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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
If you are a peanut butter lover, you should love these cookies. It's my new fave! The texture is so perfect, it will melt in your mouth with a light sweetness. I use crunchy peanut butter with tiny chunks in it, so it even gives me an additional crunchy texture in every bite.
If you can't find crunchy peanut butter you still can make this with smooth peanut butter.
And do you believe that I made these yummy cookies from leftover egg white which stays in my fridge for a while. Well... I'm kinda not in the mood making macarons lately, so I decide to use my leftover egg white for baking some cookies. After all, Eid-al Fitr will come in a couple of weeks and Eid-al Fitr is always celebrating with jars and jars of cookies in my house (^,^)
So..voallaa... this peanut butter cookies will be new comer among many other traditional cookies I mostly made every Eid-al Fitr.
Making these cookies is very much simple and quick, just bring everything to room temperature before you start running your mixer. Simply cream mixture butter and margarine with powdered sugar for couple minutes. Beat in egg white followed by peanut butter and vanilla essence. Dump the dry ingredients and continue to whisk until combine. I just turn my mixer at low speed during whole process. No hard work, no time consuming but you'll get best melt in your mouth peanut butter cookies for your tea time!
I use basketweave nozzle tip but feel free to use other suitable tip you prefer like close star maybe... If so please adjust the baking time to get perfect crunchiness.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make about 750 gr

Make about 750 gr
- 115 gr unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
- 115 gr margarine, softened at room temperature
- 85 gr powdered sugar (add 10 gr more for more sweetness, mine is light sweetness)
- pinch of salt
- 280 gr all-purpose flour
- 40 gr powdered milk
- 190 gr crunchy peanut butter (you can use creamy/ smooth one)
- 90 gr egg white, room temperature (fresh or leftover one)
- 1 tsp vanilla essence/extract or 2 tsp vanilla powder
- Preheat oven at 140~150°C fan force (150~160°C no fan). Line 4 baking tray with parchment paper. Sift together flour and powdered milk, whisk to combine, and set aside.
- Cream butter, powdered sugar, and a pinch of salt with a low-speed mixer for about 1~2 minutes only.
- Whisk in egg whites gradually and continue to beat at low speed followed by peanut butter and vanilla essence. Whisk to combine.
- Sift in flour mixture then using lowest speed whisk all together just until well combine. Move the dough into a piping bag with a large basketweave nozzle. I use a 2cm wide basketweave tip.
- Pipe the batter on to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Pipe them about 6~7cm length side by side each cookie, make space about 2 cm to each cookie.
- Bake them about 15 minutes, then lower temperature at 130°C fan force (140°C no fan) and bake another 10 minute until crunchy. Note: oven temperature only guides, recognize your own oven to adjust heat. You can lower your oven if you notice browning too fast on your cookies.
Let your cookies completely cool on a cooling rack before store in an airtight jar. Cookies will stand weeks in an airtight jar--But I'm not sure it would be stay that long (^,^)
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turkey.
Sebenarnya ini edisi ngabisin stock putih telur yang ngendon di kulkas, sudah lumayan lama ngendonnya..makanya kawatir rusak. Biasanya sih sisa putel saya pakai buat bikin macarons atau bolu kukus... tapi kok ya gak ada mood nge-baking Macarons ya....
Ya sudah... utak utik bikin kukis Peanut butter ini yang ternyata setelah jadi kok ueenak tenan... hehehehe... Apalagi buat penggemar peanut butter...kukis ini wajib deh dicoba.
Gampang dan cepat banget bikinnya. Gak pake ribet. Saya pakai jenis peanut butter yang crunchy, itu lhoo.. yang ada cincangan halus kacangnya. Jadi pas digigit ada sensasi cincangan kacangnya. Tapi kalau mau pakai yang jenis smooth/ halus juga bisa kok.
Ayo.. dicoba juga deh resepnya..dijamin nagih! (^,^)

Kue kering selai kacang (putih telur)
By: Çitra's Home Diary
- 115 gr mentega tawar, lunakkan suhu ruang
- 115 gr margarin, lunakkan suhu ruang
- 85 gr gula halus (tambah 10 gr lagi jika ingin lebih manis, punya saya cukupan buat selera saya)
- sejumput garam (jika pakai mentega asin, skip penggunaan garam)
- 280 gr terigu serba guna
- 40 gr susu bubuk
- 190 gr crunchy peanut butter/ selai kacang (bisa gunakan jenis yang halus/ smooth)
- 90 gr putih telur, suhu ruang (fresh or left over one)
- 1 sdt vanilla essence/extract or 2 sdt vanilla powder
Cara membuat:
- Panaskan oven suhu 150~160°C (140~150°C fan force). Siapkan loyang baking beralas baking paper. Ayak jadi satu tepung dan susu bubuk, campur rata dan sisihkan.
- Kocok dengan kecepatan rendah, mentega+margarin gula bubuk dan garam sebentar saja asal tercampur rata.
- Masukkan putih telur sedikit demi sedikit, kocok rata. Lalu masukkan peanut butter dan vanilla essence, kocok dengan kecepatan rendah asal tercampur rata.
- Campurkan bahan kering sambil diayak, kocok kecepatan rendah hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan dalam piping bag (nozzle keranjang) dan spuitkan diatas loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Saya gunakan tip basket weave (gambar diatas) lebar 2cm. Cetak memanjang bersisihan sekitar 6~7 cm.
- Panggang sekitar 15 menit dan lanjutkan memanggang suhu 130°C kurang lebih 10 menit atau hingga renyah.
Catatan: Suhu oven ini hanya panduan saja, sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven kamu masing-masing untuk menghasilkan panas yang sesuai. Gunakan suhu rendah jika kukis terlihat kecoklatan lebih cepat.
Dinginkan diatas rak pendingin sebelum disimpan dalam toples kedap udara. Yield sekitar 750 gr.
Selamat mencoba.
Check my other yummy cookies recipes:
Check my other yummy cookies recipes:
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Black Nastar/ pineapple bites |
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Spicy checkerboard cookies |
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Kaastengel cheesy cookies |
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Klassiske Vaniljekranse (Danish Butter Cookies) Recipe |
I've never seen peanut butter cookies shaped like this before! They look amazing!
ReplyDeleteHai Diana... yeah... Mostly peanut butter cookies simply have round drop shape.
DeleteI love the shape and texture of these, great tip about using a frosting tip and piping bag!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen peanut butter cookies like this before! But who doesn't love a PB cookie right?
ReplyDeleteThese cookies looks so great! I LOVE anything peanut butter!