Selam Everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.
Tongseng is goat meat, mutton, or beef stew dish in curry-like soup with cabbage and kecap manis (sweet soy sauce). Tongseng is commonly found in Indonesian region of Central Java; from Surakarta to Yogyakarta. However, it is believed that dish was originated from Klego district in Boyolali, Central Java. Traditionally, tongseng is considered as the merge between satay and gulai.
The soup of tongseng is similar to gulai soup, however gulai is cooked without sweet soy sauce while tongseng mostly appears in brownish gold colour because of the addition of sweet soy sauce. Gulai usually uses beef's offal while tongseng usually only uses meat (goat, mutton or beef).
Today, tongseng is a common dish in Javanese cities of Boyolali, Surakarta (Solo), Klaten, and Yogyakarta, thus most of tongseng sellers hailed from those towns. The dish is also can be found in Indonesian major cities, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. Tongseng sellers usually marketed themselves as Warung Sate Solo, a warung or small modest restaurant that specialized in offering satay, tongseng and gulai as their main fare.
The term tongseng derived from Javanese term osengan which refer to "stir frying" to describes its cooking method. It also refer to the "seng" friction sounds of metal frying spoon against metal wok.
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Traditional Tongseng Seller (photo credit;Wikipedia) |
After the boiled mixture reduces, shredded cabbages and sliced tomato are added to add fresh and crisp texture. Slices of bird's eye chili might be added for those who prefer extra hot and spicy tongseng soup.
Tongseng is usually served with hot steamed rice. Some versions are prepared using coconut milk, while some prefer without coconut milk, like what I am going to share today.
Tongseng recipe (without coconut milk).
Serve 5 sharing
- ±600 gr lamb/ mutton/ beef meat (today I use beef), cut into chunk
- 2 pcs daun salam (Indonesian bay leaves)
- 2 cm galangal, lightly smash
- 3 kaffir lime leaves
- 1 lemongrass, lightly smash
- 10~15 birdeye chili, whole (spiciness depends on your prefer)
- 1~2 tomatoes, crescent cut
- about 200 g cabbage, roughly shredded
- 3 Tbsp kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
- 2 tsp salt or to taste
- ± 4 tbsp cooking oil
- 5 red chilies
- 6 shallots
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 4 candlenuts
- ±1 tsp white/black peppercorn
- ±2 cm fresh turmeric (or 1 tsp powdered turmeric)
- ±2 cm fresh ginger (or 1 tsp powdered ginger)
- 1 tsp coriander seeds (or 1 tsp powdered coriander)
1) In a wok or big pan, heat 4 tbsp cooking oil. Saute grounded spices, lemongrass, daun salam, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, and birdeye chilies until aromatic and looks oily (the spice puree separated from oil).
2) Stir in the meat and continue to stir fry until meat change pale color. Add about 500 ml (2 cups) hot water and cover the wok/ pan with the lid and let it cook until meat gets tender. Check once in a while maybe you need to add more water if the meat not yet tender but the gravy almost dry.
3) After meat gets tender, add another ±500 ml hot water. Add in sweet soy sauce and salt, check the taste. This meal should has savory and light sweetness from the sweet soy sauce. Continue to cook until boiling again.
You may add the tomatoes and shredded cabbage just before serving while the stew is hot.
Serve it warm with slice of lime / lemon or pickle (see how to make below). Enjoy it with rice or lontong / ketupat (rice cake).
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Pickles |
- 2 medium carrot, cut matchstick
- 2 medium cucumber, cored and cut matchstick
- 6~7 shallot, halved
- few birdeye chilli
- ½ Tbsp salt
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 1 ½ Tbsp white vinegar
- 1 Tbsp water
Mix and toss all ingredients and keep in jar with a lid.
Assalamu'alaikum....Merhaba dari Turki
Siapa yang tidak tahu tongseng. Yang dari Jawa Tengah pasti sudah sangat familiar dengan hidangan daging berkuah ini. Karena memang asal makanan ini dari daerah Klego di Boyolali. Saya orang Surabaya, baru pertama kali makan tongseng sekitar tahun 2000an pas tinggal dan bekerja di Jakarta.
Ibu saya tidak pernah masak tongseng ini, seringnya gule kambing berempah yang sudah tersohor kelezatannya hingga ke anak cucu hingga sekarang... hehehehe.. (^,^)
Kesan pertama pas makan tongseng ini adalah sensasi rasa perpaduan antara gule dan sate. Ya, dari sejarahnya memang tongseng ini dibuat dari perpaduan antara sate dan gule.
Nah, kali ini pengen nyoba bikin tongseng sendiri di rumah. Walau tidak terlalu "nge-fans" dengan tongseng tapi bolehlah sekali-kali bernostalgia lewat lidah dan melepas kangen tanah air lewat kuliner khas Jateng ini.
Resep ini saya dapat dari Ibunya teman saya yang orang Klaten, mbak Endang. Ibunya mbak Endang biasa bikin tongseng seperti biasanya Ibu saya memasak gule itu, jadi tersohornya hampir sama-sampai ke anak cucu... (^,^). Kata mbak Endang (via WA), resepnya bisa dipakein santan, bisa juga tanpa santan.
Matur suwun sanget buat Mbak Endang dan Ibu buat resepnya.
Bahan: (untuk 5~6 porsi)
- ±600 gr daging sapi / kambing, iris/ potong sesuai selera
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 2 cm lengkuas/ laos, geprak
- 3 lembar daun jeruk
- 1 batang sereh, geprak
- 10~15 biji cabe rawit, potong serong atau utuh (resep aslinya tidak pakai, karena Ibunya mbk Endang suka pakein sambel ntar pas dihidangkan)
- 1~2 buah tomat
- ±200 gr kol, iris kasar
- 2~3 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
- 3 sdm kecap manis
- ±4 sdm minyak goreng
- 5 biji cabe merah
- 6 siung bawang merah
- 6 siung bawang putih
- 4 biji kemiri
- ±1 sdt merica butir
- ±2 cm kunyit (bisa pakai 1 sdt kunyit bubuk)
- ±2 cm jahe (atau 1 sdt jahe bubuk)
- ±1 sdt ketumbar (atau 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk)
Cara memasak:
1) Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus bersama daun salam, daun jeruk, sereh, lengkuas dan cabe rawit hingga harum dan berminyak. Masukkan potongan daging, aduk aduk hingga merata, masak hingga daging berubah warna.
2) Tambahkan air panas ±500 ml (2 gelas), tutup dan masak hingga daging empuk. Sesekali periksa jika airnya menyusut tapi daging belum empuk, bisa ditambah sedikit saja air. Setelah dagingnya empuk dan masak, tambahkan kurleb 2 gelas lagi air dan lanjutkan memasak hingga mendidih kembali.
Note: jika pakai santan, ganti 2 gelas air dengan santan kekentalan sedang.
3) Tambahkan kecap manis dan garam. Cicipi rasanya.
menambahkan irisan kol dan tomat bisa ketika akan dihidangkan, tambahkan ketika tongseng panas agar kol dan tomat sedikit layu.
Hidangkan segera dengan nasi/ ketupat, irisan jeruk limau, bawang goreng dan sambal jika suka.
Atau bisa dihidangkan bersama acar mentimun/ wortel ala warteg.
Selamat mencoba.
This is dish is so lovely looking! You sure put a great deal of effort in making this! -w
ReplyDeleteI love stir frys and yoru looks decadent and so satisfying. The layering of the flavors and textures is amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds absolutely heavenly! Just looking through the ingredients list I'm already smelling the wonderful aroma!
ReplyDeleteThe colors and flavors in this stew are just beautiful!