Selam everybody....Merhaba from Türkiye.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.
I fell blues cause the sun left me..
I lost my passion since the summer left my door..
Do not ask me why...
Sun and summer is my soul.😪
I lost my passion since the summer left my door..
Do not ask me why...
Sun and summer is my soul.😪
Well... Just give me some cookies and coffee.. maybe I won't escape from the winter 😄
Yep.. cookies and me (and my kid) are friends. Maybe because I am a "snack" person who enjoys small meals between our main mealtime.
And if you already knew me.. cookies are always on my house, not just during holiday time but always.
Today I am going to share my ultimate checkerboard cookies. My kid loves it so much, and when she brought them to school, and shared them with her friends. The kids were so happy and they liked it! 😍
Some of them even asked my kid to bring it again another day 😃
Well... any kid should love cookies, right?! 😃
If you are a fan of checkerboard cookies, you should try this soon. For those who love matcha / green tea, you even substitute the cocoa with matcha powder. Next time I will post my matcha version of this checkerboard cookies.
Also I had share my other variant using spice mix (speculoos checkerboard) which you can check here in this link.
İt is perfect also for your holiday treat.
Checkerboard Cookies
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make about 650 gr
🍪 350 gr AP flour
🍪 30 gr milk powder
🍪 30 g cornstarch
🍪 ½ tsp baking powder
🍪 ½ tsp salt
🍪 125 g butter, room temperature
🍪 125 g margarine, room temperature
🍪 170 g icing sugar
🍪 1 tsp vanilla extract
🍪 2 egg yolks
🍪 18 gr (2 Tbsp) dark cocoa powder
1 egg white + 1 Tbsp water to seal the cookies
How to Make:
1) In a bowl sift together; AP flour, milk powder, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt, set aside.
2) Cream butter, margarine, and icing sugar for a few minutes. Whisk in egg yolk and vanilla extract. Whisk to well combine.
3) Sift in dry ingredients and continue to whisk until they are well blended. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts.
Note: İ weighing into two parts but I add about 18 gr more to the white part.
Add cocoa powder into another part then knead well until blended.
4) After you get white and dark dough, divide again each dough into 2 equal parts. Using a rolling pin, roll each part about 1 cm thick. I rolled my dough into a rectangular shape (about 10 x 16 x 1 cm).
Then wrap each dough with plastic wrap and rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
Note: I roll my dough between plastic sheets to avoid sticking.
5) Working one sheet at a time, cut the dough into 1 cm lengthwise (see pict #3 above). DO to all sheets. Then start to arrange the white and dark parts alternately. I arrange mine 4 by 4.
Seal each side with egg white wash during arranging the dough into a checkerboard pattern (see pict #5)
6) Now you should have 2 log of checkerboard stacks. Wrap each with plastic wrap then keep in the freezer until they are set, about 15 minutes.
7) Meanwhile pre heat the oven at 160°C . Line two baking trays with parchment paper.
Take out the dough from the freezer and let it rest for about 2 minutes. Cut the dough about 1 cm thick and arrange them over the prepared baking tray. Let them rest for a couple of minutes until room temperature.
8) Bake the cookie for about 25-30 minutes or until it set. Just recognize your own oven to adjust your own baking time and temperature.
Chill the cookies on a cooling rack before storing them in a jar.
Happy baking 💝 🍪
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Apa kabar? Inshaallah tetap sehat ya 😊
Kue kering atau camlan kecil lainnya selalu ada di rumah saya. Di kebanyakan keluarga Turki tradisi minum teh sore hari setelah makan malam bersama keluarga selalu ada. Bukan saja diantara keluarga, diantara teman dan kerabat lain, saling mengundang minum teh adalah hal yang rutin dilakukan.... Menyenangkan bukan? 😊
Bagi saya pribadi, minum teh tanpa ada makanan kecil atau kek atau kue kering rasanya kurang sreg ya.. 😊
Maka itu toples kukis jarang kosong di rumah saya walau bukan lebaran 😊
Kali ini saya mau bagi resep kue kering checkerboard cookies atau kukis papan catur 😊 . Ada yang sebut kuker domino tapi menurut saya kok lebih mitip papan catur ya...😃
Sebelumnya saya udah pernah bikin kuker domino ini tapi versi bumbu spiku yang saya lebih suka. Tapi jika ingin variasikan dengan rasa lain, misal green tea bisa juga ya, tinggal ganti bubuk kakao dengan bubuk matcha.
Tapi kalau mau coba dengan bumbu spiku bisa dicek disini ya resepnya.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🍪 350 gr terigu protein sedang
🍪 30 gr susu bubuk
🍪 30 g pati jagung/ maizena
🍪 ½ sdt baking powder
🍪 ½ sdt garam halus
🍪 125 gr mentega
🍪 125 gr margarin
🍪 170 gr icing sugar
🍪 1 tsp vanilla extract
🍪 2 kuning telur
🍪 18 gr (2 Tbsp) bubuk kakao pekat
Bahan olesan untuk menyusun:
1 putih telur kocok dengan 1 sdm air.

Cara Membuat:
1) Ayak jadi satu; Terigu, susu bubuk, pati jagung, baking powder dan garam halus, sisihkan.
2) Kocok margarin, mentega dan gula halus hingga tercampur rata selama 3-5 menit. Lalu campurkan kuning telur satu per satu sambil dikocok kecepetan sedang. Masukkan juga vanili, kocok rata.
3) Masukkan bahan kering sambil dikocok pelan sampai tercampur rata.
4) Bagi adonan menjadi dua bagian. Saya timbang rata, satu bagian (untuk putih) saya timbang lebih banyak 18 gr. Bagian yang lain campurkankan dengan bubuk kakao pekat, uleni ringan hingga tercampur rata.
5) Bagi lagi tiap bagian menjadi dua bagian sama rata. Lalu gilas tiap bagian setebal kurleb 1 cm. Usahakan tiap bagian mempunyai dimensi yang sama. Saya gilas tiap bagian dengan dimensi kurleb 10x16 cm. Bungkus masing-masing bagian dengan plastik wrap dan simpan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 mnt.
6) Potong masing-masing bagian 1 cm secara memanjang. Lengketkan tiap bagian secara berselang seling putih-cokelat, olesi dengan putih telur untuk melekatkan tiap bagian. Tekan dan rapikan. Bungkus dengan plastik wrap dan simpan di freezer hingga kaku.
7) Panaskan oven suhu 160 C. Alasi loyang dengan baking paper. Potong cookies setebal kurleb 1 cm dan susun di loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Dan panggang kurleb 25-30 menit sampai matang. Dinginkan di rak pendingin sebelum disimpan dalam toples.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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