Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.
Happy Sunday Everybody.
Weekend for me is busy time.... busy as week days actually (^,^).. But in week end I always spend more times to makes additional snacks for the family-- especially for my little one. For some kind of snack which can be frozen (make a head) I usually stock up a bit much so any time my Sahnaz wants a snack it can be ready in a minute ..just heat it in oven or just fry it.
This time I make tuna croquettes. I mixed my croquettes with carrots for more healthy reason . But If you want to make it and skip it .. go ahead .. but I prefer snack for my kid ..anything..with vegetables.
You can make it in advance and store in freezer. Use within 1 week.
- about 500 gr potato (peel and wash)
- 2 medium carrot
- 2 spring onion, chopped coarsely
- Canned tuna 160 ~ 180 g (strain the oil )
- ± 40 g butter or margarine (I use butter)
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk
- 1 small onion. finely chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic. finely chopped
- Pepper powder to taste
- Sugar and salt to taste
Ingredients for coating
- Egg whites (or 1 whole eggs), beaten off with 2 Tbsp water
- Bread crumb/ panko flour
- AP flour
- Oil for frying
How to:
1 Boil water and cook potatoes until soft (if you stick a knife into its center it'll easily slip from your knife). Boil also Carrot 5 to 7 minutes before the potatoes are cooked, so they'll be cooked at the same time. Mash potatoes with a potato masher. Cut carrots into small cubes. In a bowl mix potatoes, carrots, and chopped green onion, and set aside.
2 Heat margarine/butter in a wok. Saute garlic and chopped onion until fragrant and wilted. Stir in canned tuna and stir fry for a few minutes. Add flour, and stir fry for one minute. Pour in milk, stir until smooth, and season with salt, sugar, and pepper. Then add potato mixture. Stir the mix until blended. Check the taste. Remove from heat and let cool.
3. Prepare your platter filled with flour and other with bread crumbs. Beat off the egg with water and set it aside.
Take the croquette dough, a long round shape. Do it to all the remaining dough. Drag them into flour and shake it well to remove excess flour then dip croquette into beaten egg. After that roll over panko /bread flour. İf you can thicker skin, repeat by dipping it into egg and covering with panko/ bread flour again.
4 Heat oil in a deep skillet. Fry croquettes in high heat a few minutes until golden. Remove and serve.
To get nice shape and not cracked croquette, deep fry them in very hot oil and no need too much flipped them.
Make ahead tip: Do all procedure until no#3 and keep in airtight container before store in freezer. Defrost for few minute before frying.
Resep kroket kentang tuna
Menjadi 20 buah (tergantung besar/ kecilnya)
🍠 ± 500 gr kentang (kupas dan cuci)
🍠 2 wortel ukuran besar
🍠 2 batang daun bawang, cincang kasar
🍠 160 ~ 180 gr daging tuna kaleng (buang air/minyaknya)
🍠 ± 40 gr mentega
🍠 2 sdm terigu
🍠 ½ cup (120 ml) susu
🍠 1 bawang bombay, cincang halus
🍠 3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
🍠 bubuk merica sesuai selera
🍠 garam dan gula sesuai seelra
Bahan untuk coating:
🍠 putıh telur (atau 1 telur utuh), kocok lepas bersama 2 sdm air (saya pakai putih telur sisa)
🍠 tepung roti/ panko
🍠 tepung terigu
🍠 minyak untuk menggoreng
Cara membuat:
➤ Kukus atau rebus kentang hingga empuk. Kukus atau rebus juga wortel. Haluskan kentang selagi panas, sisihkan. Potong wortel kotak kecıl. Campur kentang halus, wortel dan irisan daun bawang dalam wadah yang cukup besar, sisihkan.
➤ Panaskan mentega dalam wajan, tumis bwng bombay dan bwng putih hingga layu. Masukkan tuna kalengan yang sudah ditiriskan dari air/ minyaknya, tumis beberapa menit saja.
Tambahkan terigu, aduk cepat, tuangkan susu dan aduk hingga halus dan kental.
Bubuhi dengan garam, merica dan sedikit gula, aduk rata.
Lalu masukkan campurn kentang - wortel, aduk rata dan koreksi rasanya. matikan api dan biarkan dingin sebelum dibentuk.
➤. Setelah dingin, ambil adonan dan bentuk bulat lonjong. Kocok lepas putih telur / telur utuh dng 2 sdm air. Gulingkan kroket dalam tepung terigu, lalu kocokan telur kemudian ke dalam tepung panko. Lakukan hingga adonan habis. Note: Setelah step ini kroket bisa disimpang dalam freezer atau bisa langsung dıgoreng.
➤ Panaskan minyak dalam volume yang banyak (hampir terendam jika dipakai untuk menggoreng kroket). Goreng kroket kentang dalam minyak yang panas sekitar 3-4 menit saja hingga kecoklatan. jangan terlalu banyak membolak balik agar kulit tidak pecah.
Selamat mencoba.
Check my other yummy recipe
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Kroket Kentang ayam ( Potato Chicken Croquettes) |
Great way to fancy up some canned tuna! Tuna is a staple in my pantry!
ReplyDeleteThese look delicious!
ReplyDeleteWhen we lived in Germany, we saw many different types of croquettes (and loved them all), but never saw ones with tuna. What a great way to switch up this concept!
ReplyDeleteYou are right Dee Dee. Each country has their own style of croquette.. and I love them all :)