Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.
Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.
Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour, acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equates to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter).
Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).
Throughout it's history, İndonesian has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally İndonesian indigenous techniques and ingredient were influenced by İndia, middle eastern, China, even Europe.
And as an archipelago country with the longest coastline on earth İndonesia has countless type of fish and seafood as protein source beside poultry and meat.
And my today post is one of everybody's favorite and any kids will love it, call "kaki naga". "Kaki naga" literally means dragon feet 😊 . Don't ask me why we call this food dragon feet.. İ don't think it's looking like dragon feet either 😃.
Anyway, this "kaki naga" mostly using minced fish as main ingredient, sometime combine with chicken or shrimp as well. But today İ am going to share shrimp version of "kaki naga" / dragon feet. İ combine with chicken meat to ease the sharpness of shrimp taste and also to add the texture of final product because when İ use whole shrimp, sometimes it ends up with more runny batter.
So.. if you are ready to try new cuisine for your family.. note this recipe down. Believe me your kids would love it too! 😏
And's freezer friendly and can be another idea for your kid's or your family lunch box!
Recipe By Çitra's Home Diary
Make ± 30 sticks (depends how big you make each)
- 250 gr shrimps, cold
- 250 gr chicken meat, cold
- 4 cloves of garlic, finely grated or pureé
- 70 gr egg whites, it's a great way to finish our leftover egg white 😊 (or 1 big whole egg)
- 80 gr tapioca starch ( or potato starch)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp chicken bullion powder (optional)
- 1 tsp black pepper powder
- 2 tsp oyster sauce
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 2 eggs, beat with 2 Tbsp water
- bread crumbs/panko flour
- Oil for frying
- bamboo popsicle stick/skewer
How to make:
1) Cut chicken meat into small chunk and put it into food processor. Process until smooth. Then add shrimp and all ingredients (except starch). And process again until smooth.
2) Add the starch and mix again until well combine, scrape the side and bottom side as well. Move to another bowl. You may check the taste by fry small amount of the mixture, add black pepper or salt and sugar as needed.
3) Boil water for heat the steamer. Brush your steamer with oil. Lightly wet your palm with oil, take about 1½ tablespoon and shape into a long oval shape and stick into popsicle stick/ skewer. Steam for about 1 minute. You might do it in batches if you have small steamer. Try to give space among them during the steaming process, don't worry they will not stick each other. Let them cool.
4) Beat egg in one platter, and place bread crumbs/ panko flour on another platter. Dip the shrimp cake into egg and coat with panko flour/ bread crumbs. Do to all "dragon feet".
Note: make ahead tips, you can keep in container and freeze this shrimp cake from this step. Defrost and bring to room temperature before fry.
5) Heat enough cooking oil over medium high heat and fry them until golden brown and floating.
Enjoy with chili sauce or ketchup and some pickles.

Assalamu'alaykum.... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Kali ini edisi pengen nyetok camilan buat si kecil (dan emaknya donk 😏). Musim panas jadi rada malas lama-lama di dapur jadi pengennya sekali nguplek dapur bisa dibikin stok nya sekalian.
Si anak lagi bosan nuget ayam, jadi bikinlah kaki naga ini. Kali ini bikin yang versi udang-ayam sebab mau ngabisin udang frozen yang lumayan banyak. Biasanyanya sih bikin pakai daging ikan... kadang full ayam aja.
Oke deh.... cuss aja ya ke dapur.. keburu ngantuk ntar kebanyakan baca ya... hihihi 😃
Menjadi ± 30 kaki naga (tergantung besar/ kecil ngebentuknya ya)
- 250 gr udang dingin
- 250 gr daging ayam dingin, potong kecil-kecil
- 4 siung bawang putih, haluskan/ parut
- 70 gr putih telur (atau 1 telur utuh besar)
- 80 gr tapioca atau pati kentang
- @1 sdt garam dan gula
- 1 sdt kaldu bubuk (optional)
- 1 sdt merica bubuk
- 2 sdt saus tiram
- 1 sdm minyak wijen
Untuk baluran:
- 2 telur kocok lepas
- tepung roti/ panko
Bahan lain:
- minyak untuk menggoreng secukupnya
- tusukan lolipop bambu/ tusakan sate

Cara memasak:
1) Proses daging ayam terlebih dahulu dengan food processor hingga halus. Lalu masukkan semua bahan keculai tapioka dan lanjutkan memproses hingga halus dan tercampur rata.
Terakhir masukkan tapioka/ pati kentang dan proses hingga tercampur rata.
2) pindahkan dalam mangkok lain. Jika ingin mengetes rasanya, ambil sedikit adonan dan goreng untuk dicicipi, tambahkab gula/ garam/ merica sesuai selera.
3) Panaskan kukusan dan olesi dengan minyak. Ambil adonan kaki naga (kurleb 1½ sdm atau sesuai selera besarnya) dan tusukan ke bambu. Basahi telapak tangan dengan sedikit minyak untuk mempermudah proses. Kukus kurang lebih 15 menit. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
4) Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya. Celupkan kaki naga ke dalam kocokan telur lalu gulingkan dalam tepung panko hingga rata. Goreng hingga merah keemasan.
Tips: Jika ingin menyimpan kaki naga ini, setelah dibalut panko kaki naga bisa disimpan dalam wadah kedap udara dan disimpan dalam frezeer/ lemari es. Cairkan hingga suhu ruang sebelum digoreng.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
You may like my other yummy post:
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Kroket Kentang ayam ( Potato Chicken Croquettes) |
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Homemade Chicken Nuggets. KID'S FAVORITE! |
It looks really good!!
ReplyDeletethank you :)
DeleteWow! This looks sooooo yummy! I have never heard of this before, but now I want to try it. Thanks for the recipe!
ReplyDeletethank you Dominique..come back and tell me how do you like it :)
DeleteI am pretty sure my grown up step son, my husband and I, we would all enjoy this dish so much! Looks so good!
ReplyDeleteWow! These look simply amazing! I love the chicken and shrimp mixed together. I need to make this just so I can see what it tastes like for myself. They looks delicious and fun!
ReplyDeleteThese look amazing! I'll admit, I've never really tried Indonesian cuisine, but this looks like the perfect place to start!
ReplyDeleteYum! I'm a sucker for anything fried and this looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteI bet that would be wonderful in a lunch box! But I wouldn't limit it to that...
ReplyDeleteI've never tried this, it looks so tasty. I'm not surprised the kids love these :)
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of these before but they look amazing!
ReplyDeleteThese look yummy and definately something my kiddos will love!
ReplyDeleteWow these shrimp cakes look amazing!! My hubby would love these!