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(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

Besides bread (Turk; ekmek), another Turkish staple is börek. Börek can be either oven-baked, pan-fried, or slightly deep-fried. Generally, the preparation method is adapted to the shape of the pastry.
This popular meal may be prepared in a large pan and cut into portions after baking or as individual pastries. You can check my "böreklar" category to know more about this wide various Turkish pastry

And what I am going to share today is one of our family favorites and also mostly Turkish people's fave, Çiğ Börek.
Çiğ börek or just Çibörek, is a deep-fried turnover-like with ground or minced meat filling and onions. It is made with a single round piece of dough folded over the filling in a crescent shape. 
This pastry, also called Tatar pastry.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

The real name of this dish is Şibörek which came from Crimean Tatars who migrated to Eskişehir, Turkey, a long time ago. 
Over time, it has been named as the very popular çibörek or raw pastry in our country and has become one of the most famous dishes of Eskişehir cuisine.
The Çi (read: cee) or Şi (read: shyee) mean "delicious/ yummy" in Tatar language. And yes it is definitely yummy and I am sure you gonna love it as well.

The Tatars are one of the ancient Turkic people who are living in a very wide region today especially in Eskişehir and Konya region.

What makes this pastry so magnificent is the taste created by the crunchy, thin dough yet slightly chewy with delicious minced meat filling. The pastry dough should rise and soft. 
Make the dough first so it can rest nicely for few minutes while you can prepare the filling.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

This is my second Çibörek recipe, different from my previous recipe, here I use vinegar instead of yoghurt. But both gives right and delicious skin dough as should be.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried turnover
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make about 15 pcs (10 bigger ones)

Ingredients for pastry:

🍴 480 gr (3 cups) AP flour
🍴 15 gr (1 Tbsp) olive oil
🍴 1 Tbsp vinegar
🍴 2 tsp salt
🍴 240 gr (1 cup ) warm water, adding partially
🍴 Enough vegetable oil for frying

Filling ingredients:

🍴 350 gr ground beef (less fat)
🍴 1 big onion, finely shredded
🍴 1 clove of garlic finely shredded (optional)
🍴 2 tsp salt or to taste
🍴 1 tsp black pepper powder
🍴 2-3 tsp red pepper flake 
🍴 3/4 cup (200 ml)  water

How to make:

Skin dough
1) In a big kneading bowl mix all ingredients except oil for frying. Add water slowly while kneading, stop the water if the dough reaches the right consistency-not too wet but not too dry either.

2) Continue to knead until you get a smooth and elastic dough. You might add more water if you feel your dough still dry/ hard to knead but do it carefully. If you already get soft and elastic dough (if you push the dough with your finger it will spring back) you are done. Shape it like a ball and cover it with a damp kitchen towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

Filling mixture
1) While the skin dough resting, we can make the filling. Mix all ingredients for the filling until well corporated. 

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

Shaping and fry the pastry
1) Divide the dough into 15 equal parts (or 10 if you want a bigger pastry) and shape each part into small balls. Work one ball at a time, using a rolling pin start to roll up the dough into a wide and thin sheet, see illustration no 3 above. 
2) Take about 1-2 Tbsp filling and spread over on the half side of the sheet, then fold into half-round. You can brush the edge first with water. Press to shield the edges then using a serrated cutter trim the edge to get serrated edges. Another way you can just simply press the edge with a fork. Do to all remaining dough and filling.
3) Heat enough olive oil (or vegetable oil) in a wide frying pan. Fry the pastry/ çibörek until golden brown on both sides. You may do it in batches.

Enjoy while its hot. Afiyet Olsun 

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Selain roti (Bhs Turkinya; ekmek), makanan pokok Turki lainnya adalah börek. Börek bisa dipanggang dalam oven, di panggang diatas wajan, atau digoreng. 
Makanan populer ini dapat disiapkan dalam baking tray besar dan dipotong menjadi beberapa bagian setelah dipanggang, atau dibentuk lebih kecil sesuai porsi per orang. 

Jika ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang macam Börek khas Turki bisa dilihat di kategori "böreklar" ya

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

Dan hari ini saya ingin berbagi salah satu jenis börek (pastry) favorit keluarga kami dan juga favorit kebanyakan orang Turki, namanya Çiğ Börek atau çibörek (baca; ciibourek)
Çiğ börek / Çibörek, adalah makanan sejenis pastry yang digoreng dengan isian daging giling atau cincang berbumbu. Bentuknya bulat setengah lingkaran dan biasa disebut juga börek Tatar.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

Nama asli dari makanan ini adalah Şibörek (bacanya; Syiboourek), yang berasal dari suku Tatar Krimea yang bermigrasi ke Eskişehir, Turki, dahulu kala.
Seiring waktu, makanan ini dikenal dengan nama çibörek , dan menjadi sangat populer di Turki dan telah menjadi salah satu hidangan khas Eskişehir yang paling terkenal.
Kata Çi (baca: cii) atau Şi (baca: shyii) artinya lezat/ enak dalam bahasa Tatar. Dan pastinya makanan berisi daging cincang ini sangatlah lezat.

Suku Tatar adalah salah satu orang Turki kuno yang saat ini tinggal di wilayah yang sangat luas terutama di wilayah Eskişehir dan Konya saat ini.

Yang membuat pastry ini berbeda dari hidangan pastry khas Turki lainnya adalah rasanya yang begitu lezat dari adonan kulit yang renyah, tipis namun sedikit kenyal dengan isian daging cincang berbumbu. Adonan kulitnya harus mengembang dan lembut.

Yuk, yang pengen coba dirumah juga, ternyata bikinnya mudah kok.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Pastry goreng isi daging khas Turki
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi 15 buah (atau 10 buah ukuran lebih besar)

Bahan kulit:

🍴 480 gr (3 gelas) terigu serbaguna/ protein sedang
🍴 30 gr (2 sdm) olive oil atau minya sayur lainnya
🍴 1 sdm cuka masak
🍴 2 sdt garam halus
🍴 240 gr (1 gelas ) air hangat, jangan dimasukkan sekaligus/ bertahap
🍴 Minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Bahan isian:

🍴 350 gr daging giling (tanpa lemak)
🍴 1 bawang bombay ukuran besar, diparut halus
🍴 2 siung bawang putih, parut halus
🍴 2 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍴 1 sdt merica bubuk
🍴 2-3 sdt cabe bubuk/ flake
🍴 3/4 cup (200 ml)  air

Cara membuat:

1) Campur semua bahan untuk kulit kecuali minyak untuk menggoreng, dalam mangkok besar. Tambahkan air perlahan-lahan saja sambil diuleni sampai semua bahan kering bisa diuleni tapi tidak terlalu lembek. Uleni hingga kalis tapi tak perlu sampai elastis, cukup jika adonan dipegang dengan ujung jari akan membal kembali (sping back).

2) Jika adonan sudah kalis, tutup adonan dengan serbet lembab atau plastik film dan istirahatkan kurang lebih 30 menit.

Adonan isi
Campur semua bahan isi dalam mangkok dan aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata semuanya.

(Çiğ) Çibörek / Turkish food recipe; mincemeat stuffed fried meat turnover | Çitra's Home Diary. #çibörektarifi #turkishfoodrecipe #turkishfoodphotography #turkishcuisine #turnoverecipe #resepmasakanturki #friedpastry

Membentuk dan menggoreng
1) Bagi adonan kulit menjadi 15 (atau 10 buah) sama rata dan bentuk bulat. Ambil 1 bagian bola (tutup yang lain dengan serbet lembab). Lalu gilas dengan rolling pin sampai tipis dan menjadi lingkaran lebar. Lihat ilustrasi no 3 diatas.
2) Ambil kurleb 1,5 sendok makan adonan isi dan taruh di satu sisi adonan kulit. Sebarkan adonan isi sampai menutupi sebagian adonan kulit. Lipat membentuk setengah lingkaran. Tekan-tekan bagian tepi hingga lengket. Lalu ratakan sisinya dengan pisau bergerigi.
Lakukan hingga semua adonan habis.
3) Panaskan secukupnya minyak goreng lalu goreng çibörek hingga keemasan.

Nikmati selagi hangat. Afiyet Olsun 

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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