Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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"Klepon" , is one kind of Indonesian traditional snack. It's a dumpling made from glutinous rice flour with palm sugar filling, wrapped in fresh shredded coconut.
The original and traditional flavor is "Pandan" just like my previous "Klepon recipe" here.
In Indonesian, snacks are called kudapan, or makanan kecil (lit. "small food"), or makanan ringan (lit. "light food").
They might taste savory or sweet, but snack foods are a significant aspect of Indonesian cuisine which is very diverse.
Traditional kue or snacks — a collection of steamed or fried snacks with traditional-based ingredients, exist in many forms.
You may like these Indonesian-style glutinous dumpling balls (Onde-onde)
There are different types of snacks sold in the traditional markets in Java: jajan pasar, kue, bolu, and roti.
Jajan pasar refers to native Javanese snacks.
Kue (from Chinese gao; kwe) refers to some western cakes and steamed cakes
Bolu (from Portuguese bolo) refers to sponge cakes and some other types of cake with a similar texture.
While roti (from Sanskrit rotika) refers to any baked goods in general
And this "klepon" dumpling is one of the very old
You can check on the category "Indonesian snack (kue)" here for more traditional Indonesian snack recipes.
You can check on the category "Indonesian snack (kue)" here for more traditional Indonesian snack recipes.
This "klepon" has a slightly chewy texture with a sweet "bomb" that burst in your mouth when you eat it. The sweet "bomb" is from coconut/ palm sugar as a filling, the coconut/palm sugar will melt after the "klepon" dumpling is cooked.
So you must eat this small dumpling whole at once 😋
Another thing you should remember, do not to cook this "klepon" too long, otherwise, the melting sugar will leak out. Wait for the water really hard boiling before cooking the balls, and once it's floating, quickly strain them from the water.
After you drain from the water, directly drag and roll the balls onto the shredded coconut.
Indonesian Traditional Sweet dumpling snack from purple yam-KLEPON
Ingredients :
🥥 250 gr steamed purple yam, finely mashed
By: Çitra's home Diary
Yield ±35 pcs
Ingredients :
🥥 250 gr steamed purple yam, finely mashed
🥥 150 gr glutinous rice flour
🥥 20 gr tapioca starch
🥥 20 gr tapioca starch
🥥 1 tsp sugar
🥥 ½ tsp salt
🥥 ½ tsp salt
🥥 185-225 gr (13-15 tbsp )hot water. Add it GRADUALLY.
🥥 ±150 gr palm/ coconut sugar (gula jawa). Finely sliced.
For serving:
🥥 Freshly shredded coconut
🥥 pinch of salt
🥥 1 pandan leaf
How to make:
1. Heat a steamer. Mix freshly shredded coconut with a pinch of salt and pandan leaf in a medium bowl. Steam for about 10-15 minutes. Then set aside.
2. Sift together glutinous rice flour and tapioca starch flour. In a mixing bowl, mix mashed purple sweet potato, all flour, sugar, and salt. Mix well.
3. GRADUALLY add hot water into the bowl. Add a few tablespoons at a time while start kneading the dough. Keep kneading and add more water until you have shapeable and smooth dough-not too wet.
4. Shape and fill the dough:
Take about half a tablespoon of the dough (bigger than marble). Shape it round then using your index finger poke the dough to make room for filling. Fill with a small amount of shredded palm/ coconut sugar. Then close and seal the dough carefully to shape it into a ball. Do to all remaining dough.
Meanwhile, boil enough water over medium heat.
5. Boil the balls in boiling water, and let them cook few minutes just until it's floating. DO NOT cook it too long, otherwise, the filling will burst in the pan.
6. Use a slotted spoon, remove the balls from the water and directly drag them into the shredded coconut. Move over the serving plate. Enjoy.
Enjoy it warm or room temperature.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan jajan pasar legendaris ini. Klepon, terbuat dari tepung ketan dengan isian gula merah yang meledak di mulut pas digigit. Dengan balutan kelapa parut yang gurih dan wangi. Enak banget ya....
Ngebayanginnya saja sudah pasti kangen ya dengan jajanan ini.
Selain klepon pandan, kini juga banyak kita jumpai variasi klepon dengan aneka rasa dan warna. Seperti yang akan saya bagi hari ini. Berwarna ungu karena terbuat dari ubi jalar (ketela) berwarna ungu. Teksturnya lembut karena menggunakan ubi jalar selain bahan utamanya tepung ketan. Pecinta jajanan tradisional pasti suka.
Jika kalian pecinta jajanan tradisional (jajan pasar) Indonesia, jangan lupa cek resep-resep jajan/ kue khas Indonesia lainnya yang ada di kategori "Jajan tradisional Indonesia (kue)" disini.
Oleh: Çitra's home Diary
Hasil jadi ±35 buah
Bahan Klepon :
🥥 250 gr ubi ungu ( berat setelah dikukus), haluskan
Bahan Klepon :
🥥 250 gr ubi ungu ( berat setelah dikukus), haluskan
🥥 150 gr tepung ketan putih
🥥 20 gr tepung tapioka
🥥 20 gr tepung tapioka
🥥 1 sdt gula
🥥 ½ sdt garam
Cara membuat:
1) Campur ubi ungu kukus yang sudah dihaluskan dengan tepung ketan, tapioka, garam dan gula. Tambahkan air sesendok demi sesendok hingga lembab dan menjadi adonan yang bisa dipulung. Tidak kering dan tidak terlalu basah.
🥥 ½ sdt garam
🥥 185-225 gr (13-15 sdm) air panas . Ditambahkan bertahap sampai adonan halus dan bisa dipulung
Bahan topping :
🥥 ± 200 gr kelapa parut
🥥 ¼ sdt garam
🥥 Daun pandan
Bahan Isian :
🥥 ± 150 gr gula merah ( sisir halus)
🥥 ± 150 gr gula merah ( sisir halus)
Bahan topping :
🥥 ± 200 gr kelapa parut
🥥 ¼ sdt garam
🥥 Daun pandan
> Campur semua dan kukus selama 15 menit, sisihkan
Cara membuat:
1) Campur ubi ungu kukus yang sudah dihaluskan dengan tepung ketan, tapioka, garam dan gula. Tambahkan air sesendok demi sesendok hingga lembab dan menjadi adonan yang bisa dipulung. Tidak kering dan tidak terlalu basah.
2) Ambil adonan kurang lebih setengah sendok makan ( jika ditimbang kurleb 13-15 gr). Bentuk bulatan dan buat lubang ditengahnya, masukkan gula merah sisir secukupnya, lalu bulatkan. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
Sementara itu, masak air secukupnya hingga mendidih.
3) Masak bola-bola klepon dalam air mendidih hingga mengapung, lalu angkat. Jangan terlalu lama dimasak, setelah mengapung, segera angkat agar isian tidak bocor.
4) Langsung gulingkan ketas parutan kelapa yang sudah dikukus sebelumnya.
Nikmati hangat atau suhu ruang.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy post:
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