Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.
Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.
Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour, acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equates to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter).
Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).
Throughout it's history, İndonesian has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally İndonesian indigenous techniques and ingredient were influenced by İndia, middle eastern, China, even Europe.
And as an archipelago country with the longest coastline on earth İndonesia has countless type of fish and seafood as protein source beside poultry and meat.