♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Chicken Sausage Rolls

Selam Everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey....

There is a time in a month or two I feel like don't want to do anything just lay down on my bed. When I was single a long time ago and that time came to me like a virus I usually spontaneously and unprofessionally absent from my office work... 😃

And now...when there is a time in a month or two I feel like don't want to do anything.... I can not! ^,^ With one kid asking full attention the whole day I have already "not so active" on my Facebook or tweeter anymore these past 2 years...
I just write and post in this blog with simple words and shortly as I already sleepy doing it late at night. So.. the point is I can not have lazy days anymore, not now...maybe a few years later... 😊

And for cooking also...I would find something as easiest and fast as I can... simple, quick, and maybe can be frozen to eat later again. Like this Chicken sausage roll. I made them about a dozen, eat some, and freeze the rest.
But that was my plan..couldn't resist eating this little yummy more than 3 as a snack together with hot tea in these cold days. They didn't make it into the freezer... ^,^

Chicken Sausage Roll | Çitra's Home Diary #sausageroll #chickenrecipe #lunchboxidea #pastryroll #asianstylesausageroll #pastryrecipe


Bülbül Yuvası Tatlısı / Turkish baklava: Nightingale's Nest sweet pastry

Selam.......Merhaba from Turkey everybody....

Bülbül Yuvası Tatlısı or nightingale's nest, from its name I think you already can figure it out why this dessert looks like that. When I search around the net to find the recipe I found many versions of this nightingale's nest. Some make from the dough (similar to shortbread) while some make from phyllo pastry.

And since I'm a big fan of baklava, I choose to make this dessert from phyllo dough. Besides it's easy and practical, I love the sweet yet crunchiness of thin phyllo sheet melting in my mouth.

Serve it with a generous sprinkle of pistachio I'll assure you this is going to be the best dessert in your chill days and a great companion for your coffee time.

For making this Bülbül Yuvası Tatlısı you need thin rolling pin (in turkish language we call it oklava). The diameter about 5 mm (thinnest one- I use this). You can use any kind similar e.g straw or chop stick, just make sure it's long enough to roll phyllo sheet (at least 5 cm longer than your shorter side of phyllo sheet).
The thinner your rolling pin, the smaller log/ coil you'll get.

Turkish healthy drink; Sahlep (Salep).. What is it and how to make it

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey

Winter 'officially' comes in our town. After raining since last night follow by soft snow fall down turns Bursa into uniform color-white... hhhh.... finally fresh air and softness cool. And nothing can comfort us in this such weather better than hot yet nutritious beverage.

Salep or Sahlep or sahlab is a powder made from the tubers of the orchid genus orchis (including species Orchis mascula and Orchis militaris). These tubers contain a nutritious, starchy (about 10%~30% starch) polysaccharide called glucomannan (about 30%~55%). 

Salep flour is consumed in beverages and desserts, especially in places that were formerly part of the Ottoman Empire.

The root of the plant is collected in Sahlep season (May and June). Collected tubers are cleaned by washing with water, boiled in water or milk, and hang on a rope, then air-dried. The tubers are pounded to dried powder. The obtained powder gives sahlep powder ready to used product. Widely used as raw ingredients like dondurma (ice cream) also as beverages. It'll swell when used with ice water and milk. 
1 kilogram of pure sahlep powder produces from around 2 thousand 600 orchis tubers. So no wonder the price of pure sahlep powder is very expensive about 300~400 TL per kilo.

Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut

For Recipe in English please scroll down

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Tanggal 22 Desember di Indonesia diperingati sebagai "Hari Ibu" nasional. Berbeda di Turki yang memperingati "hari Ibu" pada tanggal 8 Mei. 
So untuk kangen-kangenan dengan ibu yang jauh di tanah air, saya mencoba memasak masakan yang biasa ibu bikin untuk kami dulu. Sebenarnya banyak sekali makanan yang biasa ibu bikin dan semuanya pastinya enak tiada dua ^,^
Saya paling suka kalau Ibu masak kepiting kare campur sayur terong...kangeeennnn banget makanan itu...sayang disini susah banget nemu kepiting..hiks..kalaupun ada (itupun di supermarket besar) kepitingnya sering 'gembos' alias gak ada daging...

Terus Ibu saya kalau 'nyambel' maknyusss.... Mungkin tiap orang akan selalu bilang "sambal ibuku paling top" ..... ya..memang begitulah..tiap masakan ibu pasti berkesan dan melekat sepanjang hayat pada anak-anaknya.
Selain sambal uleg dan sambal tumpang, ibu suka masak sayur trancam dan urap-urapan.... hmm... harum kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya begitu menggugah selera...

So.... kali ini saya mau sharing Urap sayur a la ibu saya... Biasanya Ibu membuat ayam bakar bumbu rujak sebagai lauk pendampingnya..tapi karena disini saya sudah banyak "effort" untuk membuat urap sayur ini, jadi lauknya seadanya saja.... tempe goreng dan ikan asin. Walaupun sederhana..alhamdulillah terasa lezat dan enak sekali karena memang saya jarang masak makanan Indonesia disini. Mungkin lain kali saya akan masak ayam bakar bumbu rujak khas Ibu juga.....jadi kangen iiihh..

#Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut-Çitra's Home Diary #indonesianfood #urapsayur #vegan #vegetarian #asian #vegetableswithcoconut

Seperti masakan rumah kebanyakan yang tanpa menggunakan takaran persis sama, Ibu saya pun kalau ditanya bumbunya apa aja dan berapa banyak, pasti jawabnya..kira-kira segini..atau sekitar segitu.... yaahh.sama halnya dengan urap-urapan ini... resep dibawah juga hasil kira-kira dari ibu (^,^) Utuk kesesuaian rasa, modifikasikan saja jumlahnya, bisa dikurangi atau tambah sesuai selera, yang pasti jenis bumbu-bumbu dasarnya seperti ini.
Urapan khas Ibu saya ini wangi kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya berasa sedap...itu kuncinya.


Pideli Köfte recipe (Turkish Kofte with pide/ flat bread)

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey.....

When you visit Bursa there are some local cuisines you should try. For example; İskender Kebab, Bursa cantık (read; jantek is a kind of pide with round shape with meat topping), Pideli Köfte, İnegöl Köfte, Yenişehir Kasap Köfte, Kemalpaşa tatlısı, kestane şekeri, and more with recommended  places around the city.

Some of them I already post here in my page for you if you want to make at home. And now I'd like to share my homemade Pideli Köfte (kofte meatball with pide bread).
The flat meatball serve over pide chunks flush with tomato sauce then during serving hot melting butter splashed over the plate, bring wonderful appetite aroma.

Also serve with yogurt, grilled tomato and carliston chili pepper bring you more another delicacy of traditional Turkish food. For complement serve some vegetables pickles, chili pickles and ezme in other small plates.

Pideli Köfte recipe (Turkish Kofte with pide/ flat bread). #turkishcuisine #turkishfoodrecipe #pide #kofta #köfte #pideliköfte #turkishmeatball

Because of so many complement and things to prepare mostly people eat outside and hesitate to prepare at home. But for me who love to try new thing/ recipe especially Turkish cuisine. And more over, those complements are things that always ready in my fridge.
But if you want to make it at home as well, basically you just need to prepare pide bread, meatball and tomato sauce which I will share today. 


Pecel Tumpang / #sambaltumpang (Indonesian sambal from tempeh)

For Recipe in English please scroll down

Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba dari Turkey.

Selain suasana kampung ketika kita kecil dulu, hal yang selalu dirindukan jika jauh dari kampung halaman adalah makanan. Yaa... makanan adalah sebuah tradisi/ kebiasaan yang tumbuh bersama kita. 
Misalnya saya masih ingat ketika setiap pagi bapak saya (almarhum) selalu bersepeda bersama saya dan adik untuk mencari sarapan berupa ketan bumbu kedelai atau jajan pasar lainnya. Kadang kami mencari kompyang, roti goreng atau cakwe untuk sarapan.

Tapi yang paling melekat dalam benak adalah masakan ibuk tentu saja. Makanan ibuk menurut kami adalah makanan paling enak, terutama sambal uleg nya. Mbah uti (ibunya ibu) juga pinter masak mungkin itu diturunkan ka ibuk saya. Mbah Uti dan Ibuk saya kalau bikin bumbu pecel..wahhh..top markotop! nomer satu pokoknya! ^,^
Bahkan dulu sempat ibuk buka warung nasi pecel di rumah di Surabaya dulu ketika kami masih kecil. 

Ketika Ibuk sudah tidak berjualan pecel lagi, di rumah ibuk masih suka membuatkan kami bumbu pecel. Kadang Ibuk membuat pecel tumpang juga buat pendamping/ campuran bumbu pecel kacang... jangan tanya lagi rasanya.... hmmmm.... kita sampe "tanduk" (nambah nasi) berkali-kali ^,^

Kali ini saya mau sharing resep pecel tumpang a la ibu saya. Biasanya kalau bikin sambel tumpang Ibuk selalu kasih cabe rawit agak banyakan sebab rata-rata orang rumah jago makan pedes semua jadi semua masakan ibuk kebanyakan pedas.


Lebeniye Çorbası (Turkish Lebeniye Soup)

Assalamu'alaikum...... Merhaba from Turkey....

Lebeniye Çorbası or Lebeniye soup is a refreshing soup made from broth seasoned with yogurt sauce (in Turkish we call it "terbiyeli") consist of meatball, chickpea and rice/ wheat grain. Flush with butter mint during serve.

This is number one chosen soup during winter in my family due to the freshness, health and warmth of it. Traditionally came from Gaziantep and generally serve in family dinner table as appetizer or sometimes entree.

Each family has owned its own recipe and vary in ingredients compositions. Some thinner and some prefer thicker soup for family taste. But basically use the same ingredients below.

And here my recipe base on my family preference. I use 2 egg yolk to give more richness in my soup, the yogurt and flour ratio is just perfect for our taste.


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