seller in Bursa. 
They use big stone oven to bake their simit and other meal.

İn Bursa-city I am living, there is one very old and famous simit bakery near my neighborhood called "Abdal simit fırını". Located in historical Abdal square in Bursa.
Contact me if you are visiting Bursa ya 😃
Fırın means oven in Turkish. They bake and sell simit more than a couple of decades. The unique taste and flavor of simit come from the stone oven which mostly local bakery here use.
Me and family often spent our weekend eating simit from this bakery. You are lucky if you didn't find long queuing in front of this old bakery 😊

But... okay... while you save your money and prepare your luggage to Turkey... how about experience this simit 1st at your kitchen?
Don't worry.. it taste same as in here 😊

As I mentioned above, finding this simit here is simple as finding your cell phone 😊. But I often bake for my family during a weekend or if there would be a family gathering at our house. 
This recipe I got during my free cooking class held by the local government a few years ago. 
Believe me.. you should try this also 👍

You can find my other simit recipe here too. Both recipes worked just well. Many of my readers and friends rebake that recipe and they love it!

Serve as breakfast or brunch, with butter, white cheese or any kind of cheese you love, olive and cherry tomatoes or cucumber as salad. Or simply dip into olive oil herb with thyme....Hmmm...yummy 😤👍

Turkish bagel; Simit Recipe
By : Çitra's Home Diary

Make 4 simit (double the recipe for more yield)
300 g whole wheat flour
 155 g  water warm water or milk
 1 tsp (5 g) instant yeast
 2 tbsp (30 g) oil
 2 tsp sugar 
 1 tsp salt
For topping:
 4 Tbsp molasses (*see note)
 ½ cup water
 roasted sesame seeds

Note: If you don't have molasses you can use honey or maple syrup.

How to make:

1) Place water in a bowl, sprinkle sugar and dry yeast over the water then stir to dissolve. Let it rest about 5 to 10 minutes until it bubbly. This step also can check whether your yeast is still active or not. İf you didn't see any bubbling after resting time, you should try with other new yeast.

2) After yeast active add flour, salt, and oil and start to knead until dough is elastic and smooth. İt won't stick on your finger and when you push the dough it will spring back. Round it like a ball and rest over a lightly grease bowl. Cover with plastic wrap or damp napkin until double the size. The time depends on your room temperature.

3) Punch the dough to remove air, and divide the dough into 4 (or 5) equal part, shape each like a ball. Work one ball at a time; using your palm roll the dough into long log shape (about 55 cm long). Fold the log in the middle then twist them make like rope. Attach two side each other and shape it like a big ring. You can see my illustration to see how to shape simit.

4) Dip or brush simit dough with molasses mixture then dip into toasted sesame seeds until all sides covered with it. Arrange on a prepared baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover loosely with a kitchen towel and let it rest for about 20-30 minutes.

5) Preheat oven at 180 to 190℃. İf you have a stone oven it's even better! . Bake your simit for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Note: Adjust your heat and baking time according to your own oven condition.

Serve them warm is better.

İf you have leftovers, just wrap and keep them in the freezer. Anytime you want to enjoy it simply warm it up over 160℃ for few minutes without defrost it 1st.

Enjoy and happy baking 💟

⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓  PİN THİS FOR MAKİNG LATER ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓  


Assalamu'alaykum.........Merhaba dari Türki semua 👋

Simit atau bagel khas Turki. Salah satu makanan yang menjadi signature food Turki. Mulai timur ke barat, desa hingga kota, makanan ini mudah dijumpai di hampir tiap sudut. 

"Fast food" dipagi hari bagi pekerja yg bergegas tanpa sarapan di rumah. Murah bagi para pelajar yg cepat-cepat ke sekolah. Biasa dijajakan dari "fırın" (toko roti fresh dengan oven batu) oleh para penjual dengan gerobak atau dipanggul diatas kepala memenuhi kebutuhan sarapan pagi super kilat bagi orang Turki.

Mendapatkan simit disini sangat gampang, tiap sudut jalan ada. Tapi kadang saya membuatnya sendiri di rumah. Selain ekonomis, misi saya untuk berusaha menyajikan homemade untuk keluarga. 
I bake with 💟 so I will get more💝 😍 Setuju nggak moms? 😏

Seperti kebanyakan bagel yang lain, simit ini mempunyai tekstur yang garing diluar tapi lembut agak liat di bagian dalamnya. Cocok untuk sarapan atau brunch. Biasanya simit ini disajikan bersama olesan mentega, dinikmati dengan (berbagai macam) keju dan buah zaitun. Bisa juga dioles selai buah ataupun coklat, sesuai selera aja.
Kalau saya sukanya simple aja.. dicelup dalam minyak zaitun yang udah dicampur thyme kering.... hmmm... enak pokoknya moms 😤

Yuuk moms.. yang pengen nyobain simit..bagel khas Turki.. bahannya mudah didapat kok.
Kalau mau yang versi pakai telur bisa juga di lihat di postingan terdahulu saya disini.... Tapi dua-duanya enak kok...tergantung selera saja.
Saya pribadi sering baking yang ini.. 😏

Resep Simit (Turkish Bagel)
By: @citra_homediary

 155 gr air hangat (bisa diganti susu)
 1 sdt ragi instant
 2 sdt gula
 300 gr terigu serba guna
 1 sdt garam
 2 sdm (30 gr) minyak goreng

untuk topping:
 4 sdm molasses (*lihat note)
 ½ gelas air
 biji wijen secukupnya

*Molasses adalah gula tetes yg diproduksi dari proses pemurnian gula mentah. Disini Molasses biasanya dibuat dari buah2an misal anggur.
Bisa diganti dengan  madu.

Cara membuat:

1) Larutkan ragi dan gula dalam air (atau susu), aduk dan diamkan hingga berbusa.

2) Campurkan ke dalam terigu, garam dan masukkan minyak. Uleni hingga kalis dan elastis. Tutup dengan serbet hingga mengembang dua kali lipat.

3) Bagi adonan menjadi 4 atau 5 bagian. Gilas dng telapak tangan saja (dipilin), memanjang seperti tali (kurleb 55 cm an), lipat tepat tengah lalu pilin menjadi seperti tali tambang . Lalu bentuk melingkar seperti cincin dan lekatkan kedua ujungnya.

4) Celupkan ke larutan molasses lalu lumuri dengan wijen. Atur diatas baking paper dan beri jarak satu sama lain agar tidak lengket ketika dipanggang.

5) Tutup dengan serbet bersih dan diamkan kurleb 30 mnt atau sampai mengembang. 

6) Panaskan oven suhu 180-190℃ sebelumnya. Panggang simit kurleb 20-25 menit atau sampai matang kecoklatan.
Note: waktu dan suhu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.


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