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Kue kering #PutriSalju II / snow white cookies II

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey....

When latest week of Ramadhan like nowadays.... and when eid-el Fitr getting near...most muslim family in Indonesia would be very much busy preparing things for welcoming biggest Muslim religious festivals.

If you live in Indonesia, the vibrancy and spirit of Eid-el Fitr sorely can be felt in malls, supermarket, offices, terminals until kitchen at the last week of Ramadhan like now days.
Malls gets very much crowded triple like normal days. Kids are the happiest one cause they will have plenty of new clothes for Eid-el Fitr * I'm missing my childhood.
Hectic also increase at many terminals since people start flooded the terminal for travelling to their home town.

And since many family member mostly already home for spending last week of Ramadhan, the most busy person at home of course, MOMS! (^,^)

And part of the kitchen hectic in Indonesian families is making cookies. A lot of them. We make any kind of traditional cookies like Kaastengel, Nastar (pineapple tart), semprit butter cookies, and many others. Also this Putri Salju cookies. 
These cookies are like "must cookies" on our living room table during Eid-el Fitr.

My today's post is another Putri Salju cookie. I made these cookies before but with a different recipe, check my previous Putri Salju cookies here for another version.
Both recipes I think is great and will give you the best snow-white cookies for your family and friends. 

Try both recipes and tell me which one suits your taste.

Putri Salju Cookies recipe

Yield about 600 gr 
  • 250 g margarine, soften at room temperature
  • 100 gr powdered sugar
  • 200 gr roasted cashew nut, grind into powder smooth*
  • 250 gr AP flour
  • Enough icing/ powdered sugar for coating the cookies**
(*) I use almond powder
(**) I mix my icing sugar with 2 tsp vanilla powder
Putri Salju cookie cutter
  1. Using medium speed electric mixer, cream margarine, and powdered sugar just until smooth. 
  2. Mix in powdered cashew/ almond and mix to combine. Sift in AP flour and mix to well combine. Shape into a ball and wrap with plastic wrap. Let it sit at the refrigerator about 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven at 160°C (me;140°C fan force). Unwrap the dough and roll it not more than 1 cm thick. Use a wide plastic sheet or baking paper to make your work easier and clean (see illustration here).
  4. Then using "putri salju" cookie cutter (traditionally crescent shape) cut the dough and arrange it onto a cookie tray lined with baking paper. Or you can simply shape the dough into a crescent shape without a cookie cutter.
  5. Bake them for about 20 minutes until done. Let the cookies completely cool before coat with icing sugar.
  6. Place your cookies inside a plastic bag filled with vanilla powder and icing sugar, gently shake the plastic bag to make all your cookies are covered well by icing sugar.
  7. Keep them in an airtight jar.


Recipe adapted from NCC


Resep Putri Salju

Menghasilkan sekitar 600 gr 
  • 250 gr margarine, lembekkan suhu ruang
  • 100 gr gula bubuk
  • 200 gr kacang mete halus*
  • 250 gr terigu serba guna
  • secukupnya gula bubuk untuk taburan kukis**
(*) saya gunakan almond bubuk
(**) saya campur icing sugar dengan 2 sdt vanili bubuk

Cara membuat:
  1. Mixer dengan kecepatan sedang; margarine dan gula bubuk hingga creamy. Campurkan bubuk kacang mete, aduk rata dengan kecepatan rendah saja.
  2. Masukkan terigu sambil diayak, adukrata hingga semua tercampur sempurna. Bulatkan adonan dan bungkus dengan plastic wrap. Diamkan dalam lemari es sekitar 30 mnt.
  3. Panaskan oven pada suhu 160°C (saya ;140°C dengan fan force). Ambil adonan dan roll dengan rolling pin dengan ketebalan tidak lebih dari 1 cm. Saya gunakan lembaran plastik lebar dalam proses penggilingan agar adonan tidak lengket (Lihat ilustrasinya disini). Lalu potong dengan cookie cutter. Jika tidak ada cookie cutter, bentuk adonan seperti bulan sabit.
  4. Taruh diatas loyang beralas kertas baking dan panggang kurleb 20 menit. Setelah matang, biarkan kukis benar-benar dingin sebelum dibalut gula icing.
  5. Simpan dalam toples kedap udara.
Happy baking.

Recipe adapted from Fatma B.

Lihat resep Putri Salju versi I disini.

Wait! Do not close this page 1st..check my other yummy post:

Black Nastar

Kaastengel II

Soes Kering Keju 

Spekoek butter cookies

Ginger snap



  1. These cookies are beautiful! They look like they would taste delicious, too!

  2. These cookies look simple and elegant! I'm sure they would be so welcome for a holiday celebration! Hope you enjoyed yours!

  3. wow amazing cookies great with coffee or tea. It is alwasy nice to have homemade cookies at home. I need to try your recipe soon =)


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