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BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering

Indonesian call this "bolu kering" means dry cake. "Dry" because the texture indeed dry outside, almost like a cookie.
And this vintage cake has been around for a long time. From several sources, this "Bolu" cake was very popular in the 1960s. The cake has various forms, some are fish, oval, or flower-shaped, and mostly has mini size.

The texture of this cake is a bit rough, a bit dry outside but moist inside. But it's super tasty and has a very distinctive aroma. Its light taste and small shape make it perfect for snacking.

Traditionally this mini cake consists of only 3 ingredients; eggs, sugar, and flour. Old recipes require emulsifiers too and for adding the aroma we use vanilla extract/ essence. 
The process also simple, just whisk the eggs and sugar until stiff then adding flour.
But today I will not share the traditional version. 

BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering
Orange is everywhere this winter so I am thinking to enrich the traditional version with orange flavor.
So what I am going to share today is my own version of that Indonesian "bolu" with rich orange flavor.

BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering

I use a very small cupcake paper cup that usually for truffles, with the upper side about 3 cm to 3½ cm in diameter. You can also use a very small cupcake mold or your madeleine pan. If you use cupcake pan or madeleine pan make sure you grease the pan with oil.

Indonesian vintage orange mini cake
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make about 50 pcs mini cakes

🍰 2 big size eggs. Separated yolks from whites
🍰 pinch of salt
🍰 200 gr ( 1 cup) caster sugar, separated
🍰 250 ml (1 cup) fresh-squeezed orange juice, from 4-5 medium oranges
🍰 300 gr (2 cups) AP flour
🍰 50 gr ( 2 Tbsp) milk powder
🍰 1 tsp baking powder
🍰 55 gr (4 Tbsp) vegetable oil
🍰 1 Tbsp orange zest

How to make:
1) Separate the egg white from the yolks. Preheat oven at 180℃ and prepare small cupcake papper cup. If you use mini pan/ madeleine pan spray/ lightly brush with oil, set a side.

2) In a medium mixing bowl whisk the yolks with half of the caster sugar and orange juice, whisk until sugar dissolve. Sift in AP flour, milk powder and baking powder. Continue to whisk until well-combined. Whisk in orange zest and vegetable oil, whisk again to combine, set aside.

3) In another clean mixing bowl, beat egg white with pinch of salt. Beat until foamy, gradually whisk in caster sugar in three batches while continue beating until you have hard peak form meringue. Add meringue into yellow batter in 3 batches, fold nicely to combine.

4) Pour the batter into prepared paper cup/ mini mold until almost full. Bake into preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes.  Lower the temperature to 125℃ and continue to bake for about 5-7 minutes more or until cake dry at the outside.
Note: Adjust time and baking temperature according your oven condition.

5) Remove from oven and chill over cooling rack. Keep in airtight container.

Happy baking.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering

Hallo semua... Inshaallah masih bersyukur dan bahagia ya. Musim pandemi belumlah selesai hingga tahun 2021. Nggak bosen berdoa dan memohon ya agar pandemi ini lekas berlalu. Amin.

Masih musim dingin disini dan identik dengan sayur juga buah-buahan musim dingin. Diantara buah khas musim dingin adalah aneka jeruk. Baik jeruk mandarin, grape fruit atau sunkist. Dan kali ini saya ingin sharing salah satu snack atau jajanan jadul favorit semua orang mulai jaman dulu hingga sekarang, yaitu bolu kering. 

Tapi yang ingin saya posting hari ini bukan versi yang jadul, tapi modifikasi dengan rasa dan aroma jeruk sunkist. Dengan perasan jeruk dan parutan kulit jeruk sunkist, membuat bolu kering ini makin lezat dan kaya rasa. Yuuk... yang pengen coba juga, boleh lho.

Saya gunakan kertas mini cupcake ukuran paling kecil, diameter atasnya kurleb 3 cm. Jika ingin gunakan cetakan bolu klemben atau cetakan madeleine juga boleh kok, asal disepray atau olesi dengan minyak sayur tipis-tipis sebelum menuang adonan.

Untuk tekstur yang lebih kering diluarnya, bisa dipanggang dua kali dengan suhu rendah (125℃) kurleb 5-7 menit lagi

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Bolu Kering Jeruk
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi kurleb 50-55 buah


🍰 2 telur ukuran besar/ sedang, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
🍰 sejumput garam
🍰 200 gr ( 1 cup) gula kastor, bagi menjadi 2 bagian
🍰 250 ml (1 cup) air perasan jeruk sunkist kurleb dari 4-5 jeruk
🍰 300 gr (2 cups) tepung terigu
🍰 50 gr ( 2 sdm) susu bubuk
🍰 1 sdt baking powder
🍰 55 gr (4 Tbsp) minyak sayur
🍰 1 sdm parutan kulit jeruk sunkist

Cara membuat:
1) Pisahkan kuning telur dari putihnya. Panaskan oven suhu 180℃ dan siapkan kertas cupcake mini. Jika menggunakan cetakan kue klemben/ madeleine olesi dulu dengan minyak sayur tipis-tipis saja, sisihkan.

2) Campur kuning telur dan sebagian gula kastor, aduk dengan whisk kawat, masukkan juga perasan jeruk sunkist, aduk lagi hingga gula larut. Ayak dan campurkan terigu, baking powder, susu bubuk. Lalu masukkan parutan kulit jeruk dan minyak sayur, aduk lagi hingga tercampur rata. Sisihkan.

3) Dalam mangkok lainnya yang bersih, kocok puth telur bersama sejumput garam hingga berbusa banyak. Masukkan gula kastor secara bertahap sambil tetap dikocok hingga hard peak dan kaku.
Campurkan kocokan putih telur kedalam adonan kuning dalam 3 tahap, aduk balik tiap penambahan hingga tercampur sempurnya.

4) Tuang adonan kedalam kertas mini cupcake/ cetakan sampai hampir penuh. Panggang kurang lebih 20-25 menit.  Turunkan suhu oven ke suhu 125℃ dan lanjutkan memanggang kurleb 5-7 menit lagi hingga bagian luarnya kering.
Note: Suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.

5) Dinginkan diatas rak pendingin sebelum disimpan dalam toples kedap udara.

Happy baking. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

BOLU KERING JERUK (dengan video) / Indonesian vintage orange mini cake with video. | Çitra's Home Diary. #bolujadul #orangecake #foodphotography #minicupcakes #orangecupcake #bolukeringjeruk #indonesisch #resepbolukering

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 

Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚



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