Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey..
Ikan means Fish in Indonesian. Saus Lada hitam means black pepper sauce. The humble of lightly crushed black peppercorn mix with oyster sauce and ginger-garlic spices is a fusion of Indonesian flavor with Chinese influence. The sauce mixture in this dish make it so special and really gets along with fish or any seafood you cook with this sauce. Eg, crab, calamari, lobster, or prawn.
This dish is one popular as street food along with other kinds. If you were live in big city like surabaya, jakarta and some other cities, you might find some Chinese food street vendors along the main street open their "kitchen" after the afternoon. And also you can find at some Indo-Chinese restaurants which open mostly almost 24 hours.
But even it's popular as street food, still some moms-like my mom- sometimes cooked it for us at home. Usually, she uses crab for this black pepper sauce. Yes, this black pepper sauce is just perfect for crab.
And since I couldn't find any crab until now in Bursa I want to fulfill my craving on some my homeland food like this crunchy fish cooked in black pepper sauce. Making it is actually very simple and quick for prepare-as many types of Indo-Chinese food.
As long as you ready with everything including fry your fish fillet, just heat your wok on high heat, stir fry the spices then add your sauce. Mix the fish with sauce and you done. You can substitute the fish with prawn, calamari or crab. Lobster? why not, it's even great! Once I ate freshwater lobster cooked with this black pepper sauce, superb! ooww... I just miss that dish now!
So let's have an Indonesian flavor on your dinner table for this weekend.
Serve 2~4 share.
- 1 whole (± 700 gr) sea bream/ sea bass ( you can use fillet instead of whole fish)
- 1 small egg, beat with 3 tbsp water/milk
- 4 tbsp flour
- 2 tbsp tapioca/potato starch
- 2 tsp garlic powder (optional)
- salt and pepper
- Oil for deep fry
For sauce:
- ± 2 tbsp oil
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 big yellow onion, roughly sliced lengthwise/ cubed
- ± 2 cm fresh ginger, finely chopped
- 2 big red/ green bell pepper, cubed
- ± 1½ tsp black peppercorn, crushed
- green onion for serving, finely sliced
- 3 tbsp oyster sauce (*)
- 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce (*)
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce (*)
- 2 tsp brown sugar (*)
- 300 ml of water(*)
- 1½ tsp tapioca starch/ cornstarch(*)
1) For Fish: remove it flesh from bones, cut into 3x3 cm chunk, keep fish bone don't cut from the head for serving later. If you use fish fillets, just cut it into chunk. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
2) In a platter, mix thoroughly flour, starch, garlic powder (if using), salt and pepper. Heat enough cooking oil in a wok for deep fry. Dip fish chunk in egg wash, then roll over the flour, fry on medium heat until golden red. Fry also your fishbone & head. Drain well the excess oil over kitchen paper towel.
3) Remove oil from wok and leave it about 2 tbsp. Saute onion, garlic, ginger, and bell pepper just until wilt. Mix in sauce mixture and crushed black pepper, stir vigorously until it thickened, check the taste. You might need more sugar or salt.
4) Stir in the fish and toss to combine. Serve it warm immediately with a sprinkle of more crushed black pepper and sliced onion spring also warm steamed rice.
Selamat menikmati/ Enjoy.
Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences. Sumatra cuisine, for example, often has Middle Eastern and Indian influences, featuring curried meat and vegetables such as gulai and kari, while Javanese cuisine is mostly indigenous, with some hint of Chinese influence. The cuisines of Eastern Indonesia are similar to Polynesian and Melanesian cuisine. Elements of Chinese cuisine can be seen in Indonesian cuisine: foods such as bakmi (noodles), bakso (meat or fish balls), and lumpia (spring rolls) have been completely assimilated.
Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally, Indonesia’s indigenous techniques and ingredients were influenced by India, the Middle East, China, and finally Europe. Spanish and Portuguese traders brought New World produce even before the Dutch came to colonize most of the archipelago. The Indonesian islands The Moluccas (Maluku), which are famed as "the Spice Islands", also contributed to the introduction of native spices, such as cloves and nutmeg, to Indonesian and global cuisine.
Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour,acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equate to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter). Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).
Resep Ikan saus Lada hitam
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
🐟 1 ikan gurame (± 700 gr), pisahkan ikan dari tulang/ bisa pakai fillet ikan
🐟 1 telur uk. kecil, kocok dengan 3 sdm air
🐟 4 sdm terigu
🐟 2 sdm tapioca / pati kentang/ maizena
🐟 2 sdt bubuk bawang putih (optional)
🐟 garam dan lada secukupnya
🐟 Minyak untuk menggoreng ikan
4) Matikan api dan campurkan potongan ikan, aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata. Sajikan hangat dengan taburan potongan daun bawang dan nasi hangat.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Check my other yummy posts:
Untuk saus lada hitam:
🐟 3 siung bawang putih, geprak dan cincang
🐟 1 bawang bombay uk. besar, potong kotak atau memanjang
🐟 ± 2 cm jahe, geprak dan cincang halus
🐟 2 uk besar paprika merah atau hijau, potong kotak
🐟 ± 1½ sdt merica hitam butiran, ditumbuk kasar
🐟 irisan daun bawang untuk taburan
🐟 3 sdm saus tiram (*)
🐟 2 sdt kecap inggris (*)
🐟 2 sdm dark soy sauce/ bisa pakai kecap manis tp kurangi jumlah gula (*)
🐟 2 sdt brown sugar, bisa gunakan gula jawa (*)
🐟 300 ml air(*)
🐟 1½ sdt tapioka / pati jagung (maizena) (*)
Cara membuat:
1) Potong fillet ikan sesuai selera besarnya, lumuri garam dan merica secukupnya. Campur terigu, tapioka/ maizena, bubuk bawang putih (jika pakai), sedikit dan dan merica. Taruh diatas piring yang lebar.
2) Panaskan minyak dalam wajan. Celupkan potongan ikan dalam kocokan telur lalu gulingkan dalam campuran tepung, lalu goreng hingga kuning keemasan.
3) Ambil minyak yang digunakan untuk menggoreg ikan sebelumnya, sisahkan sekitar 2 sdm. Tumis, bawang bombay, bawang putih, jahe dan paprika hingga layu. Masukkan campuran saus dan lada hitam yang sudah ditumbuk kasar, aduk hingga mengental.4) Matikan api dan campurkan potongan ikan, aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata. Sajikan hangat dengan taburan potongan daun bawang dan nasi hangat.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Check my other yummy posts:

Bihun goreng udang / Indonesian style shrimp fried rice vermicelli
That sounds delicious love all those flavors to really wake up that fish!
ReplyDeleteWe would love this fish recipe. What a fantastic sauce.
ReplyDeleteWow!This looks amazing. I would love to try this.
ReplyDeleteOooh, this sounds so flavorful and it looks like you've achieved total crunchy perfection!
ReplyDeleteI love the exotic dishes you make on your blog! I need to get more fish in my life!