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Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice. Simple yet full of flavor. Recipe with video

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From TΓΌrkiye πŸ‘‹

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Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice. Simple yet full of flavor. Recipe with video | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #turmericricerecipe #foodphotographyrice #resepnasikuning #caramenanaknasitanparicecooker #howtocookfluffyrice

Besides bread, rice and bulgur are staples here in Turkiye. And this fluffy and fragrant turmeric rice is a fabulous way to add color and flavor to bland white rice. 

This turmeric rice reminds me of Indonesian "nasi kuning". The differences are some herbs and coconut milk that we don't use for this turmeric rice. Also, Indonesian nasi kuning uses glutinous rice mixed with long grain rice.
So this turmeric rice is simple version of that nasi kuning but still has great fluffiness and aromatic.

Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice. Simple yet full of flavor. Recipe with video | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #turmericricerecipe #foodphotographyrice #resepnasikuning #caramenanaknasitanparicecooker #howtocookfluffyrice

Maybe some of you already knew that most Asians cook rice using a rice cooker (Indonesian call it "magic jar"). Yes, since rice is a staple in Asian cuisine, we all have that rice cooker that helps us provide quick and easy fluffy rice every day.
Another way to have fluffy rice is using a steaming pot, this is a very old and traditional way, and some people still do it, especially in a very big batch.


But since I live in Turkiye I learned how to cook rice without that rice cooker, even though I have mine here.
If you have a rice cooker also, just follow the rice cooker's instructions. 
If you don't have any, well... you are on the right page 😊

This rice brings some color to the dinner table. It is flavorful and my kids love it so much I hope you gonna love it as well.

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Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice
By: Γ‡itra's Home Diary

Serve 4-5 portions

🍚 2 cups of long grain rice. Washed and drained.
🍚 2 tbsp butter
🍚 2 tbsp vegetable cooking oil ( I use corn oil)
🍚 3 cloves of garlic, finely minced
🍚 1 ½ tsp turmeric powder
🍚 1 ½ tsp salt
🍚 1-2 bay leaves
🍚 3 cups of broth (hot water)
🍚 1 tbsp lemon juice (from half lemon)

*1 cup rice= 230 gr

How to cook:

1) Heat butter and vegetable oil in a 2 or 3-lt pot. Saute the minced garlic, keep stirring, and do not brown it.

2) Add the rice (washed and drained before) and stir well for a few minutes until all rice is covered by oil.

3) Mix in bay leaves, turmeric powder, and salt, and stir well. Add hot broth (or hot water) into the pan, and stir well again. Add a fresh squeeze of lemon juice, and mix well.
Put the lid on halfway and cook over medium heat until all broth is absorbed. Keep checking to avoid burning rice.

4) After broth/ water dry, lowest the heat immediately. Cover the pan with a kitchen napkin/ towel and its lid. Cook over the lowest heat for about 10 minutes without opening the lid.

5) After 10 minutes, TURN OFF the heat. DO NOT open the lid, and let the rice rest inside the pan for another 10 to 15 minutes more. Without opening the lid, the hot steam helps the rice continue to cook completely so it will be fully cooked.
This step is the key to giving you perfect fluffy rice.

6) After resting, open the lid and use a fork to fluff the rice. 
Now your fragrant and fluffy turmeric rice is ready to serve.


Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some πŸ’š

 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice. Simple yet full of flavor. Recipe with video | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #turmericricerecipe #foodphotographyrice #resepnasikuning #caramenanaknasitanparicecooker #howtocookfluffyrice

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Merhaba dari TΓΌrki semuanya πŸ‘‹

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update πŸ’Ÿ
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Super Fluffy and Fragrant Turmeric Rice. Simple yet full of flavor. Recipe with video | Γ‡itra's Home Diary. #turmericricerecipe #foodphotographyrice #resepnasikuning #caramenanaknasitanparicecooker #howtocookfluffyrice

Apa kabar semuanya, semoga tetap sehat dan bersykur ya.
Postingan kali ini ingetin saya akan nasi kuning khas Indonesia. Tapi bedanya nasi kuning kali ini jauh lebih sederhana tapi tetap mempunyai aroma harum dan nasinya pulen.
Kita terbiasa memasak nasi menggunakan rice cooker atau magiccom untuk menghasilkan nasi yang pulen. Tapi di negara-negara yang tidak mempunyai tradisi nasi sebagai makanan utama, rice cooker susah ditemukan dan tidak umum. 
Seperti misalnya di Turki sini. Walau nasi juga ada dalam menu makanannya, cara memasak nasinya berbeda dengan kita orang Asia (Indonesia).

Nasi di Turki mempunyai rasa agak gurih dan berminyak karena menggunakan mentega dan atau minyak dalam proses memasaknya. 
Sejak tinggal di Turki saya sudah terbiasa memasak nasi tanpa menggunakan rice cooker, walau di rumah ada juga rice cooker, tp karena kapasitasnya besar sedang nasi yang dimasak sedikit saja sesuai jumlah anggota keluarga kita, jadi jarang sekali saya pakai.

Naah, kali ini saya akan berbagi bagaimana caranya memasak nasi tanpa rice cooker, tanpa panci kukusan tapi hasil nasinya pulen.

Nasi kunyit sekilas mirip nasi kuning ya, tapi berbeda. Yuk, yang pengen coba nasi kunyit ini dan coba masak nasi tanpa menggunakan rice cooker atau pengukusan, bisa disimak di video saya juga ya.

Nasi kuning (kunyit) wangi dan mudah tanpa rice cooker
Oleh: Γ‡itra's Home Diary

Serve 4-5 portions

🍚 2 gelas beras bulir panjang. Cuci bersih.
🍚 2 sdm mentega atau margarin
🍚 2 sdm minyak goreng
🍚 3 siung bawang puith, cincang halus
🍚 1 ½ sdt bubuk kunyit
🍚 1 ½ sdt garam
🍚 1-2 daun salam
🍚 3 gelas kaldu ayam/ daging panas (atau bisa pakai air panas)
🍚 1 sdm perasan jeruk lemon ( ½ lemon)

*1 gelas beras= 230 gr
  1 gelas= 240 ml

Cara memasak:

1) Panaskan mentega dan miyak dalam panci, gunakan api sedang. Masukkan bawang putih cincang, tumis hingga harum, jangan sampai gosong.

2) Masukkan beras, aduk-aduk rata beberapa menit.

3) Masukkan daun salam, kunyit bubuk dan garam. Aduk-aduk hingga rata. Masukkan kaldu/ air panas, terakhir masukan perasan jeruk lemon.
Aduk rata dan tutup panci sedikit terbuka.
Masak dengan api sedang saja sampai air kaldu menyusut, cek jangan sampai gosong.

4) Setelah air kaldu menyusut, segera kecilkan api ke yang paling kecil. Tutup dengan serbet bersih dan tutup pancinya, lanjutkan memasak dengan api paling kecil kurleb 10 menit. JANGAN buka tutup panci.

5)  Setelah 10 menit, MATIKAN apinya tapi tutup panci JANGAN dibuka. Biarkan nasi dalam panci tanpa dibuka selama 10-15 menit. Tanpa membuka tutup panci begini selama 10-15 menit, proses masak tetap berlangsung mirip kukusan. Jadi penting sekali untuk tidak membuka tutup panci dalam proses ini agar nasi menjadi pulen dan matang sempurna.

6) Setelah proses istirahat 15 menit diatas, buka tutup panci dan aduk balik dengan garpu.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some πŸ’š


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