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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Selam.... Merhaba from Türkey.
Roll Cake... something you never stop eating only one slice.
Especially when it's good...
İ have been trying so many recipes before and they were all turning out deliciously. But this is my second chocolate swiss roll beside my old post Almond Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake.
Found this recipe on youtube by Michael Lim and it really worth keeper recipe.
Absolutely will repeat making it since İ love the recipe and more important is my family like it too.
Different from traditional Indonesian roll cake which requires small amount of cake emulsifier, this recipe use a separated egg method to allow the cake fluffy and soft.
The cake also moist and has delicate pores and crumbs. The sweetness is just perfect for us. And the most important thing for roll cake is this cake flexible and easy to roll, no crack problem.
The cake vanished just in one day!
You should try it too and tell me how do you like it.
İ did minor adjustment by adding few drop of black forrest paste into the batter to richer chocolate flavor--this is optional for you.
Next time İ will vary the flavor from this recipe, like matcha or pandan and more....İ believe it will be great.
Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake
Rebake by Çitra's Home Diary
For one pan 37 x 24 cm baking tray ( İ use 35 x 25 cm )
- 6 Medium Size Egg Yolks
- 60 g Milk
- 60 g Oil
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence ( İ replace with 1 tbsp black forrest paste)
- ½ tsp fine Salt
- 120 g Plain Flour
- 1 tbsp (15 g) Cacao powder
- 6 Medium Size Egg Whites
- 1 tsp White Vinegar
- 120 g caster Sugar
butter cream or anything you love
How to:
1) Preheat oven at 120°C. Line your baking tray with parchment paper, set a side.
2) İn mixing bowl, stir together egg yolks, oil, milk, salt and vanilla extract ( İ use black forrest paste). Using wooden spoon or wire whisk, stir them to well combine.
3) Sift in flour and cacao powder and continue to whisk until well combine. Set a side
4) İn another clean bowl, place egg white with white vinegar. Using electric mixer start to whisk until foamy. Add sugar gradually in 3 batches while whisking.
Continue to beat the white until soft peak only.
5) Take ⅓ (one third) of meringue to the chocolate batter. Mix to combine. Then pour back the brown batter to the white. Carefully fold the batter until completely mixed.
6) Pour slowly into prepared pan, fill each edges with batter using rubber spatula then jiggle the pan to flatten the surface. Bang few time the pan to flatten and release the air bubbles.
Bake 120°C for 20 minutes, then 150°C for 8 minutes.
7) Remove from oven then chill over cooling rack. Turn over the cake (bottom part up) and peel off the baking paper. Spread filling evenly over the cake then start to roll from longer side. Don't be afraid/ hesitate, just roll it tight like you roll a sushi.
Wrap with clean baking paper or clean kitchen napkin and store in refrigerator about 30 minute until it set before slice it.
Enjoy. and happy baking 😍

Assalamu'alaykum..... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Belakangan ini lagi demen nge-roll. Memang roll cake ini selain praktis juga cepat habisnya sehingga nggak terlalu lama ngendon dalam kulkas.
Sudah kebiasaan di rumah selalu ada satu atau dua camilan atau cake--tentunya selain kukis ya. Buat yang sering mampir ke blog saya ini pasti sudah ngerti kalau stok kukis di rumah harus selalu ada sebab saya nggak membiasakan anak saya buat jajan "snack bungkusan" ala pabrikan-pabrikan itu.
Demikian juga cake dan camilan atau coklat lainnya, semua saya upayakan bikin sendiri alias homamade. Selain sehat dan tanpa pengawet..tentunya homemade selalu the best donk..! 😊
İbu-ibu pasti setuju kan? Walau sedikit rempong..tapi worthy.
Makanya anak saya tidak terlalu suka dengan "snack bungkusan" yang banyak dijual di market-market.

Kali ini nyobain resep bolu gulung dari Michael Lim ( Belmerlion).
Resepnya keeper deh dan boleh buat variasi bolu gulung aneka rasa. Gampang dan praktis tanpa bahan emulsi cake.
Dan ini bolu gulung cokelat kedua saya setelah postingan bolu gulung cokelat almond yang udah lama banget... Biasanya bikin yang vanilla atau lemon aja.
Ya udah... yang mo nyoba juga boleh langsung cuss ke dapur dan nyimak resepnya yang saya re-share disini.
Saya sedikit modif resepnya dengan menambahkan pasta black forrest .
Recipe By Michael Lim
Rebake by Çitra's Home Diary
untuk loyang 37 x 24 cm ( İ use 35 x 25 cm )
- 🎂 6 telur ukuran sedang, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
- 🎂 60 g susu cair
- 🎂 60 g minyak
- 🎂 1 sdtVanilla Essence (saya pakai 1 sdm pasta black forrest)
- 🎂 ½ sdt garam halus
- 🎂 120 g terigu serba guna
- 🎂 1 sdm (15 g) Cacao powder
- 🎂 1 sdt cuka
- 🎂 120 g gula kastor / butir halus
butter cream atau selai sesuai selera
Cara membuat:
1) Panaskan oven suhu 120°C. Alasi loyang dengan kertas baking, sisihkan.
2) Campur jadi satu; kuning telur, susu cair, minyak, garam dan vanilla extract ( saya pakai black forrest pasta). Aduk dengan sendok kayu atau wire whisk hingga tercampur rata.
Ayak dan campurkan tepung terigu dan kakao bubuk, aduk lagi hingga rata. Sisihkan.
3) Kocok putih telur dan cuka dalam wadah yang bersih, kocok hingga berbusa banyak. Masukkan gula kastor sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok hingga soft peak saja.
4) Ambil ⅓ (one third) putih telur (meringue) dan campurkan ke adonan cokelat, aduk rata hingga tercampur. Lalu tuang kembali adonan cokelat ke adonan putih telur, aduk balik hingga rata.
5) Tuang perlahan ke loyang yang sudah disiapkan, ratakan ke tiap sisi loyang. Hentakkan loyang ke meja beberapa kali.
Panggang pada suhu 120°C , 20 menit, lalu naikkan suhu 150°C dan lanjutkan panggang kurleb 8 menit lagi hingga matang.
6) Angkat dari oven dan dinginkan diatas rak pendingin. Balikkan dan kelupas kertas bakingnya, olesi dengan filling lalu gulung dan padatkan. Bungkus dengan kertas baking lain yang bersih dan simpan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 menit sebelum dipotong.
Enjoy. and happy baking 😍

Check my other yummy recipes:
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(Not so) Natural Red Velvet Swiss Roll cake |
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Orange Swiss Roll Cake from egg white / Bolu gulung dari putih telur |
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This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSwiss Cake Rolls were my favorite snack cake-type treat growing up, and I still love them now. This cake would be a dangerous thing to have in my house!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful cake!