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Resep Grontol Jagung (boiled corn with savory coconut)

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Talking about traditional snack (Jajan pasar=Indonesian) is like open my childhood memory. I grew up with these foods like many other people in my age - maybe older. I don't know about kids in Indonesia now..are they still eating this "grontol jagung" or not since as far as I know (when I was in holiday to my homeland recently), very rare this food seller on street/ alleys. And parents.. maybe too busy to make this at home.

I remember there was one "grontol jagung" seller in front of my (elementary) school around year 198something. And I always bought at the morning before I entered my school yard to buy this for my breakfast cause I hardly ever got one in my house-sadly to say :(  
Yes this meal is really can make you full! so it's also something more for breakfast than a snack.

It is really easy but need patience to make it. For you Indonesian fellow (who born at 197something or older) who miss this food and want to make it at home..here my late grandma used to make long time ago as I remember...

Serve about 5 sharings

Ingredients and how to make:
  • about 200 gr dried corn, washed and soak in warm water all night
  • Pandan leaf
  • salt to taste
  • shredded fresh coconut is originally we usually use back in my homeland ( but here I use desiccated coconut and mix with a little warm water)

In deep pan put corn, pandan leaf and pinch of salt, boil in deep water over medium heat until corn busted/ crack almost like popcorn.
Note: Add more hot water if your corn still hard/ not yet crack. This boiling process may consume some times. 

Mix shredded coconut with pinch of salt then steam about 5 minutes. Mix boiled corn with savory coconut shredded. Serve hot.


Bahan dan cara membuat:
  • kurang lebih 200 gr jagung pipil kering. Rendam dengan air hangat semalaman.
  • Daun pandan
  • garam
  • Kelapa setengah tua,parut panjang

Cuci bersih jagung yang sudah direndam semalaman. Taruh dalam panci bersama daun pandan dan sedikit garam lalu rebus dengan air banyak hingga jagung pecah (hampir seperti popcorn).
Note: Proses merebus jagung ini bisa lama tergantung keras/ tidaknya jagung kering yang dipakai. Tambahkan air mendidih jika jagung belum lunak/ pecah.

Campur kelapa parut dengan sedikit garam lalu kukus sekitar 5 menit.
Campur jagung dengan kelapa parut. Sajikan hangat.

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