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Bubur Biji Salak Labu kuning / Indonesian pumpkin tapioca ball sweet porridge

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody......Merhaba from Türkiye..

Bubur biji salak literally means snake fruit's stone/seed porridge. 
It's one of the traditional Indonesian food made of tapioca starch mix with ketela/ ubi jalar (same to sweet potatoes). The mixture dough is then shaped like "salak" fruit's stone (slightly oval shape) and cook into boiling water until floating. The balls then cook in thick palm/ coconut sugar sauce, thicken by adding some tapioca/ cornstarch. Served with a tasty slightly savory thick coconut milk. So this dish doesn't use any salak fruit at all in it.

It looks like Bubur candil indeed, but the difference is bubur candil is made of glutinous rice flour. Check this link for making bubur candil.

Although it tastes sweet, this porridge is not categorized as a dessert. I usually like to eat this sweet porridge in the morning for breakfast only as a substitute for rice.

Traditionally biji salak made of ubi jalar/ sweet potatoes puree, but people now days vary it with other tubers like potatoes or pumpkin. And today I am going to share my Biji salak made of pumpkin. I use homemade pumpkin puree, but you can use the canned one.
Before use your pumpkin puree make sure you reduce the water content by cook it first until you get thick consistency.
So let's jump to the recipe and get traditional Indonesian Biji salak on your family table.

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

Ingredients. Serve 4 sharing.

For tapioca balls:
  • 300 gr pumpkin puree. Use homemade here or canned one*
  • 190 gr tapioca starch
  • pinch of salt
(*) Cook your pumpkin puree before use to get thicker consistency and rich color too

For porridge:
  • 500 ml of water
  • 150 gr gula Jawa (palm/ coconut sugar)
  • 70~100 gr sugar to taste
  • 2 pandan leaves, knotted
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch + 1 tbsp tapioca starch dilute in a small amount of water
Coconut milk sauce:
  • 400 ml fresh squeeze or canned thick coconut milk*
  • 1 tsp salt
  • pandan leaf, knotted
(*) I use canned coconut cream

1) Make porridge; Boil all ingredients for porridge except cornstarch and tapioca starch. Set a side.

2) For Tapioca pumpkin balls; Cook pumpkin puree until thick/ less water content, then weight it 300 gr and place into a medium bowl. Add in pinch of salt and gradually tapioca starch. You may need more or less than 190 gr. Just add in gradually while kneading until you get a shape-able dough. Take a pinch of dough (about 8 gr each) and shape it like biji salak (slightly oval).
Meanwhile boil enough water (about 1 lt) in medium pan. Cook the balls into boiling water until they float (see illustration above). Strain and place them into palm sugar syrup.

3) Put the sugar syrup with tapioca balls back to stove and cook until boil again. Once it boil stir in starch mixture and continue to cook until it thickened and bubbling. Remove from heat.

4) Making coconut milk sauce; Cook all ingredients over medium heat. Stirring constantly to prevent coconut milk to curdled.

Serve biji salak with coconut milk sauce.




Bubur biji salak kelihatan mirip dengan bubur candil ya. Tapi tentu kedua bubur kesukaan ini berbeda, biji salak terbuat dari tepung kanji/ tapioka dengan campuran ketela. Sedang bubur candil terbuat dari tepung ketan.

Jika pada umumnya biji salak terbuat dari ketela, kali ini saya ingin membuat biji salak dengan campuran labu kuning. Soal rasa....hmm..nggak usah ragu deh ... !
Nggak percaya? yuk bikin !  😍

Resep Bubur biji salak labu kuning
Porsi: 4


Untuk bola biji salak:
  • 300 gr labu kuning yang sudah dihaluskan. Lihat cara membuat puree labu kuning disini atau bisa gunakan kalengan (lihat note dibawah)*
  • 190 gr tepung kanji/ tapioka
  • sejumput garam halus
(*) masak puree labu kuning hingga kadar air menyusut (lihat di-cara membuat puree labu kuning) 

Untuk kuah:
  • 500 ml air
  • 150 gr gula jawa
  • 70~100 gr gula atau sesuai selera manisnya
  • 2 daun pandan,simpulkan
  • sejumpt garam
  • 1 sdm pati jagung (mis, maizena) + 1 sdm kanji dilarutkan dengan sedikit air
Untuk santan:
  • 400 ml santan kental(*)
  • 1 sdt garam
  • daun pandan, simpulkan

(*) saya pakai santan kalengan tanpa dilarutkan lagi

Cara membuat:

1) Membuat kuah bubur; Masak semua bahan untuk kuah kecuali campuran larutan kanji dan maizena. Masak hingga mendidih, sementara itu kita bisa membuat bola biji salak.

2) Membuat biji salak; Masak puree labu hingga kandungan air menyusut (warnanya jadi lebih gelap dan intens), Lalu timbang 300 gr dan taruh dalam mangkok. Tambahkan sejumput garam dan tapioka sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni, mungkin membutuhkan tapioka lebih sedikit dari 190 gr, yang penting adonan halus dan mudah dibentuk.

3) Didihkan air secukupnya dalam panci kurleb 1 lt. Ambil sedikit adonan (kurleb 8 gr) dan bentuk bulat lonjong seperti biji salak. Lalu rebus dalam air yang mendidih (lihat gambar diatas). Saring dan taruh ke dalam kuah bubur.

4) Didihkan kembali kuah bubur yang berisi biji salak, masak hingga mendidih. Setelah mendidih, campurkan larutan maizena dan tapioka, aduk hinga mengental dan mendidih kembali. Angkat dari kompor.

5) Membuat santan; Masak semua bahan kuah santan diatas api sedang, aduk-aduk perlahan agar santan tidak pecah.

Sajikan bubur biji salak dengan kuah santan kental.


Check my other Yummy post:

Klepon / glutinous balls with palm sugar filling

Ketan Hitam tabur kelapa / Indonesian steamed Black glutinous rice with palm sugar syrup

Putri Mandi (mendut) / Indonesian Glutinous balls with thick coconut sauce

Wingko babat recipe / Indonesian Coconut base small pancake



  1. Ya ampun, ya Tuhanku, aku kesasar di blog dengan foto-foto super kece dan resep yang yahut gini. Aku mimpi apa semalam mbak ? *ditabok* :D aku betaaaahhhh disini, hihihihi.

    1. Hai Riska...makasih kunjungannya. Glad kalau kamu betah, happy browsing ya.. ^,^


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