Resep dalam Bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
When you read the title of this post you maybe think this is savory cookies. But NO! not at all. This is another version of pineapple tarts cookies, but with cheese filling instead of pineapple jam. Are you starting interested? Well, you should (^,^)
Pineapple tarts cookies are one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighboring countries) cookies that commonly made and serve during a religious holiday such as Eid-el Fitr or christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengels, putri salju, pastel mini, nastar and more. Check other cookies recipe on "COOKIES" category list.
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
When you read the title of this post you maybe think this is savory cookies. But NO! not at all. This is another version of pineapple tarts cookies, but with cheese filling instead of pineapple jam. Are you starting interested? Well, you should (^,^)
Pineapple tarts cookies are one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighboring countries) cookies that commonly made and serve during a religious holiday such as Eid-el Fitr or christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengels, putri salju, pastel mini, nastar and more. Check other cookies recipe on "COOKIES" category list.
As I mentioned above this cookies is combination/ variation from classic nastar (pineapple tarts cookies). Beside cheese you can also fill this nastar with chocolate or homemade apple jam like I did on my old post. But for me, still classic one with homemade pineapple jam is my best fave.
For the cookies shell I use NCC's (Indonesian Cooking Club) recipe. And for filling I took from one Indonesian blogger: "Coba-coba yuk" belongs to Isna Sutanto.
The whole process exactly the same as we make classic nastar. We make the filling first then the cookie shell. The perfect nastar for among Indonesian is should has "melt in your mouth" in texture, smooth and shiny at the outside, no obvious crack and smooth (^,^)
Filling ingredients:
- 200 g roasted low protein flour ➔I use AP flour (weigh about 275 gr flour put on non stick pan and stir fry and roasted for about 5 minute, cool it down and weigh 200 gr)
- 50 g powdered milk
- 3~4 tbsp iced cold water (I use cold milk)
- 250 g powdered sugar ( I use 200 g)
- 100 g margarine, soften at room temperature (I use unsalted butter)
- 120 g cheddar cheese, grated ( I use 150 g edam cheese)
Mix all filling ingredients except cold milk. I knead them all with my hand all together, then add cold milk 1 spoon at a time until you get nice and shape-able dough. Set aside in fridge until ready to use.
Take a small amount of filling dough (I weigh about 4~5 g each) and shape it like marble.
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Filling dough. (lower pict )I weigh about 5 gr each and shape like marble~ready to use |
Nastar isi keju/ Cheesy tart cookies
Recipe nastar by: NCC
Make about 1,800 g (± 165 cookies)
Ingredients:Recipe nastar by: NCC
Make about 1,800 g (± 165 cookies)
- 250 g unsalted butter, soften at room temperature
- 250 g margarine, soften at room temperature
- 100 g powdered sugar
- 4 egg yolks (I use medium size)
- 700 g AP flour
- 4 tbsp (about 40 g) powdered milk
For spread over cookies:
- some grated edam cheese (optional), you can use old cheddar cheese
- 3 egg yolks whisk with 1 tsp whole milk*
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Nastar cookie dough |
- Lightly beaten margarine, butter, powdered sugar and egg yolks just until combine.
- Add in flour and milk powder, using a wooden spoon gently mix until well blended.
- Take a little dough (I weigh about 14 g each) , rounded and flatten on your palm, put prepared filling, and rounded like a small ball. Arrange on cookies baking tray lined with baking paper. Make space ±2 cm each other.
- Bake on preheated oven at 140°C for about 30 minutes. I bake at 130°C fan force about 25 minutes. Remove from oven, brush with yolks mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese, put bake again into oven and bake until shiny. I lower temperature at 110°C fan force and bake approximately 10 minutes.
- Remove and allow to cool. Arrange in airtight jar.
Note: If you want to fill it with pineapple jam, see how to make homemade pineapple jam in this post or this post.
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Bake not more than 140 to get smooth cookies without crack. This is before brushed with yolks |
This post goes to NCC resep anti gagal event. Visit the link by clicking the badge below.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Siapa yang gak suka nastar? Kue kering klasik ini termasuk top request deh buat keluarga Indonesia terutama saat natal atau Idul fitri ya.
Dulu di Indonesia, tiap lebaran serasa kurang komplit tuh meja kalau gak ada nastarnya...hehehehe.
Di Turki lebaran selalu "dirayakan" dengan Baklava... tapi selain prepare baklava di rumah tiap lebaran saya selalu bikin nastar...agar sedikit bisa merasakan nuansa lebaran ala tanah air saja.
Dan karena suami dan anak terlanjur suka banget sama nastar ini, bikinnya pun gak selalu harus nunggu lebaran. Week end kalau toples cookies kosong, request suami ya nastar.. kalau gak nastar paling cookies chocolate. Makanya bikin nastar sudah sering banget dan gak pernah bosan buat teman minum teh kita sore hari.
Nah kali ini pengen coba nastar dengan isian lain dari biasanya. Alasan utama sih Nanas sedang langkah dan mahal banget di pasar tradisional, sebiji dihargai 15~17 TL kira-kira kalau di rupiah-in sih 40~50 ribu sebiji.... wellleh..welleh...
Makanya kali ini nastarnya ini keju! atasnya keju juga! (^,^). Gak asin tuh?? Enggak... enak banget! malah suami suka dengan isian keju ini.
Cobain juga yuk!
Resep Nastar NCC by Fatmah Bahalwan
menjadi 125 cookies x 16 gr
Bahan kulit:
- 250 gr margarin
- 250 gr mentega
- 100 gr gula halus
- 4 btr kuning telur
- 700 gr tepung terigu
- 4 sdm susu bubuk fullcream
3 btr kuning telur, kocok lepas dengan 1 sdt susu cair ~saya pakai kutel+2 sdt minyak+3 sdt madu
keju edam parut untuk taburan (optional)
Cara membuat:
Bahan isi saya buat doble dari resep asli dengan sedikit variasi disesuaikan kebutuhan isian nastar saya.
Resep isi keju dari "Coba coba yuk" di sini
- Kocok sebentar margarin, mentega, gula dan telur, cukup sampai tercampur saja.
- Masukkan tepung terigu dan susu bubuk, aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata.
- Ambil sedikit adonan, bentuk bulat, isi dengan selai nanas. Susun diloyang tipis, beri jarak satu dengan yg lain.
- Oven dengan suhu 140’C selama lebih kurang 30 menit. Keluarkan dari oven, poles dengan bahan polesan, oven lagi hingga kuning mengkilat.
- Angkat, biarkan dingin. Susun dalam toples, tutup rapat.
Bahan isi saya buat doble dari resep asli dengan sedikit variasi disesuaikan kebutuhan isian nastar saya.
Resep isi keju dari "Coba coba yuk" di sini
- 200 gr terigu protein rendah yang sudah disangrai ~~saya gunakan AP flour. Timbang sekitar 275 gr lalu disangrai sekitar 5 menit sampai terasa ringan. Dinginkan dan timbang 200 gr
- 50 gr susu bubuk
- 3~4 sdm air es (saya pakai susu dingin)
- 250 gr gula bubuk ( saya pakai 200 gr)
- 100 gr margarin (saya pakai mentega tawar)
- 120 gr keju cheddar parut ( saya pakai 150 gr keju edam)
Cara membuat isian:
Campur semua bahan dan uleni hingga tercampur rata. Bentuk bulatan-bulatan kecil (saya timbang masing2 4 gr).
Selamat mencoba.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other Yummy recipes:
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Black Nastar / Brown Pineapple bite |
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#Nastar Klasik / Indonesian classic pineapple tarts cookies |
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Kaastengels bunga / Kaastengels cookies, Indonesian classic cookies |
What a fantastic little savory tart!
ReplyDeleteHi's not savory at all. It has light sweetness, perfect for my tea time :)
Deleteperfect dessert love the bite size looks so good and easy to make =)
ReplyDeletethank you Adriana :=)
DeleteCitra - this looks lovely, as all your creations do! I love pineapple and I imagine this tastes amazing!
ReplyDeleteThank you Patricia. Yes, traditionally we filled this with homemade pineapple jam as I prefer. you can check here for pineapple jam version:
DeleteThese look like perfect cheesy treats! My kids would love these!
ReplyDeleteEvery kid would love them! :=)
DeleteCheese filling in cookies?! I've got ti try this! I bet they're awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you Angie... let me how do you like them :)