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Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version)

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

You may already hear about "pide". It's one of Turkish fast food that no one can resist for the second portion.
Here we have many kinds of "pide". There is one type of pide bread which especially served during the month of Ramadan calls "Ramazan pidesi". It's a simple flatbread sprinkled with sesame seeds.

You can check my Ramazan pidesi that I made before: 

But What I am going to share today it's not that kind of pide. Today I will share Pide with topping and it's shaped like a boat/ kayak.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

Pide is a flatbread with various topping and bakes traditionally in a stone oven.
Pide and its varieties are widespread through Turkey and are established as an important food. The base is a flat-bread of a similar style to pita, chapati, or western pizza crust. 

A proper pide should be baked in a brick or other stone oven. Toppings (or can be as filling) vary widely and include but are not limited to cheese, onions, peppers, tomatoes, sausage, pastrami, eggs, mushrooms, ground beef, and parsley. 
Pide is also available for cheap on the street from a cart.

Traditionally, these are baked in a wood or clay oven, but they also bake up beautifully in a regular oven for a homemade version.

So today I am going to share my homemade version of pide flatbread topped with cheese. This pide bread I made is also typical of patisserie's style which has a soft texture. Different from the traditional bakery (fırın) style which has a chewy texture (just like Italian pizza).
But if you are looking for that traditional version with a chewy bread texture you can check my previous recipe here, here, here, and here.
Or just check "Turkish Food" category at the sidebar to find 100+ Turkish cuisines recipes that might inspire you.

So Let's Jump to the recipe, shall we?

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version)
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make 8-10 pides

🧀 250 gr (1 cup) of warm milk
🧀 250 gr (1 cup) of warm water
🧀 125 gr (½ cup) of vegetable oil
🧀 30 gr (2Tbsp) of sugar
🧀 1 tbsp instant dry yeast
🧀 800 gr (4½ cup) of flour ➝ add gradually
🧀 2 tsp salt


🧀 White cheese, crumbled/ shredded
🧀 cheddar cheese, shredded
🧀 1 egg beat with 2 tbsp oil
🧀 sesame seed

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

How to make:

1) In a big bowl mix together warm milk, warm water, vegetable oil, sugar dan dry yeast. Whisk together and let it sit for about 5-6minutes.

2) Add the flour and salt, start to knead until becomes a smooth and elastic dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest until it doubles in size. How long it takes would depend on your room temperature.

3) Deflate the dough and divide it into 8-10 portions. Round each part into a ball. 
Work one ball at a time, using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a long oval shape (see illustration pictures below). Then roll up long side edges to the middle side, seal both edges so the shape like a longboat with "crater" in the middle. Move it onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Do to all the dough.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

4) Add the mixed cheese topping. Lightly cover with a kitchen towel and let them rest for about 30 minutes or until noticeably puffy.
Meanwhile, preheat your oven at 190℃.

5) Brush the bread edges with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at preheated oven for about 16-19 minutes or until nicely golden brown.
Note: Time and baking temperature only guidance, recognize your own oven condition to adjust.

6) Remove from the oven. Enjoy them better while it's warm.

Note: leftover can be store in plastic sealed/ plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days. You can freeze them too.
Just warm up in a lower temperature oven (about 125℃ ) just until warm before enjoy them. Or warm up 1 minute in the microwave in high heat. 

Enjoy. Afiyet olsun.

Follow me on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Ketemu lagi ya dengan postingan saya... . Semoga gak bosan dan makin tertarik untuk coba-coba resep-resep yang ada disini.
Inshaallah sehat dan bahagia semuanya ya, Amin.
Tetap sabar dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita nikmati saat ini.

Hari ini saya ingin berbagi salah satu makanan Turki yang sudah terkenal banget yaitu "pide".
Apa sih "pide" itu? Pide itu semacam flatbread (roti pipih) khas Turki dan negara-negara Balkan lainnya bahkan juga ditemui di negara-negara Timur Tengah.
Pide kalau di Turki ada banyak sekali macam dan variannya. Ada jenis pide yang khas dan banyak disajikan ketika bulan suci Ramadhan, namanya "Ramazan pidesi". Jenis pide ini plain tidak pakai topping atau filling macam-macam. Hanya taburan wijen diatasnya dan berbentuk unik. 
Untuk tahu bagaimana uniknya Ramazan Pidesi, bisa di cek dibeberapa postingan saya sebelumnya, disini, disini dan disini. Saya memang punya beberapa versi yang patut dicoba.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

Untuk postingan saya hari ini saya ingin berbagi resep pide yang bertopping dan berbentuk seperti perahu. Biasanya pide jenis ini mempunyai banyak sekali topping, mulai dari daging cincang, keju, telur, sosis, sucuk (sosis berbumbu khas Turki), Pastırma (daging olahan khas Turki), bayam dan lain-lain. Selain utuk topping di beberapa daerah di Turki variasi tadi disajikan sebagai isian, jadi semacam stuffed pide gitu.

Pide tradisional mempunyai texture yang chewy- bukan "bready" yang mirip soft bread. Dan biasanya dipanggang dalam oven batu dengan kayu bakar.
Walaupun demikian untuk versi rumahan bisa juga kok dipanggang dengan menggunakan oven rumahan.

Pide yang bertekstur "chewy" atau liat umumnya dijual toko-toko bakery atau rumah makan dengan oven batu tadi. Ada juga pide jenis tekstur lembut dan biasanya banyak dijual di toko patisserie atau penjual roti. Naahh... saya ingin berbagi pide jenis patisserie ini.

Tapi jika tertarik dan ingin bikin pide yang versi tradisional (bertekstur liat) bisa dilihat di postingan saya sebelumnya disini, disini, disini atau disini. Atau langsung klik dan search kategory "Turkish Food" di sidebar ya.

Yuk... Langsung ke resepnya saja ya. Tapijika ingin bertanya sesuatu mengenai makanan Turki bisa kok tinggalkan di kolom komentar. Inshaallah saya balas secepatnya dan sependek pengetahuan saya.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version)
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi 8-10 pide

🧀 250 gr (1 cup) susu cair hangat
🧀 250 gr (1 cup) air hangat kuku
🧀 125 gr (½ cup) minyak sayur
🧀 30 gr (2 sdm) gula
🧀 1 sdm ragi instant 
🧀 800 gr (4½ cup) terigu serba guna ➝ Penambahan terakhir sedikit-sedikit aja
🧀 2 sdt garam halus

🧀 Keju putih, secukupnya, parut
🧀 cheddar cheese secukupnya, parut
🧀 1 telur kocok dengan 2 sdm minyak
🧀 wijen secukupnya

Cara membuat:

1) Dalam mangkok besar, campurkan susu hangat, air hangat, minyak sayur, gula dan ragi instant. Aduk dengan sendok atau whisk hingga rata. Diamkan kurleb 5-6 menit.

2) Lalu tambahkan terigu (sisakan ½ cup untuk ditambahkan pelan-pelan) dan garam. Uleni hingga halus dan elastis (tidak perlu sampai pakai tes "windopane" segala ya) 😊 . Tutup dengan plastik cling dan diamkan hingga mengembang dua kali lipat. Waktu fermentasi ini tergantung suhu ruangan masing-masing ya.

3) Tinju adonan dan taruh di meja kerja bertabur tepung tipis. Bagi adonan menjadi 8 atau 10 sesuai selera. Bentuk bola tiap bagiannya. Ambil satu bagian adonan dan gilas tipis bentuk oval panjang. (lihat poto dibawa untuk ilustrasinya). Lalu gulung dua bagian pinggirnya ke arah tengah, rekatkan ujung-ujungnya, jadi bentuknya menyerupai perahu. (lihat gambar dibawah). Lalu taruh di loyang beralas kertas baking. Lakukan hingga semua adonan habis.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

4) Sementara itu panaskan oven suhu 190℃. Beri topping campuran keju diatas pide. Tutupi semuanya dengan serbet bersih dan diamkan sampai mengembang (kurleb 30 menit).

5) Setelah mengembang, olesi pinggiran pide dengan kocokan telur dan taburi dengan biji wijen. Panggang di oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu sampai permukaannya merah keemasan. Saya panggang kurang lebih 16-19 menit.
Note: Waktu dan suhu memanggang sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing ya.

Peynirli pide (pastane usulü) / Turkish Cheesy Pide Bread (soft version) | Çitra's Home Diary. #piderecipe #turkishpide #flatbread #cheesypide #cheesybread #foodphotography #resepmasakanturki #turkishfoodrecipe #breakfast

6) Keluarkan dari oven dan sajikan selagi hangat.

Note: Jika ada sisa, bisa ditaruh dalam plastik ziplock dan disimpan dalam lemari es kurleb 4-5 hari. Jika ingin menikmatinya lagi, tinggal dipanaskan dalam oven suhu rendah sampai hangat kembali dan langsung disajikan segera. Bisa juga dipanaskan dalam microwave.

Afiyet olsun. Selamat menikmati.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚




  1. What is the “white cheese” you are referring to in this recipe? Thanks

    1. Merhaba. White cheese or in Turkish language we call it "beyaz peynir", it's like a staple cheese here in Turkiye. It's traditional and consume widely across Turkiye. It's creamy and rich. Some are soft, some are slightly hard, some salty some are not. In west countries maybe similar to feta cheese. You can use feta or lighvan cheese also. Hope it helps. Thank you

  2. Merhaba. White cheese or in Turkish language we call it "beyaz peynir", it's like a staple cheese here in Turkiye. It's traditional and consume widely across Turkiye. It's creamy and rich. Some are soft, some are slightly hard, some salty some are not. In west countries maybe similar to feta cheese. You can use feta or lighvan cheese also. Hope it helps. Thank you


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