Selam everybody......Merhaba from Turkey.
İ think grilled chicken has the widest varieties of spice. You can do and add any flavor you like start from spicy, sweet, sour, salty, or simply garlicky.
İn İndonesia grilled chicken calls ayam bakar, also has very much variety base on bumbu/ spices uses, or base on originated.
We have ayam bakar sunda, which comes from Sunda (west Java). Or ayam bakar Padang, from Padang-west Sumatra. Or Ayam bakar Taliwang, from Lombok island and each province/ region has own typical grilled chicken (ayam bakar).
Also base on spices used, we have ayam bakar bumbu bali, ayam bakar bumbu rujak (spicy grilled chicken), ayam bakar kecap (sweet soy sauce grilled chicken-see the recipe here), ayam bakar cabe hijau (green chili grilled chicken)... and more.
And today İ am going to share one from that dozen kind of İndonesian grilled chicken, it's Spicy honey grilled chicken.
The spiciness from crushed black pepper and chili sauce will be balanced by the slight sweetness of honey. And the oyster sauce will complete these tango team on your plate.
Perfect İndonesian taste for you who love grilled chicken and enjoy food adventure.
Serve it with warm white steam rice and chili sambal as your taste. And don't forget to grab some fresh vegetables to enjoy this dish.
AYAM BAKAR MADU YANG LEZAT / İndonesian Spicy Honey Grilled Chicken recipe
Serve 4.
- 1 kg chicken ( İ use leg and thigh )
- fresh-squeezed from half lemon (about 2 tbsp)
- 4-5 cloves of garlic, finely crushed
- 5 tbsp honey
- 4 tbsp oyster sauce
- 2 tbsp hot chili sauce ( İ use "belibis" brand), you can use sriracha or any brand you like
- 1 tbsp black peppercorn, lightly crushed
- about 3 tbsp olive oil/ vegetable oil
- 1 tsp of salt or to taste
1) Mix chicken and lemon and let it sit for about 30 minutes.
2) Mix all other ingredients then marinate the chicken in sauce mixture and keep at least 3 hours or overnight. İ mostly do the marinate a night before to grill the next day.
3) Roast chicken over charcoal or over grilling pan or in the oven. During roasting keep brushing the chicken with remaining sauce.
4) Serve hot with more freshly crushed black peppercorn.
See chili sambal recipe here as your prefer.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Assalamu'alaykum....Merhaba dari Turki.
Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa bagi yang melaksanakan ibadah di bulan ramadhan. Semoga lancar dan semoga ibadah kita diterima Allah SWT. Tetap sehat dan jaga kesehatan ya....
Hari ini ingin berbagi salah satu resep kesukaan saya, yaitu ayam bakar. Pokoknya segala macem ayam bakar saya suka. Kali ini pengen yang praktis dan cepat untuk sahur maupun iftar.. Gampang bikinnya karena tinggal rendam ayamnya dan langsung dimasukkan oven dibakar. 😊
Disajikan bersama nasi hangat dan sambal,nah yang terakhir itu saya selalu stock sebab makan kalau gak pakai sambal rasanya seperti hidup tanpa cerita...halllaaa....! apa'an sih...hıhihihi... 😁
Yuk...mari yang pengen bikin juga...
- 1 kg ayam utuh potong sesuai selera (saya gunakan bagian paha atas dan bawah)
- perasan jeruk limau atau lemon kurleb 2 sdm
- 4-5 bawang putih, cincang halus
- 5 sdm madu
- 4 sdm saus tiram
- 2 sdm saus sambal (saya pakai brand "belibis")
- 1 sdm merica hitam, geprak kasar
- kerleb 3 sdm minyak zaitun / atau minyak goreng
- 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera

Cara membuat ayam bakar madu:
1) lumuri ayam dengan perasan jeruk limau dan diamkan kurleb 30 mnt.
2) campur semua bahan lainnya untuk marinate (bahan perendam).
3) Masukkan ayam dalam bumbu perendam dan diamkan dalam lemari es minim 3 jam. Saya biasanya merendam semalaman sebelum diolah/ dibakar keesokan harinya.
4) bakar diatas arang atau diatas wajan grill atau bisa juga dalam oven. Olesi ayam dengan sisa bumbu marinate selama proses membakar ayam.
Sajikan panas dengan nasi, lalapan dan sambal trasi.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Hmm... looks like so yummy...
ReplyDeleteIngat almarhum bapak yang suka bikin ikan bakar madu
Kapan-kapan coba ah resepnya.
Hai Win...thank you sudah mampir. Semoga suka resepnya ya.... :)