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Buchty ( Buchteln / Buchta / Wuchteln) Bread / Roti manis khas Balkan dan Eropa

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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İt's like a decade İ didn't post any bread recipe. Well... actually making homemade bread is part of my (almost) daily cooking as bread is staple in our house. İ bake mostly home style crusty bread for our daily meals.

As Asian İ prefer soft bread or soft buns with very light sweetness and soft crust. İn Indonesian we eat soft buns as breakfast (not everyday though) or accompany our tea/ coffee time. We call our buns "roti manis" means sweet buns.
Indonesia love their "roti manis" with shredded cheddar cheese. The combination of creamy cheese with sweet condensed milk are the most fave among us.

Talking about sweet buns, today İ am going to share one soft and sweet buns calls Buchta. İ found this bread similar to mostly Asian fave so İ eagerly give it a try. 
And İ've been reading a long the web about this yummy bun. Buchta, some call buchta or buchteln or Wuchteln in other place. 
Mostly mention it's Balkan countries origin (Bohemia-Czech). Spread around the neighboring countries like Austria, Hungary, Ukraine and further.

Buchty it's pull-apart style of soft yeast buns. Use many eggs to enrich the buns.  Traditional Buchteln is filled with plum Powidl jam. Buchteln are topped with vanilla sauce, powdered sugar or eaten plain and warm. But sometime it can be served with jam or sweet ground poppy seed.

İ like enjoy my buns with strawberry jam. İ cut half and fill with the jam. And my kid has Asian taste she love to enjoy the buns with a lot of unsalted shredded cheese then flush it with sweet condensed milk...YUM! Love it as well 💟

The recipe İ copied from Thebreadkitchen.com . İ think she has most original and authentic buchty recipe on the web 😊So here İ rewrite her recipe for you. Hope you can try it also, it's so good.


🍞 450 g (16 oz) strong white flour
🍞 120 g (4 fl oz) lukewarm milk
🍞 3 eggs
🍞 50 g (2 oz) sugar
🍞 50 g (2 oz) melted butter for the dough
🍞 75 g (3 oz) melted butter for dipping and glazing
🍞 2 tsp dried yeast
🍞 1 tsp salt
🍞 Icing sugar for serving

How to make:

 Add the yeast to warm milk, mix well and leave for about 10 minutes until it foamy active.

 sift together flour, sugar and salt into a big bowl and mix well. Make a well in the middle  and add the yeast/milk and the melted butter (50 gr). See illustration #1 below.
 Gradually incorporate flour into the liquid to make a thick paste surrounded by remaining unmixed flour.
 Flick a little flour over the top of the paste, then cover the bowl and leave for 30 minutes until it double the size. See illustration #2 and #3.
 Lightly beat the eggs together in a bowl. Add the beaten egg a bit at a time to the paste and stir to incorporate.
 Once all the egg has been added incorporate the remaining flour into the dough. İllustration #4 and #5.
 Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes to make the dough smooth. İ knead it about 10 minutes to get my dough elastic and smooth, push the dough with your finger and if it's spring back it means you can stop kneading.
 Place the dough back in the bowl, cover and leave in a warm place to double in size. See pictures bellow.

 Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and punch the dough to remove air .
 Divide the dough into 16 equal pieces. İ weight my dough 1st before divide into 16 part.
 Lightly dust your hands with flour. Shape the pieces of dough into balls, dip in the melted butter and arrange in a lightly-greased 20 cm (8") square cake tin.
 Cover and leave in a warm place for about 1 hour until the rolls have doubled in size.

 Drizzle the remaining butter over the rolls then bake at 170°C/340°F fan oven, 190°C/375°F normal oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. İ bake mine at 170°C no fan.
Note: Different oven can vary the heat and time to bake, recognize your own oven.
 Leave the rolls to cool for 10 minutes before removing from the tin. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

İ cut my buns into half and fill with jam. Or unsalted cheese with condensed milk. Perfect for our brunch or breakfast.

Happy baking. 

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Assalamu'alaykum...... Merhaba dari Türki.

Apa kabar semua? 
Sudah lama banget saya tidak posting roti-rotian ya... Bikin roti sih hampir tiap hari, cuman yang dibikin ya itu-itu saja sama. Sebab makanan utama kita disini ya roti. Tapi saya tetep dink makan nasi walau sedikit 😏 ..Maklum.. masih perut Indonesia.
Roti yang biasa saya bikin bukan jenis roti manis dengan tekstur lembut seperti kebanyakan roti Indonesia dan Asia, tapi roti bertekstur keras dan kenyal dengan lapisan kulit laur yang keras dan gurih.

Tapi kali ini saya pengen bikin roti manis buat sarapan juga bisa buat lunch box nya si kecil. Pas "jalan-jalan" cari resep roti empuk.. eh tertarik sama roti yang bernama buchty.
Sudah pernah dengar belum?

Buchty atau buchteln atau buchta (di Austria disebut wuchteln). Roti manis kaya telur berasal dari salah satu daerah bernama Bohemia di Ceko. Terkenal hingga Slovakia,Austria dan daerah Balkan lain dan Eropa dengan berbagai sebutan. Disajikan plain dengan taburan gula halus atau isian selai , coklat hingga keju. Teksturnya empuk, moist dan manis.
Secara tradisional buchty ini diisi dengan selai plum atau prem, kadang dengan poppy seeds tumbuk manis.

Resep saya sadur dari TheKicthenBread. Saya re-share resepnya dalam bahasa Indonesia dibawah ini. 

🍞 450 g Terigu protein tinggi
🍞 120 g susu hangat
🍞 3 telur ukuran sedang, kocok lepas
🍞 50 g gula pasir
🍞 50 g mentega, lelehkan (untuk adonan roti)
🍞 2 sdt ragi instant
🍞 1 sdt garam
🍞 75 g mentega, lelehkan (untuk glazing dan olesan) ➟ sy pakai 85 gr
🍞 Icing sugar untuk menyajikan

Cara membuat:
 Campurkan ragi ke susu hangat, aduk rata dan diamkan hingga berbusa.

 Dalam mangkok besar campur terigu, gula dan garam, buat lubang ditengah lalu masukkan campuran susu+ragi dan mentega leleh (50 gr).
 Aduk dengan sendok kayu pelan-pelan saja dari tengah hingga menjadi adonan lembek. Jadi yang dibuat adalah sebagian tepung di bagian tengah saja. Biarkan sisa tepung di bagian luar adonan tadi. Tutup dengan plastik wrap dan diamkan kurleb 30 mnt atau sampai mengembang.
 Tambahkan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk dengan sendok kayu dan campurkan sisa tepung yang ada sedikit demi sedikit bergantian dengan telur. 

 Taruh adonan ke meja kerja bertabur sedikit tepung dan uleni hingga kalis (jika dipencet dengan jari, adonan akan membal kembali). Taruhkembali dalam mangkok, tutup dng plastic wrap dan diamkan hingga mengembang 2x lipat.
 Kempiskan adonan dan bagi menjadi 16 bagian sama rata (saya timbang dulu baru saya bagi). 
 Siapkan loyang kotak ukuran 20x20 cm olesi dengan margarin cair.
 Bulatkan adonan dengan rapi dan celupkan ke mentega leleh bagian 2 lalu atur dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan.
 Tutup kembali loyang dengan plastic wrap dan diamkan hingga mengembang. 
 Panaskan oven suhu 170°C/340°F dng kipas atau 190°C/375°F tanpa kipas.
 Olesi bagian atas roti dengan sisa mentega dan panggang kurleb 20-25 mnt atau sampai merah keemasan. Saya panggang suhu  170°C tanpa kipas
Note: Kondisi oven yang berbeda menghasilkan panas dan waktu memanggang yang berbeda.
 Dinginkan dan taburi gula icing sebelum disajikan. Bisa juga diiris dan diolesi selai. 

Anak saya suka versi disiram skm lalu ditaburi keju parut yang banyak. NYUM! 😄

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.



  1. This bread looks so fluffy! It looks like the perfect snack. Yuuum!

    1. Thx Dominique.. this is my fave snack at afternoon coffee 😍

  2. I have never heard of these rolls before, they look so light and fluffy!

    1. it's Balkan and part of europe's Fave ..you should try it 😊

  3. I have never herd of these rolls before, they look so light and fluffy!

  4. These look so perfect. I've been meaning to bake more bread and you've inspired me!

  5. I have never heard of these, they are beautiful! I'm going to try these someday. I would eat these for breakfast too!

  6. I love these types of enriched buns and I never take the time to make them at home. I am going to try your recipe! Thanks!

    1. İ believe in your hand they will look more beautiful and delicious ..You gonna love it ^_^

  7. I love sweet rolls and these look so delicious! So succulent and fluffy!

  8. Homemade bread is the best. The aroma as it bakes is so good. I find such satisfaction when I bake bread. I will have to try this recipe out on a snowy winter weekend when I am stuck inside.

    1. You are right Gloria.. the smell during baking the bread will be on our kids' memory until they grow up... And they will miss us a lot ^_^

  9. These are SO pretty! And I love that golden brown top - they look gorgeously tender and fluffy. Yum!

  10. Mmm... bread sounds like just the thing I need on this cold night!

  11. Oh my goodness, that looks amazing! I bet it smells amazing in the kitchen, too. I'd love to try this recipe!

  12. It's great to see more bread recipes like this one! Every time I stumble upon one I find out something new. This recipe is not an exception - thank you!


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