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IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video

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Merhaba From TΓΌrkiye πŸ‘‹

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IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video. | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #swedishmeatballs #IKEAmeatballsrecipe #resepbolaboladagingIKEA #IKEAgravy #videorecipe

Meatball is the number one favorite of my family. And since I live in TΓΌrkiye making meatballs is my routine. In Turkish, we call it KΓΆfte.

You may remember my previous Turkish Meatball Kofta with Cheesy Ember-Roasted Aubergine. That's one of the Turkish signature dishes where you can find some fancy restaurants.

Or my other Turkish meatball (Kâfte) recipe;Kâfte Kebabı / Turkish lamb Kofta (meatball) Kebab. All recipes are authentic Turkish recipes you are gonna fall in love with soon 😊

I and my kid also love to enjoy Indonesian meatballs calls "Bakso". Next time I will share my video recipe on how to make that Indonesian meatball too, Inshaallah.

IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video. | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #swedishmeatballs #IKEAmeatballsrecipe #resepbolaboladagingIKEA #IKEAgravy #videorecipe

Talking about this everybody's favorite, these few days we are craving something else. Out of our daily meatballs kΓΆfte, we are so in love with the famous Swedish meatballs with iconic gravy.

Yep, it's IKEA copycat meatball with that iconic gravy. When we visit IKEA store in our city, we never skip to sit down and enjoy the meal over there. One of the menus that we love to have is meatballs flush with tasty gravy, serve with mixed boiled vegetables as a side dish. I like to enjoy it with mashed potato, but my husband and kid love to have garlic bread instead. 

IKEA meatball menu

If you are my blog regular readers, you may notice that I love to copycat restaurant style into my kitchen. Just like this Kekiklim Tavuk menΓΌsΓΌ / Creamy Penne Pasta with Thyme Chicken, I copied from one of the famous franchise restaurants here in Turkey. 
For other restaurant copycat recipes, you can visit category copycat recipes here.

IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video. | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #swedishmeatballs #IKEAmeatballsrecipe #resepbolaboladagingIKEA #IKEAgravy #videorecipe

The recipe for IKEA’s meatballs is actually quite easy to make. The original recipe uses minced beef and pork, but here I make a helal version by using all beef minced meat.
Other ingredients are normally used for meatball eg. breadcrumbs, onion, garlic, salt, and pepper. Swedish style meatballs used milk and also egg.

For the iconic IKEA gravy ingredients are butter, flour, cream, stock, soy sauce, and dijon mustard.

Here I make a simple video on how to cook and prepare this delicious meatball dish. I serve my meatball with rigatoni pasta as my family request. You serve it with mashed or fried potato or simply with bread.

IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy
By: Γ‡itra's Home Diary

Makes ±60 balls
πŸ”… 750 gr minced beef
πŸ”… 1 medium onion finely chopped
πŸ”… 1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
πŸ”… 100 gr breadcrumbs
πŸ”… 1 medium egg
πŸ”… 75 ml (5 Tbsp) of whole milk
πŸ”… 1 tsp salt or to taste
πŸ”… 1 tsp pepper or to taste
πŸ”… dash of olive oil for frying

For Swedish Gravy stock
πŸ”… 40 gr (± 3 Tbsp) butter
πŸ”… 40 gr 
(± 3 Tbsp) plain flour
πŸ”… 500 ml (± 2 cups) chicken/ vegetable stock
πŸ”… 150 gr (±¾ cup) double cream
πŸ”… 2-3 tsp soy sauce
πŸ”… 1 tsp Dijon mustard
πŸ”… dash of black pepper (optional)

For pasta
πŸ”… Rigatoni or penne or anything you like
πŸ”… dash of salt
πŸ”… ½ tsp turmeric powder (optional)
πŸ”… Olive oil
Note: you can skip the pasta and change to any carbohydrate you choose like potato or just garlic bread.

For serve
πŸ”… mix vegetables for salad
πŸ”… olive oil
πŸ”… lemon juice
πŸ”… salt & pepper


Making meatballs

In a mixing bowl combine beef mince and mix thoroughly to break up any lumps. Add finely chopped onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, egg, and milk. Add salt and pepper, mix it through until everything is well combined.
Check the taste by pinching the batter a little and frying it. Add salt pepper as needed.
Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for about 1 hour. Then shape into a ball, not bigger than ping pong balls. Then let it sit again in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

Preheat your oven at 180℃ or 160°C fans (see note*).
Meanwhile, heat oil on medium heat. When hot, gently add your meatballs and brown on all sides.
When browned, add to an ovenproof dish and cover. Continue to cook in preheated oven for another 15-20 minutes.

Note: * If you want to make ahead of this meatball, you can skip cooking in the oven. Just let the meatballs sit at room temperature before keeping them in a plastic ziplock and keeping them in the freezer. You can cook in the preheated oven whenever you are ready to serve. Cook a preheated oven at  180℃ or 160°C fans for about 20-30 minutes no need to defrost it 1st.

Make the gravy

In a saucepan, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and continue cooking, stirring continuously, for 2-3 minutes, allowing the flour to cook through. Add all the chicken/ vegetable stock, stirring to avoid lump. 
Then add the double cream and continue to stir to prevent any lump.
Season with soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard. Bring to a simmer and allow the sauce to thicken. Add black pepper (optional) if needed. Continue to stir.

Make the pasta

Boil enough water in a big pan, add salt. After rolling boiling cook in your pasta, add also a half teaspoon of turmeric powder (optional). Cook according to packet direction until aldente.
Drain well and toss with olive oil.

When ready to eat, serve with some salad as a side dish. Enjoy!

Be my friend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some πŸ’š

 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓
IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video. | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #swedishmeatballs #IKEAmeatballsrecipe #resepbolaboladagingIKEA #IKEAgravy #videorecipe

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Merhaba dari TΓΌrki semuanya πŸ‘‹

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IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy. Recipe with video. | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #swedishmeatballs #IKEAmeatballsrecipe #resepbolaboladagingIKEA #IKEAgravy #videorecipe

IKEA copycat meatball / Swedish meatball with gravy
Oleh: Γ‡itra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi ±60 balls
πŸ”… 750 gr daging sapi cincang
πŸ”… 1 bawang bombay, cincang halus
πŸ”… 1-2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
πŸ”… 100 gr tepung roti
πŸ”… 1 butir telur
πŸ”… 75 ml (5 sdm) susu segar (UHT)
πŸ”… 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
πŸ”… 1 sdt bubuk merica hitam atau sesuai selera
πŸ”… minyak zaitun sedikit untuk menggoreng (bisa pakai minyak sayur lain)

Bahan sauce
πŸ”… 40 gr (± 3 sdm) mentega
πŸ”… 40 gr 
(± 3 sdm) terigu serbaguna
πŸ”… 480 ml (± 2 gelas) kaldu ayam/ kaldu sayur
πŸ”… 150 gr (±¾ cup) krim masak kental
πŸ”… 2 sdt soy sauce (kecap asin)
πŸ”… 1 sdt Dijon mustard (mustar)
πŸ”… sedikit bubuk merica (opsional)

Untuk pasta
πŸ”… Rigatoni atau penne 
πŸ”… 1 sdt garam
πŸ”… ½ sdt bubuk kunyit (opsional)
πŸ”… minyak zaştun kira-kira 4 sdm
Note:Jika ingin menyajikan dengan kentang goreng atau mashed potato, bisa diskip membuat pasta ini.

Salad ketika menyajikan
πŸ”… aneka sayuran segar misal; salada, tomat, mentimun, rocket, dll
πŸ”… olive oil
πŸ”… lemon juice
πŸ”… salt & pepper


Membuat meatballs

Campur semua bahan untuk membuat meatball kecuali minyak zaitun. Aduk/ uleni hingga benar-benar rata.
Ambil sedikit adonan dan goreng untuk mencicipi rasanya. Bila perlu tambahkan garam dan merica sesuai selera.
Tutup dengan plastik film dan diamkan dalam lemari es kurleb 1 jam.

Ambil dari lemari es lalu bentuk bulat bola, besarnya jangan lebih dari bola pingpong. Simpan lagi dalam lemari es kurleb 1 jam atau bisa semalaman.

Panaskan oven suhu 180℃ atau 160°C dengan kipas (lihat note*).
Panaskan sedikit minyak zaitun, masukkan bola-bola daging dan goreng hingga kecoklatan seluruh permukaannya. Lalu pindah ke pinggan tahan panas dan lanjutkan memasak dalam oven kurleb 15-20 menit.
Note: *  Jika ingin menyimpan bola bola daging ini, cukup sampai proses menggoreng diatas wajan saja. Lalu tiriskan dan simpan dalam plastik ziplock dan simpan dalam frezer.
Jika ingin mengkonsumsinya, panaskan oven suhu  180℃ atau 160°C dengan kipas lalu masak kurleb 20-30 menit atau sampai matang sempurna. Tidak perlu dilelehkan (defrost) dulu.

Membuat saus gravy

Lelehkan mentega dalam panci saus lalu masukkan terigu, aduk-aduk beberapa menit sampai berbau khas dan warnanya berubah agak kecoklatan (tapi jangan gosong ya). 
Lalu masukkan kaldu, aduk cepat agar tidak bergerindil. Masukkan krim masak dan aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan kecap asin dan dijon mustard. Bisa tambahkan bubuk merica opsional. Aduk-aduk hingga rata.

Make the pasta

Boil enough water in a big pan, add salt. After rolling boiling cook in your pasta, add also a half teaspoon of turmeric powder (optional). Cook according to packet direction until all dente.
Drain well and toss with olive oil.

When ready to eat, serve with some salad as a side dish. Enjoy!

Be my friend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some πŸ’š


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