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Soseji Ppang: Soseji (sausage) and ppang (bread). It can also be found as Pizza ppang (피자빵). It's one of the most popular street food in Korea.
The bread is soft and fluffy with slightly sweet and spicy sausage as a topping. Other popular fillings include chicken, cheese, and vegetables. Sausage ppang is often served with ketchup or chili sauce on top. It can be found at most street food stalls in Korea, and it’s a popular snack for both kids and adults.
You like this Soft Sandwich Roll Bread. Poolish method.
Korean sausage bread is like a fancier version of twisty pigs in the blanket meshed with hotdog buns and a loaded topping. The bread is soft like that of Asian bread and pastry and is twisted into a very satisfying latticework. The bread, it's stuffed with chunks of hotdog and topped with a corn and cheese topping.
This twisty bread is fun to make and kid-friendly. In Indonesia, it's also called caterpillar bread.
This twisty bread is fun to make and kid-friendly. In Indonesia, it's also called caterpillar bread.
Since the topping was already rich, I made my basic soft bread eggless.
but if you want a richer version you can use my other basic bread recipe here.
Even with no egg in it, this recipe will give you such a perfectly soft, cottony fluffy bread. The key to having pillowy soft texture bread is the kneading process.
I knead my bread dough until very smooth, and elastic and reach the windowpane stage.
What is windowpane stage?
A windowpane stage is a stage in which the gluten in the dough is sufficiently developed on.
How to perform windowpane test?
Take a piece of your dough then stretch it out wide until it is nearly translucent without ripping.
KOREAN SAUSAGE BREAD/ so se ji ppang
KOREAN SAUSAGE BREAD/ so se ji ppang
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make 8 breads
Basic soft bread:
🌭 350 g AP flour (11% protein)
🌭 30 g (2 tbsp)sugar
🌭 5 gr ( 1½ tsp) instant dry yeast
🌭 250 g milk
🌭 50 g butter/ margarine, room temperature
🌭 1 tsp salt
🌭 8 big-size sausages (soak in hot water)
🌭 1 cup (300 g) corn*
🌭 4 tbsp (80 g) mayonnaise*
🌭 1 cup (100 gr) shredded mozzarella*
🌭 1 tbsp (from small half) onion, chopped*
🌭 1 tbsp chopped parsley (or use dry)*
🌭 salt and pepper (optional)*
🌭 some milk for brushing
🌭 tomato ketchup
How to make:
How to make:
1. In a mixing bowl, mix and knead all ingredients EXCEPT butter and salt. You can knead it by hand, mixer, or bread machine. mix until all come together. Then add butter and salt.
Continue to knead until the dough is soft and smooth, and reach "windowpane" stage.
How to perform the windowpane stage: take a piece of your dough then stretch it out wide until it is nearly translucent without ripping. You want to do this to ensure your gluten is sufficiently developed.
Continue to knead until the dough is soft and smooth, and reach "windowpane" stage.
How to perform the windowpane stage: take a piece of your dough then stretch it out wide until it is nearly translucent without ripping. You want to do this to ensure your gluten is sufficiently developed.
2. Round the dough and place it over a light grease bowl, cover it with a damp towel kitchen or plastic film, and rest it until it is double its size. How long it will depend on your room temperature. Just place it in the warmest place in your house.
3. Flatten the dough to remove the air bubble, and place it over a lightly floured table. Divide the dough into 8 equal parts. For precisely I weigh my dough 86 g each. Using your palm roll each part into a ball, and do the same procedure to the rest of the dough.
4. Shape the dough.
Take one ball. Using a rolling pin, flatten it into a thin long/ oval shape. Place a sausage in the middle. Then wrap it in the dough, and pinch to seal it. Roll it over the counter to make it smooth. (See the video above).
Do the same procedure for the rest of the dough.
5. Arrange the bread over a prepared baking tray, giving space to each other. Using a scissor, make seven cuts. Snip the sausage with scissors but do not cut through. Pull each cut alternatively to right and left. Cover loosely with plastic cling or napkin and let it rest until noticeably puffy.
6. Preheat oven to 180℃. Meanwhile, make the topping mix.
Place everything with the mark (*) for the topping ingredients in a medium bowl. Mix well, and set aside.
7. Bake the bread.
Brush the bread with milk (or cream). Here I also spray it with water to make it moist. Bake in preheated oven for about 15-17 minutes. Remove from oven, then spread the topping mixture over the sausage bread. Try to spread it evenly. Then spritz the tomato ketchup over the top.
8. Send back to the oven for another 15 minutes until the bread cooks through and the topping melts. Remove from oven and chill on a cooling rack.
Note: Time and baking temperature only guidance. Adjust temperature and baking time according to your own oven condition.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
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KOREAN SAUSAGE BREAD/ so se ji ppang
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil jadi 8 roti
Roti dasar:
🌭 350 gr terigu protein sedang (11% protein)
🌭 30 gr (2 sdm) gula
🌭 5 gr ( 1½ sdt) ragi instant
🌭 250 g susu
🌭 50 g mentega/ margarin, suhu ruang
🌭 1 sdt garam
🌭 8 sosis sapi ukuran besar (rendam air panas)
🌭 1 gelas penuh (300 g) jagung pipil*
🌭 4 sdm (80 g) mayones*
🌭 1 gelas (100 gr) keju mozzarella*
🌭 1 sdm (separuh) bawang bombay, cincang halus*
🌭 1 sdm peterseli cincang (atau pakai yang kering)*
🌭 garam dan lada (opsional)*
🌭 susu untuk olesan
🌭 saus tomat
Cara membuat:
1. Membuat roti dasar.
Dalam mangkok besar campur semua bahan untuk roti KECUALI mentega dan garam. Uleni hingga bergumpal. Lalu masukkan mentega dan garam. Uleni lagi hingga adonan halus, elastik dan mencapai windowpane.
Cara mengecek adonan windowpane: Ambil adonan secukupnya lalu rentangkan hingga hampir transparan tapi tidak sobek.
2. Bulatkan adonan dan taruh dalam mangkok yang bersemir minyak tipis. Tutup dengan plastik cling dan istirahatkan hingga mengembang dua kali lipat.
3. Setelah mengembang, pindahkan ke meja kerja dan uleni ringan untuk mengeluarkan udara. Taburi meja kerja dengan tepung tipis tipis. Bagi adanan menjadi 8 bagian sama rata. Untuk persisnya saya timbang 86 gr tiap bagian. Bulatkan tiap bagian.
4. Ambil satu bulatan, gilas memanjang sesuai ukuran sosis. Taruh sosis ditengahnya lalu bungkus dan rapikan (lihat video cara membentuknya). Lalukan hingga selesai. Taruh diatas loyang beralas kertas baking, beri jarak tidak berdekatan agar nantinya tidak lengket satu sama lain ketika dipanggang.
5. Gunting tidak putus roti sosia (jadi 8 bagian). Lalu tarik tiap potongan ke kanan dan ke kiri berselang seling sambil diputar hingga potongan sosis nampak (lihat video ).
Tutup dengan plastik atau serbet dan istirahatkan hingga nampak mengembang. Kurang lebih 25 menit atau terkandung kondisi ruang masing-masing.
Sementara itu panaskan oven 180℃.
6. Membuat campuran topping.
Campur semua bahan toping bertanda (*). Aduk rata dan sisihkan.
7. Memanggang roti.
Olesi permukaan roti dengan susu (atau cream). Kali ini saya juga spray seluruh permukaan roti dan loyang untuk menghasilkan uap ketika dipanggang. Langkah ini opsional ya.
Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan kurang lebih 15-17 menit
8. Keluarkan dari oven. Lalu beri topping diatas roti, usahakan topping menyebar agar rata. Semprotkan juga saus tomat di permukaan roti dan topingnya.
9. Panggang lagi (suhu 180℃) kurang lebıh 15 menit sampai keemasan dan toping terlihat meleleh.
Angkat dan dinginkan diatas rak pendingin.
Note: Suhu dan waktu memanggang diatas hanya panduan. Sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy recipes:
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Bakery style Sausage Roll Bread / Resep Roti Sosis a la bakeri |
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Buchty ( Buchteln / Buchta / Wuchteln) Bread / Roti manis khas Balkan dan Eropa |
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Soft Sandwich Roll Bread. Poolish method, recipe with video. |
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Kıymalı Börek (Turkish Minced Meat Filling Phyllo Pastry). |
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