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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.
Cheesecake is the most repeatable cake I bake in these 6 years. Since I baked first time for my husband at early year our marriage, he fell in love with it. I'm big fan of cheesecake, especially cotton soft one like this Japanese style cheesecake.
Different from New York style, this cheesecake has very light cottony texture. The topping and can be vary start from lemon curd until your favorite jam. Please do check my other cheesecake posts to see the variation here.
And my post today is Japanese cotton light cheesecake with matcha (green tea) marble. The recipe I adapted from Diana Dessert's with minor adjustment using matcha marble. Original recipe using 8" round baking pan, but here I use 9" (about 24 cm in diameter) fixed base pan. Next time I will use 8" for taller cheesecake. Just need to lightly grease and line the side of pan with baking paper/ parchment paper few cm higher than the pan.
This time I grease the bottom and side of my 9'' fixed base pan and line with parchment paper. I bake this cheesecake with water bath method as original recipe calls, but I put low and small rack over water bath pan so the bottom of my baking pan barely touch the water. Well.... I pour hot water maybe not more than half cm high from my baking pan's bottom side. See the illustration below.
If you use removable pan, it's important to line the outside of pan with double heavy duty aluminum foil, or few sheet thinner aluminum foil to make sure no water seep into your cheesecake during water bath baking.
Another note, to prevent sudden change of temperature that may cause the cake to shrink drastically, you should let the cake cold down inside the oven with ajar. But actually It’s normal for Japanese cheesecake that will shrink about ½ inch after cooling, don't be alert.
Adapted from Diana Dessert's with minor adjustment adding matcha for marble effect. You can replace matcha powder with cocoa powder for chocolate marble.
Make one 8" pan (I use 9" fixed base pan)
Ingredients:- 6 egg whites ( I use medium size egg 72 g with shell)
- 6 egg yolks ( I use medium size egg 72 g with shell)
- 140 g/5 oz. fine granulated sugar
- ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
- 50 g/2 oz. unsalted butter
- 250 g/9 oz. cream cheese
- 100 ml/3 fluid oz. fresh milk ( I use full fat milk)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice (I took the zest also about 1 tsp)
- 60 g/2 oz. cake flour /superfine flour ( I use AP flour)
- 20 g/1 oz. cornflour (cornstarch)
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 tsp matcha powder (optional)
- few drops matcha paste or green food color (optional)
1) Over a double boiler melt cream cheese, butter and milk . Cool the mixture. Sift in the flour, cornflour and salt. Whisk in egg yolks, lemon juice and zest. Mix well and set a side.
2) Pre heat oven at 160°C (325 degrees F). Lightly grease and line the bottom and sides of 8" round pan baking paper/parchment paper. I use 9" round fixed base pan. Prepare also bigger pan for water bath pan. Here I put low, small rack over it but this step optional for you. Get ready hot water for water bath baking later.
3) In clean, free greased big bowl, beat the egg whites and cream of tar tar until foamy. You can beat with a stand mixer or handheld mixer. Add in the sugar in 3 batches and whisk until soft peaks form. The meringue should looks shiny. (see image of how the meringue has soft peak below.)
4) Take ⅓ meringue and fold into yolk-cheese mixture, fold gently. Then fold in another ⅓ of meringue. I use balloon whisk for loosen a bit the meringue and easier folding in this 1st and 2nd fold (BUT DO NOT STIR or YOU WILL DEFLATE THE MERINGUE). After incorporated, pour the batter back to the remaining ⅓ meringue and fold with rubber spatula. FOLD GENTLY and make sure scrape the bottom part of the bowl to perfectly fold.

3) In clean, free greased big bowl, beat the egg whites and cream of tar tar until foamy. You can beat with a stand mixer or handheld mixer. Add in the sugar in 3 batches and whisk until soft peaks form. The meringue should looks shiny. (see image of how the meringue has soft peak below.)

4) Take ⅓ meringue and fold into yolk-cheese mixture, fold gently. Then fold in another ⅓ of meringue. I use balloon whisk for loosen a bit the meringue and easier folding in this 1st and 2nd fold (BUT DO NOT STIR or YOU WILL DEFLATE THE MERINGUE). After incorporated, pour the batter back to the remaining ⅓ meringue and fold with rubber spatula. FOLD GENTLY and make sure scrape the bottom part of the bowl to perfectly fold.
5) Additional step for making marble. Take about 1 cup of the batter, place in small bowl, fold in 1 tsp matcha powder and matcha paste (or green color), fold nicely to combine well. Pour half part of white batter into prepared pan, dollop half green batter in some places. Dollop again with white batter over those green dollops. Repeat same method with remaining green batter then pour all white batter over it. Use knife or chopstick to make marble pattern by run it with circle motion over the batter. Bang few time the pan on your working table to remove any air bubbles.
6) Bake cheesecake in a water bath for 1 hours 10 minutes or until set and golden brown at 160°C (325°F).
My Note:
I bake my cheesecake at lower rack at 160°C about 15 minute, then I lower the temperature to 150°C and continue to bake about 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Test with skewer inserted in middle of cake, if it comes out clean and dry you are done.
Check your cheesecake once in while. If you notice quick brown on it surface, you need to cover it with aluminum sheet to prevent further browning.
The cake will be more delicious after refrigerate it (with or without the cake tin) for at least 3 hours or overnight.
1) Lelehkan krem keju, butter dan susu dengan cara doble boil. Sisihkan hingga dingin suhu ruang. Lalu masukkan terigu, maizena dan garam sambil diayak, aduk dengan whisk hingga rata. Lalu campurkan kuning telur, perasan jeruk lemon dan parutan kulit lemonnya juga (zest), aduk hingga halus dengan whisk.
6) Panggang cheesecake pada suhu 160°C (325°F) selama 1 jam 10 menit atau samapi permukaannya keemasan.
7. Setelah matang, buka pintu oven sedikit dan biarkan cheesecake di dalam oven hingga suhu ruang.
Assalamu'alaikum...Merhaba dari Turkey
Resep Japanese Cheesecake ini saya adaptasi dari blog nya Diana Dessert dengan sedikit modifikasi dan penambahan efek marmer dengan matcha / green tea. Efek marble tentu saja optional, bisa pakai atau tidak. Bisa juga mengganti dengan mocca pasta atau bubuk kakao untuk efek marble cokelat.
Resep asli menggunakan loyang ukuran 8", tapi kali ini saya menggunakan loyang ukuran 9" (sekitar 24 cm). Lain kali pengen pakai loyang 8" saja agar cake terlihat tinggi. Olesi loyang bagian bawah dan sisi dengan margarin lalu alasi dengan baking paper. Pastikan baking paper bagian sisi lebih tinggi dari loyang.
Untuk proses water bath baking, saya siapkan loyang yang lebih besar dari loyang untuk cheesecake dan saya letakkan semacam rak pendek kecil untuk alas loyang agar tidak loyang cheesecake tidak banyak tercelup air. Tapi tetap saja ya jika pakai loyang bongkar pasang, bungkus bagian luar loyang beberapa lapis dengan aluminium foil agar air tidak merembes masuk ke dalam loyang cheesecake.
- 6 kuning telur ( saya gunakan ukuran sedang dng berat 72 gr termasuk kulit)
- 6 putih telur ( saya gunakan ukuran sedang dng berat 72 gr termasuk kulit)
- 140 g/5 oz. gula pasir halus
- ¼ sdt cream of tartar
- 50 g/2 oz. mentega
- 250 g/9 oz. cream cheese
- 100 ml/3 fluid oz. susu ( saya gunakan susu full fat)
- 1 sdm perasan jeruk limau/ lemon (saya ambil zest nya juga sekitar 1 sdt)
- 60 g/2 oz. tepung cake /superfine flour ( saya gunakan terigu serba guna)
- 20 g/1 oz. pati jagung (misal maizena)
- ¼ sdt garam
- 1 sdt matcha/ green tea bubuk (optional)
- beberapa tetes pasta matcha atau pewarna hijau (optional)
1) Lelehkan krem keju, butter dan susu dengan cara doble boil. Sisihkan hingga dingin suhu ruang. Lalu masukkan terigu, maizena dan garam sambil diayak, aduk dengan whisk hingga rata. Lalu campurkan kuning telur, perasan jeruk lemon dan parutan kulit lemonnya juga (zest), aduk hingga halus dengan whisk.
2) Sementara itu panaskan oven suhu 160°C (325 degrees F). Siapkan loyang ukuran 8", oles bagian bawah dan sisinya dengan margarin dan alasi dengan baking paper, pastikan kertas baking dibagian sisi lebih tinggi dai loyang. Saya gunakan loyang ukuran 9". Siapkan juga loyang lebih besar untuk proses water bath. Disini saya pasang juga rak pendek agar tidak terlalu banyak bagian bawah loyang cheesecake menyentuh air. Jika menggunakan loyang bongkar pasang, bungkus bagian lura loyang cheesecake dengan beberapa lapis aluminium foil agar tidak merembes ke dalam cake.
3) Kocok putih telur dalam mangkok yang bersih bersam krim tar tar hingga berbusa. Lalu masukkan gula pasir halus dalam 3 tahap. Lanjutkan mengocok hingga meringue mencapai soft peak seperti gambar di bawah.
4) Masukkan ⅓ bagian meringue kedalam campuran kuning telur, aduk balik. Masukkan lagi ⅓ bagian dan aduk balik hingga rata. Lalu tuang campuran ke dalam mangkok sisa meringue dan aduk balik hingga rata. Mencanpur meringue (putih telur) dan kuning telur harus menggunakan teknik aduk balik, yaitu dengan spatula kaup bagian bawah loyang dan balik ke bagian atas, demikina hingga tercampur rata.

3) Kocok putih telur dalam mangkok yang bersih bersam krim tar tar hingga berbusa. Lalu masukkan gula pasir halus dalam 3 tahap. Lanjutkan mengocok hingga meringue mencapai soft peak seperti gambar di bawah.

4) Masukkan ⅓ bagian meringue kedalam campuran kuning telur, aduk balik. Masukkan lagi ⅓ bagian dan aduk balik hingga rata. Lalu tuang campuran ke dalam mangkok sisa meringue dan aduk balik hingga rata. Mencanpur meringue (putih telur) dan kuning telur harus menggunakan teknik aduk balik, yaitu dengan spatula kaup bagian bawah loyang dan balik ke bagian atas, demikina hingga tercampur rata.
5) Jika ingin membuat efek marmer, ambil adonan sekitar 1 cup dan campur dengan 1 sdt bubuk matcha dan pasta matcha, aduk balik hingga rata.
Tuang sebagian adonan putih ke dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan, lalu sendokkan sebagian adonan hijau di beberap bagian diatas bagian putih. Tuag adonan putih lagi dan tuangi adonan hijau lagi di beberap bagian. Terakhir tuang semua adonan putih. Buat efek marmer menggunakan pisau atau sumpit. Lalu perlahan hentakkan loyang untuk mengeluarkan udara yang mungkin ada dalam adonan.
6) Panggang cheesecake pada suhu 160°C (325°F) selama 1 jam 10 menit atau samapi permukaannya keemasan.
My Note:
saya panggang cheesecake di rak paling bawah pada suhu 160°C kurleb 15 mnt, lalu saya turunkan suhu menjadi 150°C dan lanjutkan memanggang sekitar 1 jam, 40 mnt. Lakukan tes tusuk.
Selama memanggang, selalu periksa cake jika permukaan terlihat berwarna coklat sebelum matang, segera tutupi dengan aluminium foil agar tidak terlalu coklat/ gosong,
Cheesecake akan lebih enak jika disimpan terlebih dahulu dalam lemari es minimum 3 jam atau semalaman.
Selamat mencoba. Happy baking.
This cheesecake is so beautiful and unique. Unlike most cheesecakes this looks so light!
ReplyDeleteThis look so lovely and creative. You always have the best dessert recipes Citra thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteThis looks divine! I can totally see from your pictures how different the texture of this cheesecake is from a typical NY style cheesecake. That lightness looks lovely, almost like a chiffon cake? The green swirl is awesome too!
ReplyDelete-Julie @ Texan New Yorker
thank you is lighter and has cotton soft crumb. Almost like sponge cake (almost) but lighter and more creamy.
DeleteThis is so pretty! I love the variations you provide on recipes like this one. :o)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a wonderfully unique cake, it looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a cheesecake like this. It's so pretty and unique! I would love to make it sometime.