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Strawberry Cheese Panna Cotta and Sunday's Election in Turkey

Merhaba from Turkiye everyone...
Today 7 June 2015... happy voting day for Turkiye...

Political wind warmly blows since these last few weeks before the peak of the general election day (genel seçim) 2015 last week. Everyone talked about politics and possibilities after elections later. From çay bahçesi / tea house(where Turkish people drink tea) nearly stand every inch in area where I lived, until at offices (at least at public offices that I know).

It seems everyone here is very concerned about politics and government, including my husband. He also got "political fever" like any body else.  Every evening after work, He watched all politic channel, from one channel to another .... ppffff ... I can not even watch my favorite show!

Well ... today the people of Turkish have fulfilled their rights in the election booths .... 
The result of Sunday's general election is a major blow to the biggest party now (AK Party), which has failed, for the first time since it came to power in 2002, to obtain enough votes to form a single-party government, although it is still the party that received the most votes.Well .... I only follow the news here. I'm not voter because I am not Turkish citizen ... Just wait and see where the political wind blows...But I found an interesting unique quote ...

EmilysQuotes.Com - politics, against, kill, people, destroy, planet, being a good person, morality, nature, unknown

anywaayyy....enough about what makes hot in this fresh summer in Turkey.... Let's talk about something cooler..something delightful and yummy... yes... I made Strawberry cheese panna cotta for our weekend dessert at home.
Before stawberry season ending soon... I still grab some of it from farmer market last week. Some I made this yummy Strawberry Cheese Panna Cotta, and some I will make simply strawberry hand pie later (it's a plan *_*)

Ingredients A:
  • 300 gr Strawberry, cut into small chunks
  • 400 gr cream cheese
  • 80 gr fine sugar (you might add more according to your liking)
With blender process all ingredients A until smooth, then strain, discard strawberry seed. If you like slightly coarse texture with strawberry seeds you may skip this stage. Set aside.

Ingredients B:
  • 2 1/2 tsp gelatine powder
  • 100 ml whole milk
  • 75 ml heavy cream
Evenly sprinkle gelatin powder over milk. Let stand until fluffy (it take at least 5 minutes).
Heat heavy cream until almost boiling and pour into milk-gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin completely dissolved.

Tip: If the gelatin is still undissolved, heat over low heat, stirring constantly just until dissolved. Immediately remove from the heat.

Pour the gelatin solution into strawberry-cheese mixture and stir well.
Then pour into serving glasses / bowl equally. Chill in the refrigerator until set.

Ingredients for strawberry compote:
  • 400 g fresh strawberries, halved
  • 100 gr sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon water
Heat all ingredients over medium heat until boiling. Stir gently once in a while-do not break the strawberries. Refrigerate until ready.
Serve the panna cotta with strawberry compote.

Serve 5 porsi 
Waktu persiapan: kurang lebih 15 menit
Waktu memasak: kurang lebih 45 menit.
proses pendinginan: minim 1 jam
Total waktu dibutuhkan: 2 jam

Bahan A:
  • 300 gr Strawberry, potong kecil
  • 400 gr krim keju
  • 80 gr gula pasir halus (bisa ditambah atau dikurangi sesuai selera)
Blender semua bahan A hingga halus, lalu saring, buang isi strawberry. Jika ingin tekstur dengan biji strawberry, skip tahapan saring ini. Sisihkan.

Bahan B:
  • 2 1/2 sdt gelatin bubuk
  • 100 ml susu cair
  • 75 ml krim kental
Taburkan merata gelatin bubuk pada susu cair. Diamkan hingga mengembang (kurleb 5 menit). 
Panaskan krim kental hingga hampir mendidih lalu tuangkan pada campuran susu-gelatin, aduk rata hingga gelatin larut sempurna.

Tip: Jika gelatin masih terlihat belum larut, panaskan diatas api sangat kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga larut saja. Segera angkat dari api begitu gelatin larut.

Tuang larutan gelatin ke dalam campuran strawberry, aduk rata.
Tuang rata ke gelas saji / mangkok puding sama rata. Dinginkan dalam lemari es.

Bahan strawberry compote:
  • 400 gr strawberry, belah dua
  • 100 gr gula pasir (atau sesuai selera manisnya)
  • 1 sdm air
Panaskan semua bahan diatas api sedang hingga mendidih. Jangan diaduk terlalu sering agar strawbeery tidak hancur. Dinginkan.

Hidangkan panna cotta dengan strawberry compote.


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