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Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) with video.

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

It's one of the traditional Indo-Dutch delicacies. This cake is very popular in Indonesia which is rich in spice sources.
This cake has many names. In the south of the Netherlands, it is called "peperkoek" (or gingerbread); in the West, it is called snijkoek, and in the North, they have something similar called Oudewijvenkoek-which is lighter. People also called "Kruidkoek" or spice cake.

In Netherland, ontbijtkoek is traditionally served at breakfast with a thick layer of butter on top, as a replacement for bread, however, due to its sweet taste it is also served as a snack. It is best eaten the day after it is baked. Ontbijtkoek is also found in Indonesia due to its historical colonial ties with The Netherlands.

You may like my CLASSIC FRUIT CAKE

Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

In Indonesia, we don't eat this cake with butter spread. We enjoy it with our tea or coffee as a snack or coffee cake in the afternoon. 
Different from the Dutch version, Ontbijtkoek in Indonesian version always use "kacang kenari" or "Java almond" for sprinkling on top of the cake enrich the taste and texture.

"Kacang kenari" or know as Canarium nut, is found mostly in Maluku and North Sulawesi.
Another name for the nut is “Java almond,” even though it doesn't grow in Java.

The shape of kacang kenari is similar to almond, but with a slightly different texture. Kacang kenari contains more fat, and can’t be flaked as is common with almonds. 
If you don't have this kacang kenari, you can substitute it with flake almond, just like I did today.

Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

What makes this cake stand out from other ones is the usage of a special spice mix, speculoos spice. If you can not find it at your local store you may check my homemade speculoos spice mix here
Mostly old Indonesian cake recipes use cake emulsifiers in the recipe including this vintage ontbijtkoek. But my recipe didn't require any cake emulsifier, so this recipe is so perfect for you who can not find emulsifiers at your local store.

The aroma and spice in this cake are so special and will make you love this cake easily. You will get even a better taste after a day after you bake it. Optionally you also can add some dried fruit to it.

Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

Ontbijtkoek Cake recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary

For one 23-24 cm tube pan

Ingreidients :
🍰 5 medium eggs, separated the yolks from whites
🍰 pinch of salt
🍰 150 gr palm sugar or brown sugar
🍰 100 gr caster sugar
🍰 250 gr AP flour
🍰 30 gr (2 Tbsp) milk powder
🍰 1 tsp baking powder
🍰 1½-2 Tbsp speculaas spice mix. Check here how to make your own speculaas spice mix
🍰 200 gr butter, melted
🍰 some kacang kenari flake or almond flake, lightly toasted.

How to make:

1) Preheat oven at 160℃ (320℉). Brush 23 cm tube pan with margarine and dust lightly with flour, set aside. 

2) In a clean mixer bowl, beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. Gradually add sugar in three batches while continue whisking until the meringue reaches a hard peak. Whisk in egg yolk one at a time, beat well before adding another yolk. Continue to beat until the ribbon stage.

3) Sift in all dry ingredients; AP flour, milk powder, baking powder, and speculoos spice mix. Whisk at the lowest speed just until corporated. Add melted butter and fold to well combine. Scrape the sides and bottom part also to make sure the batter combines well with melted butter.

4) Pour into prepared tube pan. Sprinkle with "kenari" flake or almond flake and bake in preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes OR until skewer inserted in the cake comes out clean.
Note: Adjust baking time and temperature according to your own oven condition. Each oven gives a different result, recognize your oven.

Let it rest over the cooling rack until room temperature before unmolding it.

Happy baking.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
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Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

Sudah pada tahu kan Ontbijtkoek cake ini. Salah satu cake klasik yang resepnya udah turun temurun mulai dari nenek ke nenek ya. Menurut beberapa sumber cake ini adalah salah satu cake peninggalan Belanda karena kolonialisasi Belanda di Indonesia yang cukup lama.

Tapi tahukah kamu kalau aslinya cake ini jenis "bread" atau roti yang biasa dinikmati untuk sarapan, makanya di Belanda sendiri dikenal dengan sebutan "breakfast cake" atau cake untuk sarapan. Penyajiannya biasanya dioles dengan mentega seperti kalau kita sarapan roti tawar iris bersemir mentega. Walaupun begitu cake ini juga biasa disajikan sebagai "snack" atau pendamping minum teh/kopi.

Di Belanda cake ini mempunyai banyak nama. Di Belanda Selatan, itu disebut "peperkoek" (atau roti jahe); di Barat, disebut snijkoek, dan di Utara, mereka memiliki cake yang mirip yang disebut Oudewijvenkoek - yang lebih ringan. Orang juga menyebutnya "Kruidkoek" atau kue rempah-rempah. Kadang juga ditambahkan campuran buah kering didalamnya.

Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesischvoedselrecept #foodphotography

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi resep kue legendaris ini. Seperti kebanyakan cake jaman dulu lainnya, resep-resep cake Indonesia biasanya memakai ovalet atau SP sebagai tambahan bahan emulsi cake. Tapi resep saya ini tidak menggunakan bahan emulsi apa-apa.
Hasilnya... benar-benar moist dan mengembang sempurna.

Oh iya, saya gunakan bumbu spekoek/ spiku buatan sendiri lho karena memang bumbu spiku tidak ada disini. Check postingan saya sebelumnya disini bagaimana membuat racikan bumbu spiku/ spekoek sendiri di rumah.

Yuk, baking ontbijtkoek cake juga buat keluarga di rumah.

Jangan lupa subscribe di youtube channel saya ya

Ontbijtkoek Cake
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

1 loyang tulban ukuran 23-24 cm

Bahan :
🍰 5 butir telur, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
🍰 Sejumput garam halus
🍰 150 gr gula palem atau gula jawa sisir atau gula aren
🍰 100 gr gula kastor (gula pasir halus)
🍰 250 gr tepung terigu protein sedang 
🍰 30 gr (2 sdm) susu bubuk 
🍰 1 sdt baking powder 
🍰 1½-2 sdm bumbu spekoek. Lihat disini untuk versi bumbu spiku homemade
🍰 200 gr mentega, lelehkan
🍰 secukupnya kenari sangrai (saya pakai almond flake)

Cara membuat:

1) Panaskan oven suhu 160℃. Olesi loyang tulban dengan margarin dan taburi tepung tipis-tipis, sisihkan.

2) Dalam wadah kaca atau aluminium yang bersih, kocok putih telur dengan sejumput garam hingga berbusa. Masukkan campuran gula kastor dan gula palem secara bertahap sambil dikocok kecepatan hingga hard peak.

3) Sambil tetap dikocok,masukkan kuning telur satu per satu.Sapu tepian wadah dengan spatula sesekali sambil tetap dimikser rata. Kocok hingga kental berjejak. Ayak semua bahan kering lalu kocok dengan kecepatan rendah sampai rata saja. Masukkan mentega leleh, kocok rata sebentar. Lalu aduk balik dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.

4) Tuang ke loyang yang sudah disiapkan, taburi dengan kenari atau almond. Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan kurang lebih 40-45 menit atau sampai matang. Cek tusuk dengan lidi/ tusukan bambu.
Sesuaikan waktu dan suhu dengan kondisi oven masing-masing. Keluarkan dan dinginkan diatas rak pendingin sebelum dilepas dari loyang.

Happy baking. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Ontbijtkoek recipe / Dutch Breakfast Cake (peperkoek) | Çitra's Home Diary. #peperkoek #breakfastcake #ontbijtkoekrecipe #resepbumbuspiku #Indonesisch #Indonesiancake #traditionalindonesiansnack #indonesianfoodrecipe  #Indonesischvoedselrecept



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