Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey..
Celebrating Ramadhan Bayram/ Eid al-Fitr is always being a happiest moment in my life...after do our Fasting (sawm) during Ramadhan.The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal
In Turkey, Eid al-Fitr celebrated with baklava and candy or turkish delight. When you visit your friend or relatives during Eid al-fitri (Ramazan Bayram) they will serve you with that traditional sweets pastry.
But in Indonesian tradition, eid al-fitr identically with cookies, ketupat with many other traditional meals. Too bad I can not have ketupat here.. 😔
But even far away from my homeland I want to have my own Indonesian tradition to celebrate Eid al Fitr here... Beside Baklava (mostly I buy from patisserie here) I usually make some cookies to have Indonesian Eid al fitr's atmosphere in our house... And of course for my Indonesian fellows who visit our house they will get Indonesian aroma...
We usually have many kind of cookies to serve in our living room table, waiting our guess... such as nastar, kaastengel, putri salju, sus kering, pastel mini, etc...Those are always serve on my house during eid al fitri ^,^
You can check my variant cookies recipe on cookies section.
And my today's post I wanna share my other cookie recipe. These cookies are so great and indulging your tea time with slightly savory buttery taste with light nice speculaas aroma, sprinkle with speculaas powdered sugar.. believe me... you gonna fall in love to this cookies ^,^
- 200 gr butter, soften at room temperature
- 200 gr margarine, soften at room temperature
- 4 egg yolks, room temperature
- 40 gr condensed milk
- 650 gr all purpose flour
- 2 Tbsp speculaas spice *
- 50 gr icing/ powdered sugar
- 50 gr milk powder
- Icing/ powdered sugar about 200 gr
- pinch of speculaas spice about 1 tsp
(*) Speculaas Spice Mix (Speculaaskruiden) is often used in Dutch cuisine. Speculaas is also known as Spekulatius, Speculoos, and Spekolaus.
See this post to make it at home.
Or replace with 1 Tbsp cinnamon + ½ Tbsp ginger powder + 1 tsp nutmeg + ½ tsp cardamom powder
How to:
- In a mixing bowl, mix butter+margarine, egg yolk, condensed milk and powdered sugar with wooden spoon to combine well.
- Mix in speculaas, flour and milk powder. Mix them just until crumble into a ball. Then start to knead LIGHTLY (don't over knead otherwise you will melt butter+margarine with your warm hand). Wrap dough in plastic film and rest it for about 1 hour in fridge.
- Preheat oven to 155~160 deg C. Flatten the dough With a rolling pin into approximately 1 cm thick-- use plastic sheet/ baking paper to avoid sticking on your rolling pin/ working table -- then cut with cookie cutter as you like.
- Bake for about 25 minute or until golden brown and crunchy. Let them cool completely before sprinkle/ coat them with powdered sugar+ speculaas mixture.
Today is the last day of Ramadan. There is always a mix of sadness and happiness that comes at the same time on this final day.
Sad that we'll gonna leave the most blessed month, when God forgives our sins and answer our du'a (pray).. when our deeds doubled in reward... Afraid that we won't be able to meet next Ramadhan....
Happy because we can past trough this fasting month and we'll face our happy day and celebrate it tomorrow...
Bahan :
- 200 gr butter, lembekkan di suhu ruang
- 200 gr margarin, lembekkan di suhu ruang
- 4 btr Kuning Telur ukuran besar, suhu ruang
- 40 gr SKM
- 650 gr tepung terigu
- 2 sdm bumbu spekuk
- 50 gr gula bubuk
- 50 gr Susu Bubuk
Bahan taburan:
- Gula bubuk sekitar 200 gr
- bumbu spekuk sekitar 1 sdt
Cara membuat :
Campur butter+ margarin, gula bubuk, kuning telur dan SKM, aduk rata dengan sendok kayu sampai rata.
Masukkan tepung, bumbu spekuk dan susu bubuk, aduk rata hingga adonan bergumpal.
Uleni ringan adonan sampai sedikit kalis (tapi jangan terlalu lama diuleni yang mengakibatkan mentega dan margarin leleh ditangan). Bungkus dengan plastik wrap, diamkan di kulkas sekitar 1 jam.
Giling adonan dengan rolling pin hingga ketebalan sekitar 1 cm, cetak sesuai selera-- gunakan lembaran plastik/ kertas baking agar tidak lengket.
Panggang di oven dengan suhu rendah (150~160 deg C) hingga matang dan kering, sekitar 25 mnt.
Kenali oven masing-masing untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai.
Setelah kukis benar-benar dingin, taburi gula bubuk+spekuk. Susun rapi di toples.
Masukkan tepung, bumbu spekuk dan susu bubuk, aduk rata hingga adonan bergumpal.
Uleni ringan adonan sampai sedikit kalis (tapi jangan terlalu lama diuleni yang mengakibatkan mentega dan margarin leleh ditangan). Bungkus dengan plastik wrap, diamkan di kulkas sekitar 1 jam.
Giling adonan dengan rolling pin hingga ketebalan sekitar 1 cm, cetak sesuai selera-- gunakan lembaran plastik/ kertas baking agar tidak lengket.
Panggang di oven dengan suhu rendah (150~160 deg C) hingga matang dan kering, sekitar 25 mnt.
Kenali oven masing-masing untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai.
Setelah kukis benar-benar dingin, taburi gula bubuk+spekuk. Susun rapi di toples.