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This is the first madeleine I baked. Why? no other reason than I just owned the pan recently after years of searching in the local market here. Madeleine, it's not common here in Turkey so finding madeleine pan is difficult as finding a wallet where I forget to put 😊
I was trying to purchase this pan for few years here, but then I just found it online this year. And I just get this deep madeleine mold with shell shape. Mostly shallow model here is made of silicon which I am not sure it's heatproof or good enough to bake madeleine. I will try to buy that later after I try this deep madeleine pan 1st.
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Buttery, light, and not overly sweet. This lemon madeleine is absolutely everybody's favorite.
Not quite cookies and not quite cakes, madeleines are a buttery seashell-shaped treat that's usually flavored with nothing more than a wisp of vanilla or lemon. But nowadays many variations can be found even some make madeleine with filling.
Not quite cookies and not quite cakes, madeleines are a buttery seashell-shaped treat that's usually flavored with nothing more than a wisp of vanilla or lemon. But nowadays many variations can be found even some make madeleine with filling.
For my first madeleine, I make this classic lemon madeleine. It's a simple recipe and easy to remember. The result is delish yummy classic madeleine with strong lemon flavor in it, you are gonna love it.
What we need to make this lemon madeleine.
Lemon zest. Grated from 1 big lemon. Make sure and only remove the brightly colored flesh of the peel. Avoid the white part, or pith, directly underneath the peel as this is quite bitter.
Egg. I use 3 large sizes for this recipe.
Dry ingredients; all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt.
Butter. I use unsalted butter, you can use salted one but make sure to decrease your salt. Melted and cool it before use.
Vanilla or lemon extract. To enrich the flavor I use lemon extract in this recipe but you can use vanilla as well.
Madeleine mold. I use a deep hole of madeleine mold since I don't have a shallow one. I fill the batter into a mold not more than ¾ full.
Lemon Madeleines Recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Yield 13-15 pcs
🦋 zest 1 large lemon, grated finely
🦋 3 large eggs. at room temperature
🦋 125 gr caster sugar
🦋 125 gr Ap flour
🦋 ½ tsp baking powder
🦋 pinch of salt
🦋 125 gr butter, melted and cooled
🦋 1 tsp vanilla/ lemon extract ( I use lemon extract)
How to Make:
1) Generously brush a 12 hole deep madeleine mold (about 15-16 hole shallow one) with softened margarine or butter and place in the fridge until ready to fill.
2) Combine caster sugar and lemon zest, mix and squeeze the zest to release lemon flavor. Crack the eggs. Beat the eggs and caster sugar in an electric mixer until very thick and pale and tripled in volume.
3) Sift in dry ingredients; AP-flour, baking powder, and salt over the egg mixture. Using a rubber spatula fold gently but thoroughly, ensuring there are no pockets of flour in the batter.
4) Add the lemon extract/ vanilla to melted butter and mix. Then add it into the batter, fold nicely to combine. It does take a little time to get the butter absorbed into the batter. Move the batter into a piping bag and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Sometimes I keep it overnight as well.
6) Pipe the batter in each mold not more than ¾ full. Bake for 10-11 minutes until golden and set on its surface but not too firm. Don’t over-bake or they will be dry. Lift out and place on a cooling rack.
🦋 parutan kulit lemon/ lemon zest dari 1 buah lemon besar
🦋 3 telur ukuran besar. Suhu ruang
🦋 125 gr gula kastor / butir halus
🦋 125 gr terigu serba guna / protein sedang
🦋 ½ sdt baking powder
🦋 sejumput garam
2) Campur parutan kulit lemon dan gula kastor. Remas-remas lemon zest dan gula hingga mengeluarkan aroma lemon yang kuat. Masukka 3 buah telur lalu kocok dengan elektrik mikser kecepatan tinggi hingga pucat dan mengembang.
3) Ayak jadi satu bahan kering; terigu, baking powder dan garam. Lalu campurkan ke kocokan telur. Aduk balik dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata, jangan ada gumpalan tepung dalam adonan.
4) Campurkan extract lemon/ vanilli ke mentega leleh. Masukkan ke adonan dan aduk balik hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan adonan kedalam piping bag dan simpan dalam kulkas minimal 1 jam. Kadang saya simpan di kulkas semalaman untuk dipanggang keesokan harinya.
6) Isi cetakan madeleine dengan adonan jangan sampai terlalu penuh cukup ¾ nya saja. Lalu panggang kurleb 10-11 menit sampai permukaannya keemasan dan terlihat matang. Jangan over bake karena nanti akan bertektur kering. Angkat dari oven dan unmold. Dinginkan diatas rak pendingin.
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1) Generously brush a 12 hole deep madeleine mold (about 15-16 hole shallow one) with softened margarine or butter and place in the fridge until ready to fill.
2) Combine caster sugar and lemon zest, mix and squeeze the zest to release lemon flavor. Crack the eggs. Beat the eggs and caster sugar in an electric mixer until very thick and pale and tripled in volume.
3) Sift in dry ingredients; AP-flour, baking powder, and salt over the egg mixture. Using a rubber spatula fold gently but thoroughly, ensuring there are no pockets of flour in the batter.
4) Add the lemon extract/ vanilla to melted butter and mix. Then add it into the batter, fold nicely to combine. It does take a little time to get the butter absorbed into the batter. Move the batter into a piping bag and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Sometimes I keep it overnight as well.
5) When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 170°C with a fan (180°C no fan), at least 30 minutes before baking.
6) Pipe the batter in each mold not more than ¾ full. Bake for 10-11 minutes until golden and set on its surface but not too firm. Don’t over-bake or they will be dry. Lift out and place on a cooling rack.
For the second batch, you should clean and re-grease the mold.
Dust with icing sugar and serve warm if possible. Better to enjoy at a day of making.
Dust with icing sugar and serve warm if possible. Better to enjoy at a day of making.
Happy baking.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Lemon Madeleines Recipe
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil jadi 13-15 pcs
🦋 parutan kulit lemon/ lemon zest dari 1 buah lemon besar
🦋 3 telur ukuran besar. Suhu ruang
🦋 125 gr gula kastor / butir halus
🦋 125 gr terigu serba guna / protein sedang
🦋 ½ sdt baking powder
🦋 sejumput garam
🦋 125 gr mentega, lelehkan lalu dinginkan suhu ruang
🦋 1 tsp vanili atau lemon extract ( saya pakai lemon extract)
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Cara membuat (lihat video panduan diatas):
1) Olesi loyang madeleine dengan margarin/ mentega dan simpan dalam lemari es hingga siap digunakan.
2) Campur parutan kulit lemon dan gula kastor. Remas-remas lemon zest dan gula hingga mengeluarkan aroma lemon yang kuat. Masukka 3 buah telur lalu kocok dengan elektrik mikser kecepatan tinggi hingga pucat dan mengembang.
3) Ayak jadi satu bahan kering; terigu, baking powder dan garam. Lalu campurkan ke kocokan telur. Aduk balik dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata, jangan ada gumpalan tepung dalam adonan.
4) Campurkan extract lemon/ vanilli ke mentega leleh. Masukkan ke adonan dan aduk balik hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan adonan kedalam piping bag dan simpan dalam kulkas minimal 1 jam. Kadang saya simpan di kulkas semalaman untuk dipanggang keesokan harinya.
5) Sebenlum memanggang, panaskan oven suhu 170°C dengan kipas (180°C tanpa kipas oven) paling tidak 30 menit sebelumnya.
6) Isi cetakan madeleine dengan adonan jangan sampai terlalu penuh cukup ¾ nya saja. Lalu panggang kurleb 10-11 menit sampai permukaannya keemasan dan terlihat matang. Jangan over bake karena nanti akan bertektur kering. Angkat dari oven dan unmold. Dinginkan diatas rak pendingin.
Jika ingin memanggang kloter kedua, bersihkan loyangnya dulu lalu olesi lagi dengan mentega/ margarin.
taburi gula icing sesuai selera sebelum disajikan. Paling enak disantap hangat dan dihabiskan dalam satu hari setelah dibuat.
Happy baking.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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