Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.
Wingko Babat is one of the old Indonesian traditional snack (jajan Pasar) which may already exist decades ago together with other some traditional snack/ food. Made from grated coconut and glutinous rice flour as main ingredient. Wingko is very famous on the northern coast of the island of Java.
Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.
The most famous Wingko is made in Semarang. It causes a lot of people who think that wingko also came from this city. Nonetheless, wingko babat actually comes from small town calls "Babat" . It is a small area in Lamongan, East Java.
Wingko mostly has round shape but is sometimes presented in small square chunks at warm or room temperature. Has a slightly soft yet somewhat chewy texture. Sweet taste and is so aromatic from vanilla or sometimes pandan.
Today I'm going to share this favorite ever of mine in Pandan taste. You can check my previous Wingko Babat recipe for the original taste here. For this pandan flavor İ bake in oven and cut into portion, different from pancake version. But if you want to cook over pan / round shape feel free to do so, check the link İ give above.
So let's gather some ingredients and experience the traditional Indonesian sweet for your afternoon tea/ coffee.
1. Preheat oven at 150-160°C. Line one 25x25 cm pan with parchment paper.
2. In a medium bowl mix all ingredients and start to knead slowly with your hand, you can use a wooden spoon but with clean bare hand you can fell the sugar already dissolve or not. Knead/ mix until the sugar has dissolved.
3. Transfer the batter into prepared pan, spread to fill every corner and smooth the surface. Then bake 30-45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the middle of cake. The surface should slightly golden brown.
Let it sit to cool then cut into square before serve.
4) You also can cook over pan like pancake. Heat small pancake mold over medium heat, use small ice cream scoop to take the batter and pour into the mold... cook slowly over low-medium heat until it surface golden brown in each side.
If you don't have mini pancake mold, simply grill over non stick pan.
See how to cook with pan here.
Assalamu'alaykum....Merhaba dari Turki
Kali ini edisi kangen jajanan jaman baheula.... İya..wingko babat. Pokoknya gak pernah bosen dengan jajanan satu ini. Seringnya bikin yang plain aja sih..tapi kali ini mau coba pakai pasta pandan, mumpung stock tepung ketan dan pasta pandannya masih ada.
Terus karena lagi puasa, jadi malas berlama-lama di dapur, kali ini ditaruh loyang dan langsung panggang aja dalam oven jadi praktis dan cepat bikinnya.
Tapi kalau mau dicetak bulat dan dimasak diatas wajan bisa juga kok... klik postingan wingko babat saya sebelumnya untuk versi yang plain dan dicetak bulat.
Cara membuat:
Diamkan hingga dingin sebelum dipotong sesuai selera.
Selamat mencoba.
Check my traditional version Wingko Babat recipe here:
Wingko mostly has round shape but is sometimes presented in small square chunks at warm or room temperature. Has a slightly soft yet somewhat chewy texture. Sweet taste and is so aromatic from vanilla or sometimes pandan.
Today I'm going to share this favorite ever of mine in Pandan taste. You can check my previous Wingko Babat recipe for the original taste here. For this pandan flavor İ bake in oven and cut into portion, different from pancake version. But if you want to cook over pan / round shape feel free to do so, check the link İ give above.
So let's gather some ingredients and experience the traditional Indonesian sweet for your afternoon tea/ coffee.
- 200 gr glutinous rice flour
- 200 gr desiccated grated coconut* ( fresh one is the best, see note)
- 150 gr sugar
- 150 ml thick coconut milk
- 25-30 ml warm water
- 1 big egg
- ¾ tbsp pandan paste **
** you can use homemade pandan paste from blend few pandan leaves with warm water about 50 ml then strain and take about 25 ml as the recipe
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White Glutinous rice flour |
How to make:
1. Preheat oven at 150-160°C. Line one 25x25 cm pan with parchment paper.
2. In a medium bowl mix all ingredients and start to knead slowly with your hand, you can use a wooden spoon but with clean bare hand you can fell the sugar already dissolve or not. Knead/ mix until the sugar has dissolved.
3. Transfer the batter into prepared pan, spread to fill every corner and smooth the surface. Then bake 30-45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the middle of cake. The surface should slightly golden brown.
Let it sit to cool then cut into square before serve.
4) You also can cook over pan like pancake. Heat small pancake mold over medium heat, use small ice cream scoop to take the batter and pour into the mold... cook slowly over low-medium heat until it surface golden brown in each side.
If you don't have mini pancake mold, simply grill over non stick pan.
See how to cook with pan here.
Assalamu'alaykum....Merhaba dari Turki
Kali ini edisi kangen jajanan jaman baheula.... İya..wingko babat. Pokoknya gak pernah bosen dengan jajanan satu ini. Seringnya bikin yang plain aja sih..tapi kali ini mau coba pakai pasta pandan, mumpung stock tepung ketan dan pasta pandannya masih ada.
Terus karena lagi puasa, jadi malas berlama-lama di dapur, kali ini ditaruh loyang dan langsung panggang aja dalam oven jadi praktis dan cepat bikinnya.
Tapi kalau mau dicetak bulat dan dimasak diatas wajan bisa juga kok... klik postingan wingko babat saya sebelumnya untuk versi yang plain dan dicetak bulat.
- 200 gr tepung ketan putih
- 200 gr Parutan kelapa (saya gunakan kelapa kering )*
- 150 gr gula
- 150 ml santan kental
- 25-30 ml air hangat, kalau pakai parutan kelapa segar, air bisa dikurangi
- 1 telur ukuran besar
- ¾ sdm pasta pandan
Cara membuat:
- Siapkan loyang ukuran 25x25 cm, alasi dengan kertas baking. Panaskan oven suhu 150-160°C.
- Campur semua bahan sambil diuleni hingga gula larut.
- Tuang adonan ke loyang dan ratakan permukaannya. Panggang hingga matang, berwarna cokelat keemasan kurleb 30-45 menit. Tes tusuk hingga kering.
Diamkan hingga dingin sebelum dipotong sesuai selera.
Selamat mencoba.
Check my traditional version Wingko Babat recipe here:
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Wingko babat / Indonesian coconut base pancake |
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