♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Fırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Fırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary

Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

And I hope my post meets you in good, happy, and healthy condition. Please keep yourself and your families safe in this pandemic situation around the globe. Be patient and be safe 💟

First, Ramadhan Kareem to all my Muslim friends around the world. May the spirit of Ramadhan stay in our hearts and illuminate our souls from within.
We are happy can meet Ramadan again this year, but a little sad since this Ramadan we are in an unfortunate situation that makes us stay at home to isolate ourselves from the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Generally, we would have wonderful iftar together with families and friends. We invite each other to have an iftar dinner where beautiful and happy moments are shared.
Iftar, also known as fatoor, is the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset. They break their fast at the time of the call to prayer for the evening prayer.
I hope this condition will end up soon and we can have a peaceful life back.

ırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary

Today I will share our favorite, it calls Beğendili Köfte. Köfte is a traditional Turkish meatball (kofta) made from mincemeat mix with "baharat" or spices. The meat is used commonly beef or lamb or mixes both of them. Köfte is very popular here and everybody's favorite.

Beğendili from the word beğendil, it's an ember-roasted aubergine, finely minced then mixed in a creamy cheesy sauce similar to the bechamel sauce. This dish it's not only widely popular as a restaurant meal but also homemade versions are rich and served at home. 
Click here on how to make this ember-roasted eggplant side dish.
Many variations can be served with this beğendil sauce such as roasted chicken or meat. You can check my previous "Hünkar Beğendi" recipe for the variations.
But today I will serve this "beğendil" with Turkish köfte a little bit different from the restaurant style. I roasted my beğendili köfte before serving it with cheese over the dish.

The main reason I roasted before serve because I usually made all things ahead and keep in the refrigerator. Whenever I am ready to serve I just simply place and arrange everything, spread some cheese then put it into preheated oven a few minutes... and voallaa.. dish ready!
So this dish is perfectly made for iftar time in this Ramadan.

ırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary

Do not worry to see the long list and cooking process of this dish cause as I mentioned above you can make everything ahead. And you can assemble and prepare everything at the last minute when you are ready to eat.

So, are you ready to travel to Türkey with this wonderful and delicious dish? 

Fırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine
By: Çitra's Home Diary

For meatball Kofta:
🍽 500 gr minced lamb or beef or mix both
🍽 1 tsp baking soda
🍽 ¼ cup of water
🍽 100 gr stale bread (white part only), shredded to make it crumb
🍽 1 medium onion, finely shredded, and  drain the water
🍽 1 tsp black pepper powder
🍽 1½ tsp salt or to taste
🍽 ½ tsp cumin powder

For "beğendil" sauce:
🍽 500 gr aubergine (about 3-4 medium) pierced all over
🍽 2 Tbsp butter
🍽 2 Tbsp flour
🍽 1½ cup of milk
🍽 1 cup of shredded "kaşar peynir" (you can use cheddar/ mozzarella cheese)
🍽 pinch of salt and black pepper powder
🍽 ½ tsp fresh grated nutmeg

For topping:
🍽 some shredded cheddar cheese or mozzarella
🍽 butter, melted
🍽 pinch of smoked paprika
🍽 banana chili pepper, ember-roasted

How to make köfte meatball.

Place ground meat in a bowl. Stir baking soda in ¼ cup of water until dissolved, you may have some baking soda undissolved but it's okay. Mix the solution with ground meat and start to knead until incorporated and the texture becomes a bit tight.
Mix in bread crumbs and knead again to combine well. Knead in onion, black pepper, and others and continue to knead until combined. Set aside n fridge until you are ready to grill/ roast.

Check this post on how to make "beğendi" sauce.

Fırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary


Heat the grilling pan over medium heat, take some meatball mixture, and shape it like a small patty or log (like mine), slightly wet your palm with oil when shaping your köfte. Cook over a grilling pan 4-5 minutes on each side or until done. Set aside.

Preheated oven at 200℃. Take a heat-proof plate and spoon some beğendil sauce onto it. Add some köfte meatball and grated cheese over it. Then place into the oven and cook just until cheese is melting and bubbling.

Melt butter and smoked paprika, flush over the dish before serving. Serve with ember-roasted banana pepper and salad.


Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Fırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary



السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Semoga ketemu dalam kondisi sehat dan bersykur ya 😊
Tetap sabar dalam situasi pandemik yang belum mereda.. entah sampai kapan. Mudah-mudahan Allah yang Maha penyayang segera mengangkat penyakit ini dari seluruh muka bumi. Ada banyak hikmah nantinya setelah wabah covid19 nanti ya, Inshaallah.
Makin menjaga kebersihan, makin mencintai keluarga, makin mencintai masjid (yang kosong akibat pandemi ini 😭), makin bersukur dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita masing-masing. Amin.

Pada kesempatan ini juga saya ingin ucapkan Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa di Bulan Ramadan. Semoga lancar dan diberi kemudahan dalam menjalan ibadah yang spesial ini. Amin.

Kali ini saya akan bagi salah satu menu iftar untuk keluarga saya, namanya Fırında Beğendili Köfte atau kofte dengan saus putih dari terong yang dibakar. Menu ini biasa disajikan di restoran-restoran yang menyajikan menu köfte atau meatball khas Turki. 
Beğendili berasal dari kata "beğendil" yaitu terong yang dibakar langsung diatas bara api lalu dagingnya dicampur dengan saus putih semacam saus besamel (bechamel). Beğendil ini sudah ada sejak lama, yaitu sejak masa kesultanan Ustmaniyah. Salah satu masakan peninggalan kerajaan Ottoman yang menggunakan beğendil ini adalah Hünkar beğendi.

ırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary

Masakan ini terlihat rumit dan memakan waktu, tapi sebenarnya bisa menjadi alternatif bagi saya untuk bisa menyajikan masakan super cepat untuk iftar. Karena semua bisa kita persiapkan/ buat terlebih dahulu lalu bisa disimpan dalam lemari es. Kita tinggal menaruh semuanya diatas pinggan tahan panas lalu taburi dengan keju dan panggang di oven 4-5 menit saja dan makanan sudah siap.
Jadi type make ahead.

Bagi yang tidak terbiasa dengan makanan Turki, memang makanan ini akan terasa aneh, tapi ini asli enak banget dengan rasa keju yang kaya disanding dengan meatball khas yang lezat.
Yuukk yang pengen berwisata kuliner dengan masakan khas Turki, cobain resep saya ini yah.

Fırında Beğendili Köfte 
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary


Untuk meatball/ köfte:
🍽 500 gr daging domba atau sapi cincang atau campuran keduanya
🍽 1 sdt soda kue
🍽 ¼ gelas (125 ml) air 
🍽 100 gr roti  bagian putih saja), parut menjadi remahan
🍽 1 bawang bombay sedang, parut halus dan tiriskan airnya
🍽 1 sdt bubuk lada hitam
🍽 1 ½ sdt garam atau secukupnya
🍽 ¼ sdt bubuk cumin

Untuk saus "beğendil":
🍽 300 gr terong ungu besar (sekitar 3-4)
🍽 2 sendok makan mentega
🍽 2 sendok makan tepung
🍽 1 ½ gelas susu
🍽 1 gelas perutan keju cheddar, disini saya gunakan "kaşar peynir" 
🍽 sejumput garam dan bubuk lada hitam
🍽 ½ sdt pala parut segar

Untuk topping:
🍽 parutan keju cheddar atau mozzarella
🍽 mentega
🍽 sejumput bubuk smoke paprika
🍽 Cabe paprika hijau panjang, bakar diatas api

1. Cara membuat köfte
Taruh daging giling dalam mangkuk. Aduk baking soda dalam ¼ gelas air sampai larut, mungkin tidak semua BS larut,tetapi tidak apa-apa. Campurkan larutan baking soda dengan daging giling dan mulai uleni sampai rata dan tekstur daging berubah agak kenyal.
Campurkan remahan roti dan uleni lagi agar tercampur rata. masukkan parutan bawang bombay, lada hitam, dan lainnya dan terus diremas-remas sampai tercampur. Sisihkan dan simpan di kulkas sampai siap dipanggang.

2. Cara membakar terong
Tusuk-tusuk terong  kemudian bakar langsung diatas api / kompor, gunakan api sedang. Balik sesekali sampai terong menjadi sangat empuk dan matang. Sisihkan hingga agak dingin. Kupas kulitnya dengan hati-hati jangan sampai daging terongnya ikut terbuang.
Setelah itu potong-potong terong dan sisihkan.

3. Buat saus beğendil
Lelehkan mentega dalam wajan, masukkan tepung dan aduk rata - sekitar 3 menit. Tambahkan susu, terus aduk hingga saus mengental. Didihkan. Tambahkan garam,pala dan merica, kecilkan api, dan masak, aduk selama 2 hingga 3 menit lagi. Aduk keju Cheddar parut, masak sampai meleleh. Terakhir aduk terong cincang, aduk rata dan angkat dari api.

ırında Beğendili Köfte / Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine | Çitra's Home Diary


Ambil adonan köfte/ meatball. Bentuk bulat lonjong atau bulat pipih. Panggang diatas wajan gril hingga matang. Sisihkan.

Panaskan Oven suhu 200℃. Ambil pinggan tahan panas/ hot plate dan sendokkan saus beğendil ke hot plate. Taruh beberapa köfte dan taburi keju parut di atasnya. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam oven dan masak sampai keju meleleh.

Sementara itu lelehkan mentega dan paprika bubuk, siramkan ke hot plate dan sajikan segera dengan cabe hijau panggang dan salad.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚



  1. This recipe is such a perfect combination of flavours! There's nothing I don't love in the ingredients list. Can't wait to try!

    1. Hai Eva... Thank you. Hope you can come back to tell me how you like the dish after you cook in your kitchen ^_^

  2. Hello, I would like to kindly say Thank you very much for this recipe. Many years ago in 2007 we travelled in turkey and fell in love with an amazing dish, made with lamb kofte, cheese and tomato sauce with aubergine. This sounds similar and can’t wait to try. I am purchasing the meat right now.

    Thank you KIND SOUL I HAVE LOVE FOR YOU . Thank you for authentic recipe. Thank you!!

    1. Merhaba Emma, Glad recieving your word here. And I love the fact that you love this dish very much. This is also our family's fav. If there anything to ask about the process you can reach me by email. Thank you so very much. Love from Türkey.


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