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But not only in Thailand, this tropical mouthwatering dessert is now popular around the globe.
It's not easy not to love this dish.
The sweet and juicy, delicious flavor of well-ripened mango, next to the soft but chewy sticky rice that has soaked up the creamy and subtle flavors of coconut, which has been topped with a slightly salty coconut milk topping, all with a sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds that give a burst of flavor.
You may love this Sweet dumpling snack from purple yam-KLEPON
Sticky rice, also known as "glutinous" or "sweet rice", is an essential ingredient in northern and northeastern Thailand. But it is also a common ingredient found in Indonesian cuisines and other part of Asia countries
Unlike most rice cooking methods, this sweet rice is should be steamed, not boiled in water. Soaking the rice before steaming ensures that it cooks evenly.
Rinsing the rice of excess starch keeps it from over-clumping into a solid mass.
Rinsing the rice of excess starch keeps it from over-clumping into a solid mass.
To ensure the grains cook and absorb moisture evenly, sticky rice first needs to be soaked and rinsed in water before cooking. Once steamed, the grains of sweet rice becomes tender but maintain a distinct chewiness.
If you haven't tried this exotic and refreshing dessert, don't worry. Here I will share authentic mango sticky rice (khao neow=sweet rice. mamuang=mango).
Even though it is originally from Thailand, we are Indonesian and are also familiar with this dish. Even we can find it easily almost everywhere.
The ingredients are totally tropical flavors.
The ingredients are totally tropical flavors.
Glutinous rice / sweet rice/ sticky rice.
This can not substitute with other types of rice. It's gluten-free rice.
Some people also use black glutinous rice for making this dessert.
Before you start cooking, rinse the rice a few times to remove excess starch and keep it from over-clumping into a solid mass when it cooks.
Soak the glutinous rice in a generous amount of water for at least 1 hour. Then, drain it and rinse well. Place the rice in a piece of kitchen napkin or cheesecloth to steam it.
Coconut milk.
In my homeland and other Asian neighboring countries, using fresh coconut milk is common and that's what I miss when I'm living here. Of course, using canned coconut milk still can make this delicious summer flavor dessert.
Pandan leaf.
Used in many traditional Asian desserts for its green color and amazing fragrance. Adding the perfect tropical flavor and aroma to this dessert. Omit this if you don't have it.
Is an essential ingredient for this dish. In Thailand perfect type of mango used for this dessert is "ok rong" and "dok mai". In Indonesia, we use "mangga madu" (honey mango) and "mangga golek" which are similar to ok rong and dok mai.
You can use honey mango or carabao mango. They are long and slender and have very yellow skin even when not fully ripened. Be sure you get very ripe mangoes. If you can't get this type, then be sure to use mangoes that are ripe and yellow inside.
Since here in Turkiye I only can find apple mango, so I use that for this dessert.
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Mango Sticky Rice (Khao Neow Ma Muang)
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Serve 3-4 shares
🥭 1 cup (225 gr) glutinous rice
🥭 ¾ cup (180 gr) coconut milk
🥭 1 pandan leaf, knotted
🥭 ½ tsp salt
🥭 1 cup (225 gr) glutinous rice
🥭 ¾ cup (180 gr) coconut milk
🥭 1 pandan leaf, knotted
🥭 ½ tsp salt
🥭 4 tbsp (60 gr) sugar
Coconut milk topping :
🥭 1 cup (225 ml) thick coconut milk
🥭 1 cup (225 ml) thick coconut milk
🥭 2 tsp rice flour
🥭 ½ tsp salt
🥭 2 tbsp (30 gr) sugar (optional)
🥭 ½ tsp salt
🥭 2 tbsp (30 gr) sugar (optional)
🥭 2 ripe sweet mangoes, peel and slice/ cut as your taste (*)
🥭 Toasted sesame seeds (or toasted mung bean)
You can use canned mango as well
How to make:
1) Rinse sweet rice a few times until the water is clear. Then soak with plenty of water for at least 1 hour. Boil enough water in a steamer pot. Drain well the rice and put in a kitchen napkin/ cheesecloth. Place the rice pocket over a steamer and steam for about 30 minutes. Check if it's not yet translucent and fluffy, and steam for another 15 minutes until it's done.
2) Meanwhile make coconut syrup. You want to make this coconut syrup just few minutes before the rice cooked. So you will get your sweet rice and the coconut syrup both hot when you mix them together.
In a medium sauce pan, put ¾ cup (180 gr) coconut milk with pandan leaf, ½ tsp salt, and 4 tbsp (60 gr) sugar. Cook over medium heat until bubbling, keep stirring while cooking.
3) Mix together hot coconut syrup and hot glutinous rice, mix well. Immediately cover tightly and let it rest for about 20-25 minutes until the rice absorbed the coconut syrup.
After 20-25 minutes, using for/ spoon to fluff the rice.
4) Make coconut topping.
Mix and cook all ingredients for coconut milk topping over medium heat. Stirring occasionally until it's boiling.
How to serve.
Plate the mango slices along with fluffy sweet rice. Flush the coconut milk topping and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Khao neow mamuang dalam bahasa Thailand lebih dikenal dengan Mango sticky rice. Salah satu kudapan favorit dan paling populer di Thailand.
Namun tidak hanya di Thailand, kudapan beraroma tropis yang menggiurkan ini kini populer di seluruh dunia.
Tidak mudah untuk tidak menyukai hidangan ini.
Rasa mangga yang matang manis dan juicy, lezat, di samping ketan legit yang lembut tapi kenyal yang dimasak dengan santan kental, disiram dengan topping santan yang sedikit asin, lalu ditaburi biji wijen panggang yang memberikan sensasi rasa manis bercampur gurih.
Ternyata membuat kudapan khas Thailand ini tergolong mudah lho. Tidak serumit yang kita sangka. Saya yakin moms sudah terbiasa masak dengan beras ketan ya, jadi membuatnya juga tidak perlu takut gak bisa.
Resep Ketan Mangga Khas Thailand
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil 3-4 porsi
🥭 1 cup 225 gram beras ketan
🥭 ¾ cup (180 gr) santan
🥭 1 lembar daun pandan
🥭 ½ sdt garam halus
🥭 4 sdm (60 gr) gula pasir
🥭 1 cup 225 gram beras ketan
🥭 ¾ cup (180 gr) santan
🥭 1 lembar daun pandan
🥭 ½ sdt garam halus
🥭 4 sdm (60 gr) gula pasir
Bahan saus :
🥭 1 cup (225 ml) santan kental
🥭 1 cup (225 ml) santan kental
🥭 2 sdt tepung beras
🥭 1/2 sdt garam
🥭 2 sdm gula pasir (optional)
🥭 1/2 sdt garam
🥭 2 sdm gula pasir (optional)
pelengkap :
🥭 1 buah mangga potong dadu
🥭 wijen sangrai atau kacang hijau sangrai
Cara membuat:
1) Cuci beras ketan hingga bersih, rendam selama 1 jam. Tiriskan lalu taruh/ dibungkus dengan serbet bersih kemudian kukus selama 30 menit atau sampai terlihat transparan dan lembut ya. Jika belum bisa dikukus lagi hingga lembut dan terlihat transparant.
2) Membuat santan manis.
🥭 1 buah mangga potong dadu
🥭 wijen sangrai atau kacang hijau sangrai
Cara membuat:
1) Cuci beras ketan hingga bersih, rendam selama 1 jam. Tiriskan lalu taruh/ dibungkus dengan serbet bersih kemudian kukus selama 30 menit atau sampai terlihat transparan dan lembut ya. Jika belum bisa dikukus lagi hingga lembut dan terlihat transparant.
2) Membuat santan manis.
Santan manis ini kita buat ketika beras ketan hampir matang. Jadi ketika mencampur keduanya, kondisi santan dan beras ketan sama-sama panas.
Sambil menunggu ketan matang, kita rebus santan, gula,garam dan daun pandan hingga mendidih.
Sambil menunggu ketan matang, kita rebus santan, gula,garam dan daun pandan hingga mendidih.
Lalu campurkan ketan kedalam santan manis panas. Aduk-aduk rata, lalu tutup rapat dan istirahatkan kurleb 20-25 menit.
Note: Jika saya buat banyak, saya ganti step ini dengan mengukusnya agar lebih awet dan tahan lama ketannya.
3) Membuat saus santan : Campur santan, tepung beras, garam dan gula (jika pakai) hingga mendidih. Aduk rata. Lalu masak diatas api sedang hingga santan mendidih dan mengental. Siap digunakan.
Hidangkan ketan yg sudah matang dengan saus santan dan potongan mangga.
3) Membuat saus santan : Campur santan, tepung beras, garam dan gula (jika pakai) hingga mendidih. Aduk rata. Lalu masak diatas api sedang hingga santan mendidih dan mengental. Siap digunakan.
Hidangkan ketan yg sudah matang dengan saus santan dan potongan mangga.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy post:
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