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Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

A chiffon cake combines methods used with sponge cakes and conventional cakes. It includes baking powder and vegetable oil, but the eggs are separated and the whites are beaten before being folded into the batter, creating a rich flavor like an oil cake, but with a lighter texture that is more like a sponge cake.

The cake tin is not lined or greased, which enables the cake batter to stick to the side of the pan, giving the cake better leverage to rise, as well as support in the cooling process when the cake is turned upside down to keep air bubbles stable.

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

If you like this post, you may like my Strawberry Ombre Chiffon Cake (With Video)

If you are looking for something to entertain your family for coffee/ tea time, you come to the right page.
Or just to fill your picnic basket for a beautiful  Sunday in a neighborhood park, you will love this cake.

Here's a fluffy and flavorful cake that's simple to make with an easy-to-follow recipe. The whipped cream filling and topping look so fancy, and it's a delicious dessert that'll taste great for a small birthday party.

Of course, you may omit the whipped cream and topping, and as optional you can use glaze with mandarin orange flavor instead. Or you just want to enjoy it plain with simple icing powder sıfted on top of the cake.

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

You may love this Classic Fruit Cake recipe

I made this cake for my husband's birthday a few days ago. The whole family loved this cake. The mandarin orange flavor is pretty dominant in the whole cake cause I use mandarin orange in the cake itself, in the whipped cream also as a topping which enriches the fresh flavor. 
I purposely use whipped cream instead of buttercream to get a light and fresh cake which I am looking for.

If you are a beginner and not familiar with making chiffon cake, you may find this recipe very easy to follow.
Also, you can check on my video to give you guidance and illustration on how to make this easy chiffon cake.

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

To see more about how to make these cotton-soft cakes, check at my "Cake category" here.

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make one 22-24 cm ciffon bundtpan

🍊 7 big egg yolks, room temperature
🍊 50 gr caster sugar
🍊 120 gr fresh-squeezed mandarin orange
🍊 100 gr vegetable oil
🍊 170 gr AP flour
🍊 20 gr cornstarch
🍊 1 tsp baking powder
🍊 ½ tsp salt
🍊 1 tsp orange essence
🍊 ¼ tsp yellow food coloring (optional)
🍊 6 egg whites, room temperature
🍊 1 tbsp lemon juice
🍊 125 gr caster sugar

Whipped cream filling and topping:
🍊 300 ml fresh-squeezed mandarin orange
🍊 400 gr powdered whipped cream 
🍊 some segments of mandarin orange (for topping)

How to make:

Preheat oven at  160℃.  Prepare your chiffon/ angel food cake pan ungrease.

1)  Whisk egg yolks with caster sugar until fluffy and pale. Whisk in oil and mandarin orange juice while continuing to whisk until well corporated.
Mix together AP flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt.

2) Sift in the dry ingredient and use the lowest speed to whisk them well until no more lump in the mixture. Fold in orange essence/ extract and coloring (if using). Fold nicely to well blended. Set aside.

3) Make the meringue: In a clean big bowl whisk egg whites with lemon juice. Using high speed, whisk them until really foamy. Then whisk in caster sugar in 3 batches while continuing to whisk until meringue reaches hard peak stage.

4) Fold meringue into yolk batter in 3 stages. Fold well each addition until you get a really smooth batter with no lump of meringue. Pour the batter into the prepared pan from the high to reduce air bubbles in the batter.

5) Tap the pan gently against the table to remove air bubble. Place in the preheated oven at 160℃ and bake for about 50 minutes, then lower the temperature to 150℃ and continue to bake for another 15 minutes. Check the doneness by pushing gently the cake surface. If it's spring back you are done. Also, check with a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake.
Note: The baking time and temperature only guidance. Adjust according to your own oven condition. Recognize and adjust as needed

6) Remove from oven 
and immediately invert the tube pan upside down until the cake completely cools down. You might need something like a wine bottle or any bottle with a "neck" suit to your tube pan. Let it completely cool before you unmould it.

7) How to unmold the cake; run a thin knife or spatula around the edges, pressing against the sides of the pan. Invert the cake to free it from the sides of the pan, tapping the base to help release. Then run the knife or spatula around the base to release the funnel.

Whipped cream for filling and topping.
Mix cold fresh-squeezed mandarin orange juice with powdered whipped cream. Using an electric mixer whisk it until very thick in consistency. Move into a piping bag and keep in refrigerator until ready to use.
Note: Check the composition between the liquid and the whip cream powder according to the brand you use. Adjust to the desired thickness.

You can check my video here to decorate this chiffon cake.

Be my friend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
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Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

Chiffon kek adalah kek yang menggabungkan metode sponge cake dan metode kek konvensional. Metode memisahkan kuning dan putih telur yang dikocok terpisah-sebelum digabungkan menjadi satu adonan, menciptakan rasa yang kaya dengan tekstur yang lebih ringan yang lebih lembut seperti sponge cake.

Loyang kue tidak dilapisi atau diolesi minyak atau mentega, yang memungkinkan adonan cake menempel di sisi loyang, membantu kek mengembang lebih baik pada pada saat dipanggang, serta mendukung pada proses pendinginan saat kue dibalik untuk menjaga gelembung udara dalam kek tetap stabil.

Untuk pengunjung rutin blog saya, mungkin sudah tahu ya saya sudah banyak mempostingberbagai resep chiffon cake sebelumnya.

Jika ingin tahu lebih banyak resep-resep cake yang sudah saya posting sebelumnya bisa di cek di kategori "Cake" disini ya.

Mandarin Orange Chiffon Cake. Recipe with video / Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepchiffoncake #chiffoncakerecipe #mandarinorangecake #decoratingcakeidea #caramenghiaskueulangtahun #orangecake #videorecipe

Nah kali ini saya ingin berbagi resep chiffon cake lainnya dengan rasa jeruk mandarin yang berasa banget rasa jeruknya. Mulai dari keknya, whipped creamnya sampai topping dan hiasannya full rasa jeruk mandarin.
Memang pas banget awal musim dingin gini aneka jeruk banyak banget di pasaran.

Pokoknya enak dan segar banget. Cake ini saya buat beberapa hari yang lalu untuk acara milad suami saya. Semua anggota keluarga suka pake banget lho 😘

Yuk... yang pengen coba juga, disimak resep dan videonya ya...
Dan jangan lupa buat ngelike, sharing dan subscribe channel YouTube saya ya... 💗

Chiffon Cake Jeruk Mandarin
Oleh; Çitra's Home Dairy

Untuk satu loyang tulban 22-24 cm 

🍊 7 kuning telur ukuran besar. Suhu ruang
🍊 50 gr gula pasir halus
🍊 120 gr perasan jeruk mandarin
🍊 100 gr minyak goreng
🍊 170 gr tepung terigu
🍊 20 gr pati jagung (maizena)
🍊 1 sdt baking powder
🍊 ½ sdt garam
🍊 1 sdt extract jeruk
🍊 ¼ sdt pewarna kuning (optional)

🍊 6 putih telur ukuran besar. Suhu ruang
🍊 1 sdm perasan jeruk lemon
🍊 125 gram gula pasir

Whipped cream:
🍊 300 ml perasan jeruk mandarin
🍊 400 gr whipped cream bubuk
🍊 Jeruk mandarin untuk hiasan

Cara membuat:

Panaskan oven suhu 160℃. Siapkan loyang tulban chiffon tanpa dioles apapun. Sisihkan.

1) Kocok kuning telur dan gula sampai mengembang dan pucat. Tambahkan minyak goreng sambil tetap dikocok rata. Menyusul perasan jeruk mandarin, kocok kecepatan rendah sampai tercampur. 

2) Masukkan campuran terigu, pati jagung, baking powder dan garam sambil diayak. Kocok kecepatan rendah sampai tercampur rata saja dan tidak ada gumpalan tepung.

3) Masukkan extrak jeruk dan pewarna (jika pakai), aduk balik dengan spatula hingga rata. Sisihkan.

4) Buat meringue: Dalam wadah yang bersih kocok putih telur dengan perasan jeruk lemon hingga berbusa banyak. Masukkan gula secara bertahap sambil tetap dikocok kecepatan tinggi. Kocok hingga hard peak/ kaku.

5) Campurkan meringue ke adonan kuning telur dalam tiga tahap. Aduk merata tiap panambahannya. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Hentakkan loyang beberapa kali di counter untuk mengeluarkan gelembung udara dalam adonan.

6) Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan suhu  160℃ selama 50 menit, lalu turunkan oven suhu 150℃ dan lanjutkan memanggang kurleb 15 menit. Cek dengan tes tusuk hingga bersih.
Note: Kenali kondisi oven masing-masing. Sesuaikan suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuai kondisi oven.

7) Keluarkan dari oven dan langsung balikkan loyang hingga dingin. Lepaskan dari loyang jika benar benar dingin. Chiffon cake siap dihiasi sesuai selera.

Membuat whipped cream filling dan topping.
Perasan jeruk mandarin harus dalam kondisi sangat dingin. Campurkan dengan whip cream bubuk dan kocok hingga kaku.
Note: Cek perbandingan penggunaan cairan dan bubuk whip cream sesuai merk whipcream yang dipakai. Sesuaikan dengan kekentalan yang diinginkan.

Simpan dalam piping bag dan simpan dalam lemari es hingga siap digunakan.

Selamat mencoba, happy baking 💝

Cek video dibawah ini untuk membuat dekorasi cake ultah sederhana 


1 comment:

  1. Aduh, cakenya menggoda iman banget.
    Jadi pengen makan cake.
    Terima kasih resepnya ya, kapan-kapan bisa dipraktekkan dirumah.


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