Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
In Indonesia, we call it "bolu marmer". Taken from the Portuguese language "bolo" means cake in English.
"Marmer" is marble in English. So this is our old classic Indonesian Marble cake.
Me and my siblings and my big family grew up with this old and classic cake. I remember my late grandmother and my aunty often baked this for us.
I think every kid my age also had the same memory about this cake. We can find this delicious kind of cake when somebody had a celebration like a birthday, circumcision, marriage or just a family gathering.
That is why make this so cake so memorable classic and every kids' favorite cake. And every family has its own recipe.
Y o u m a y b e i n t e r e s t e d i n STRAWBERRY&NECTARINE CRUMBLE BAR
And this cake has now also become my family's fave at home. My Husband especially my kid loves this Indonesian-style classic delicious butter cake. İ baked this delectable cake for our tea or coffee time almost every weekend for these few years and we never bore it 😃
İ want my family to experience what İ did especially my kid. İ want her to have something to remember about home, childhood and me! Her mom 😍 💖
The recipe İ got from my aunty which she got from my late grandmother. My late grandmother's recipe uses an emulsifier, but since it was difficult to find here in my local place, İ skipped.
C h e c k a l so m y Lepet Jagung (Pudak Jagung) / Indonesian traditional snack: Steamed Sweet Corn cake
If you are looking for a perfect, delectable, and addictive cake for coffee or tea time, you come to the right page. So, get ready to entertain your family and friends.... and İ!m sure you and your family gonna love it as well.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make one tube pan diameter 23-24 cm
💮 500 g butter, room temperature. and more for rubbing the pan
💮 200 g powdered sugar
💮 2 tsp vanilla extract (or powdered)
💮 10 egg yolks
💮 330 g AP flour
💮 20 gr cornstarch
💮 20 g powdered milk
💮 ½ tsp fine salt
💮 8 egg whites
💮 100 g caster sugar
For marble:
💮 2 tsp Black Forrest paste (or chocolate paste)*
💮 2 tsp mocha paste**
(*) replace with 3 Tbsp dark cacao powder mix with 3 Tbsp boiling water to make a paste, set aside
(**) replace with ½tsp cacao powder + 1 to 2 tbsp granule instant coffee mix with 1 Tbsp boiling water.
You can use one flavor only or other flavors, like pandan or matcha.
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1) Basting the pan with butter (or margarine), set aside. Preheat oven at 170 °C ( 160°C fan force). Sift together flour, cornstarch, salt, and milk powder, set aside.
2) Beat butter and icing sugar until really pale and fluffy. This step is important to have your cake rise and has a nice texture. İt took me about 15 minutes with a hand mixer, you may need a shorter or longer time to get pale and fluffy stage depends on your mixer.
3) Add vanilla and egg yolk while continue to whisk on medium speed. Add your egg yolk one at a time, whisk about 2 minutes before you add another yolk so you will not get clumps batter.
4) Sift in dry ingredient in 2 stages, mix well each addition. Set aside the batter. See the video above to get an illustration.
5) İn another clean, free grease bowl, put the egg white. Using a clean beater, whisk the white until it foamy. Gradually add caster sugar and continue to whisk until it has a firm peak.
Fold the meringue into yolk batter in 3 stages. fold nicely in each addition.
To make marble:
1) Divide the batter into 3 equal parts. Add one part with chocolate paste and fold well. Add mocha paste to other parts of the batter. And let another part white as it is.
2) Alternately pour the batter into prepared tube pan. Start with the white part, then mocha followed by chocolate batter. Continue until finish. Bang the pan few times to remove air bubbles.
3) Bake the cake in the middle of the rack. Bake at 170 °C ( 160°C fan force) about 35-45 minutes or just until skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Note: Different oven give different heat and time to bake. Adjust according to your own oven condition.
1) Basting the pan with butter (or margarine), set aside. Preheat oven at 170 °C ( 160°C fan force). Sift together flour, cornstarch, salt, and milk powder, set aside.
2) Beat butter and icing sugar until really pale and fluffy. This step is important to have your cake rise and has a nice texture. İt took me about 15 minutes with a hand mixer, you may need a shorter or longer time to get pale and fluffy stage depends on your mixer.
3) Add vanilla and egg yolk while continue to whisk on medium speed. Add your egg yolk one at a time, whisk about 2 minutes before you add another yolk so you will not get clumps batter.
4) Sift in dry ingredient in 2 stages, mix well each addition. Set aside the batter. See the video above to get an illustration.
5) İn another clean, free grease bowl, put the egg white. Using a clean beater, whisk the white until it foamy. Gradually add caster sugar and continue to whisk until it has a firm peak.
Fold the meringue into yolk batter in 3 stages. fold nicely in each addition.
To make marble:
1) Divide the batter into 3 equal parts. Add one part with chocolate paste and fold well. Add mocha paste to other parts of the batter. And let another part white as it is.
2) Alternately pour the batter into prepared tube pan. Start with the white part, then mocha followed by chocolate batter. Continue until finish. Bang the pan few times to remove air bubbles.
3) Bake the cake in the middle of the rack. Bake at 170 °C ( 160°C fan force) about 35-45 minutes or just until skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Note: Different oven give different heat and time to bake. Adjust according to your own oven condition.
Chill the cake over cooling rack before unmolding.
Happy baking everyone.. 😊𝌱
Happy baking everyone.. 😊𝌱
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
İnshaallah ketemu lagi dalam kebahagian dan limpahan rejeki dari Allah SWt ...
Rejeki gak selalu berbentuk uang ya moms.... kesehatan yang kita punyai saat ini juga rejeki dari Rob.. Sehat sehingga masih bisa masak makanan kesukaan keluarga 👪 ❤
Ketemu dan berkenalan dengan orang baru juga rejeki lho... 😊
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya ketemu dan berkenalan dengan teman baru... orang Kyrgystan. Tahu nggak dimana negara Kyrgystan itu? 😊 .. saya juga baru lihat google map setelah ketemu dengan teman saya ini 😊
Kyrgystan adalah salah satu pecahan negara bekas Soviet dulu, letaknya di Asia tengah berbatasan dengan Uzbekiztan, kazakhstan, tajikistan dan China. Wajahnya mirip orang china dengan mata sipit dan berkulit putih. Dia sangka awalnya saya orang Philipina 😊
Sayangnya dia tidak mau potonya saya muat dsini 😊
Orangnya baik dan ramah. Dan senangnya lagi kita sama-sama punya toddler sehingga bisa janjian di taman bermain anak dan kita bisa nge teh atau minum kopi bareng. 😊
Well... hari ini saya mau sharing salah satu bolu kesukaan saya sejak kecil yang kini jadi favorit keluarga saya juga 😍
Saya ingat dulu almarhum mbah saya dulu suka bikin ini, juga para bulik (tante) jg sering baking ini pas ada acara "mantenan" tetangga atau kalau ada yang sunatan atau sekedar buat kita nikmati sekeluarga sendiri.

Classic Marble Butter Cake Recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Untuk loyang tulban ukuran 23-24 cm
💮 500 gr mentega, suhu ruang
💮 200 gr gula halus
💮 2 sdt vanilla extract (atau bubuk)
💮 10 kuning telur
💮 330 gr terigu serba guna
💮 20 gr pati jagung (misal; maizena)
💮 20 gr susu bubuk
💮 ½ sdt garam halus
💮 8 putih telur
💮 100 gr gula kastor
Untuk motif marmer:
💮 2 sdt pasta Black Forrest *
💮 2 sdt pasta mocca**
(*) bisa diganti dengan 3 sdm bubuk kakao pekat aduk dengan 3 sdm air panas, sisihkan.
(**) bisa diganti dengan ½ sdtbubuk kakao + 1 s/d 2 sdm kopi granule instan aduk dengan 1 sdm air panas.
Bisa juga pakai rasa lain misal pandan, matcha atau lainnya.
Cara membuat:
1) Olesi loyang tulban dengan margarin, sisihkan. Pre heat oven suhu 170 °C ( atau 160°C dengan kipas). Ayak jadi satu; terigu, susu bubuk, maizena dan garam, sisihkan.
2) Kocok mentega dengan gula halus sampai pucat dan mengembang. Saya kocok kurleb 15 mnt dng hand mixer, lamanya tergantung kekuatan mixer masing-masing ya moms. Proses pengocokan sampai mengembang dan pucat ini penting untuk dapatkan teksturecake yang tidak terlalu padat dan mengembang nantinya.
3) Tambahkan vanilla extract sambil dikocok. Lalu kuning telur satu per satu. Saya kocok kurleb 2 menit sebelum masukkan kuning telur berikutnya. Kalau dimasukin semua, nanti adonannya bergupal lagi gak bagus.
4) Ayakkan campuran bahan kering dalam 2 tahap sambil dikocok hingga benar-benar tercampur rata.
5) Masukkan putih telur (putel) dalam mangkok yang bersih dan bebas minyak. Gunakan mixer bersih juga ya moms..Kocok kecepatan tinggi hingga berbusa banyak lalu masukkan gula kastor secara bertahap sambil tetap dikocok sampai firm peak.
Masukkan meringue ini ke adonan kutel dalam 3 tahap. Aduk balik dengan baik ditiap penambahannya. Lihat video ilustrasi saya diatas ya...
Membuat motif marmer:
1) Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian sama banyak. Tambahkan pasta BF ke satu adonan dan aduk balik sampai rata. Masukkan juga pasta mocca ke adonan lainnya. Satu bagian lain biarkan putih.
2) Tuang adonan secara bergantian dimulai dengan adonan putih dahulu, lalu moca dan chocolate. Lakukan sampai habis. hentakkan loyang dengan hati-hati untuk keluarkan gelembung udara yang mungkin ada.
3) Panggang di rak tengah kurleb 35-45 mnt. Tes tusuk dengan tusuk sate.
Note: Kenali oven masing-masing, kondisi oven yang berbeda menghasilkan panas dan waktu panggang yang bervariasi.
1) Olesi loyang tulban dengan margarin, sisihkan. Pre heat oven suhu 170 °C ( atau 160°C dengan kipas). Ayak jadi satu; terigu, susu bubuk, maizena dan garam, sisihkan.
3) Tambahkan vanilla extract sambil dikocok. Lalu kuning telur satu per satu. Saya kocok kurleb 2 menit sebelum masukkan kuning telur berikutnya. Kalau dimasukin semua, nanti adonannya bergupal lagi gak bagus.
4) Ayakkan campuran bahan kering dalam 2 tahap sambil dikocok hingga benar-benar tercampur rata.
5) Masukkan putih telur (putel) dalam mangkok yang bersih dan bebas minyak. Gunakan mixer bersih juga ya moms..Kocok kecepatan tinggi hingga berbusa banyak lalu masukkan gula kastor secara bertahap sambil tetap dikocok sampai firm peak.
Masukkan meringue ini ke adonan kutel dalam 3 tahap. Aduk balik dengan baik ditiap penambahannya. Lihat video ilustrasi saya diatas ya...
Membuat motif marmer:
1) Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian sama banyak. Tambahkan pasta BF ke satu adonan dan aduk balik sampai rata. Masukkan juga pasta mocca ke adonan lainnya. Satu bagian lain biarkan putih.
2) Tuang adonan secara bergantian dimulai dengan adonan putih dahulu, lalu moca dan chocolate. Lakukan sampai habis. hentakkan loyang dengan hati-hati untuk keluarkan gelembung udara yang mungkin ada.
3) Panggang di rak tengah kurleb 35-45 mnt. Tes tusuk dengan tusuk sate.
Note: Kenali oven masing-masing, kondisi oven yang berbeda menghasilkan panas dan waktu panggang yang bervariasi.
Chill the cake over the cooling rack before unmolding.
Happy baking everyone.. 😊𝌱
Happy baking everyone.. 😊𝌱
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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This looks delicious; can't wait to give this recipe a try!
ReplyDeleteHai Sara... thank you for the comment. Come back later and tell me how you like the cake ^_^
DeleteWhat a gorgeous marble cake! Your directions make this seem like such an easy approach, too. I would love to make this soon!