Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah.
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you can come back again and again to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Roti canai (pronunciation tʃanai) or roti cane (pronunciation tʃane) is a type of Indian-influenced flatbread found in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. It is often sold in Mamak stalls in Malaysia; also in Malay, Minangkabau and Aceh restaurants in Indonesia. It is known as roti prata in Southern Malaysia and Singapore and is similar to the Indian Kerala porotta. It is also found throughout Thailand, where it is called "Ro Tee" and is typically sold by Muslims, most often with street carts, and is usually Halal.
In English and in Chinese, roti canai is sometimes referred to as "flying bread" (飞饼 fēibǐng), a term that evokes the process of tossing and spinning by which it is made. In Chinese, Roti canai is originally called 印度煎饼 "yìn dù jiān bǐng", which means Indian pancake.
Traditionally roti canai is served with dhal (lentil curry) or any type of curries, such as mutton or chicken curry. However, the versatility of roti canai as the staple lends itself to many variations, either savory or sweet, with a variety of toppings and fillings, which includes eggs, banana, sardines, and onion. In Thailand, it is usually served sweet - typical fillings include condensed milk, peanut butter, jam, and nutella, without the curry.
Roti canai commonly is consumed with curries, as a dipping sauce or poured upon the roti. Variations of curries include lentil, vegetables, mutton, beef to chicken curry. However, as a staple food, the versatility of roti canai has enabled the cook to create some new recipes and derivatives with variations of toppings and fillings, either savory or sweet. One of the characteristics of roti canai and its derivatives is that it can be eaten with the hands, without the need for utensils. This makes it a convenient dish to consume while being filling. This characteristic makes it a dish of choice as breakfast or as late-night supper.
In Indonesia, roti canai is often called as "roti cane", "roti konde" or "roti maryam". and usually served with Kari Kambing (mutton curry). It is derived from Indian cuisine and came into Indonesia via the influx of Muslim Indian migration to Aceh Sultanate in Northern parts of Sumatra circa 17th century, and later to the rest of Dutch East Indies in early 19th century. Roti canai is more prevalent in Sumatra, especially in Aceh, North and West Sumatra. Roti cane has been adopted within Malay cuisine of Sumatra, Aceh cuisine, and Minangkabau cuisine. Consequently, there are Malay, Aceh, and Minangkabau restaurants that serve roti canai with mutton curry in Indonesia that are operated by ethnic groups other than Indians. This Indian-origin dish has been well-integrated into Aceh cuisine that it has been considered as theirs.
In Ampel, an Arab quarter in Surabaya- I'm originally from there, it is known as "roti maryam", while common Javanese called it as "roti konde" after its similar shape to hair bun (Javanese:konde). Despite being called in different names, their recipes are quite identical, and they are influenced by paratha, a flatbread that originated in the Indian subcontinent.
I made this roti canai quite often since my kid loves it so much. We eat this for breakfast with sausages or Turkish sucuk, scrambled egg, olive, and some salad. Sometimes my kid asking for a snack and she likes to enjoy this with cheese cream or with nutella for sweet version.
You can also enjoy this roti canai with curry sauce, it's delicious!
Can I make this ahead?
Yes, you can. Mostly I make this roti canai in double batch and keep them in the freezer. Thawed to room temperature before warm it over a pan.
And today I will share this roti maryam/ roti canai recipe served with egg curry. You can use chicken or lamb instead of egg. Or if you don't want to enjoy it with curry sauce, skip the curry, it's really up to you to enjoy this super easy and yummy roti canai.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make 18-20 pcs
🍳 900 gr ( 6 cups) AP flour
🍳 ½ Tbsp salt
🍳 2 tsp sugar
🍳 450 gr ( 2 cups) warm water, more if needed
🍳 90 gr ( 6 Tbsp) oil
🍳 ± 200 gr butter, very soft (almost melt)
🍳 enough cooking oil for coating the dough
1) Sift flour, salt, and sugar into a big kneading bowl. Make a hole in the middle and pour warm water and oil. Knead well to perform smooth and elastic dough.
2) Round into a ball and place over lightly grease bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest about 30 minutes.
3) Prepare 1 tray with enough cooking oil. Divide the dough into 18 - 20 (depend on how big you prefer) and place each ball in a baking tray with oil. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest again for about 30 minutes ↓↓
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Rest in a tray with enough cooking oil to cover the dough |
5) Brush with very soft butter. Fold into half, and stretch again the dough into a transparent sheet. Apply the butter again then roll start from longer side into a long log.
Gently stretch the long into longer shape before roll it into a coil (like a snail shell), seal the edge and hide under the coil. Do to all remaining dough.
6) Preheat a pan over medium heat. Take one coil, place over an oily working table, and start to flatten the coil into a thinner dough. No need rolling here, just flatten with your oily palm of your hand. Cook over the preheated pan. The bread will puff up a bit and let it cook slowly until golden red both sides. Use medium-low heat only.
Note: If you want to keep the roti, just cook them halfway both sides, no need to brown them. Keep in a freezer with a piece of baking paper between the bread.
Enjoy with anything you like.
You can dip into curry broth or soups. Or for the sweet version, you can put chocolate spread or peanut butter or any jam. Simple breakfast for me I like to serve hot this roti with some sausage, olive in olive oil and dried thyme, boiled/scrambled egg and some salad, wonderful breakfast!
The Egg Curry I will post in a different post.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Insyaallah sehat semua ya.. dalam kondisi wabah korona yang sedang melanda hampir semua negara di dunia. Dunia akhirnya dibuat beristirahat dari hiruk pikuk manusia. Kita semua diminta #dirumahsaja atau #stayhome untuk memutus tali penularan virus yang pertama kali ditemukan kasusnya di kota Wuhan, China Desember 2019 lalu.
Seluruh tempat di dunia benar-benar dibuat sunyi dan sepi, termasuk di Turki. Semua wilayah di Turki memberlakukan aturan yang sama yaitu tinggal di rumah.
Per tanggal 1 April 2020, di Turki tercatat kasus positif 15.679 orang, meninggal 277 orang, sembuh 333 orang.
Kasus covid19 pertama kali ditemukan di Turki tanggal 11 Maret 2020 lalu. Bayangkan dari mulai tanggal 11 Maret itu, sampai april sudah tercatat data seperti diatas.
Note: Data diambil akurat dari situs resmi department kesehatan Turki.
Kembali ke laptop lagi ya... cukup info corona nya... Jangan lupa selalu berdoa agar wabah ini segera berakhir lekas-lekas. Beberapa minggu lagi bulan Ramadhan datang.. sedih liat masjid kosong dibulan Ramadhan 😭
Udah pada tahu kan roti maryam ini? mungkin ada juga yang udah sering bikin.
Di Indonesia, roti ini juga disebut sebagai "roticanai", "roti konde" atau "roti maryam". dan biasanya disajikan dengan kari kambing atau jens kari lainnya.
kononi berasal dari India dan masuk ke Indonesia bersama masuknya şgran Muslim India ke Kesultanan Aceh di bagian utara Sumatera sekitar abad ke-17, dan kemudian ke seluruh Hindia Belanda di awal abad ke-19.
Roti canai lebih banyak ditemukan di Sumatra, terutama di Aceh, Sumatera Utara dan Barat. Roti canai telah diadopsi dalam masakan Melayu Sumatra, masakan Aceh, dan masakan Minangkabau.
Dan pada akhirnya banyak rumah makan Melayu, Aceh, dan Minangkabau yang menyajikan roti gulung dengan kari daging kambing di Indonesia yang dijalankan oleh etnis non India. Hidangan asal India ini telah terintegrasi dengan baik ke dalam masakan Aceh yang telah dianggap sebagai milik mereka.
Saya sendiri sudah sangat sering bikin roti canai ini. Walau kadang gak usah pakai kari, roti canai ini favorit saya dan anak buat sarapan pagi. Biasanya saya hidangkan bersama sosis bakar dan sucuk (olahan daging khas Turki), telur orak arik, buah zaitun, krim keju yang lezat dan beberapa salad. Dicocol dalam minyak zaitun juga sangat enak.
Kadang anak saya cuman pengen ngemil ini dengan olesan nutella untuk versi manisnya. kalau saya sih suka versi umami, oles pakai krim keju atau saus keju aja.
Yukk... bagi yang pengen coba resep ala saya. Tanpa telur tapi tetap enak dan berlapis-lapis. Pas dipanggang diwajan, roti canai ini menggelembung sedikit jadi pas dimakan enak dan renyah banget. Kuncinya ada di pelipatan adonan. Jadi setelah adonan dilebarkan dan dioles mentega yang hampir leleh, adonan dilipat menjadi dua dan dilebarkan lagi. Dioles mentega lagi sebelum digulung.
Resep Roti canai/ roti maryam
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil jadi 18-20 buah
🍳 900 gr ( 6 gelas) terigu serba guna
🍳 ½ sdm garam
🍳 2 sdt gula
🍳 450 gr ( 2 gelas) air hangat, bisa ditambah sesuai kebutuhan
🍳 90 gr ( 6 sdm) minyak
🍳 ± 200 gr mentega, sangat lembek (hampir leleh)
🍳 Minyak sayur secukupnya utk merendam adonan
1) Ayak terigu, garam dan gula jadi satu dalam wadah bersih. Buat lubang ditengahnya. Lalu masukkan air hangat dan minyak 90 gr (6 sdm). Lalu mulai uleni dari tengah sampai semua tepung tercampur dengan bahan basah. Uleni hingga kalis.
2) Bulatkan adonan dan taruh kembali dalam wadah bersemir sedikit minyak. Tutup dengan plastik cling dan istirahatkan kurleb 30 menit.
3) Siapkan loyang lebar dan tuang secukupnya minyak goreng (kurleb ½ gelas). Bagi adonan menjadi 18 atau 20 bulatan kecil (tergantung besar/ kecilnya roti canai nantinya). Taruh bola-bola adonan kedalam loyang berisi minyak. Usahakan lapisi semua permukaan dengan minyak agar tidak kering. Tutup plastik cling lagi dan istirahatkan kurleb 30 menit ↓↓
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istirahatkan adonan dng berlapis minyak dalam loyang. |
5) Olesi dengan mentega lembek secukupnya, lalu lipat. Tipiskan lagi dengan menarik adonan tiap sisinya sampai tipis lagi. Olesi mentega lembek secukupnya. Gulung dari sisi yang lebih lebar menyerupai tali tambang. Lalu gulung menjadi bentuk obat nyamuk rapat / mirip konde. Pipihkan ringan saja. Lakukan sampai semua adonan habis.
6) Panaskan wajan dengan api sedang cenderung kecil. Lalu ambil adonan yang sudah digulung tadi. Pipihkan lagi lebih lebar dan lebih tipis. Jangan terlalu tipis, kurleb 5 mm cukuplah. Masak diatas wajan hingga kedua sisi keemasan.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat
Resep kari telur akan saya bagi di post selanjutnya İnshaallah.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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