If you are my regular reader of this blog you might notice that these couple weeks I post many cookies recipe. Yep... I made many cookies few days before Eid al Fitr as Indonesian and some other countries' tradition to celebrate Eid Mubarek.
Different from Turkish tradition that serve baklava and share a lot of candy to kids, in my homeland we welcome our guest with jars of various cookies. Check my Cookies category list to see other traditional and classic cookies I had made.
And what I am about to share today is semprit susu or milk spritz cookies made of condensed milk with cornstarch. I found the recipe from one cooking group in facebook. It become new fave and popular among Indonesian baker since it has melt in mouth texture as Indonesian prefer.
Making this cookies is super-easy. You just cream the butter with condensed milk. No electronic mixer require, if you beat the butter until pale and fluffy you might end up with flat cookie. Add in the cornstarch and just use wooden spoon or spatula to combine well. Add the essence as your prefer to give aroma to the cookies. Bake the cookies at low temperature.
I use my traditional cookie spritz-er to press my cookies. You can use cookies presser tube as well for making this. So let's jump to the recipe.
Make about 300 g cookies
Ingredients:- 125 g butter, soft to room temperature
- 80 ml condensed milk
- 200 gr cornstarch
- any essence you like (I use rose essence few drops)
- any topping/ garnish you like (I use chocolate drop)
- In a bowl, cream butter and condensed milk with a whisker or fork just until combine. Add in cornstarch and mix well. Add essence and mix it to combine well. Do not knead the dough. I found my dough slightly too dry, so I add few drops of condensed milk.
- Preheat oven at 100°C. Using semprit cookies spritzer or cookie presser with closed star tip, press the dough onto ungreased baking tray. Garnish with chocolate drop and bake about 28~30 minutes. I bake at 100°C fan force about 45 minutes.
- Cool to room temperature before store in airtight jar.
The result was indeed melt in your mouth with hold it shape without flatten after baked. But personally I am not really fan of it since it didn't have rich flavor as I expect maybe it made of pure cornstarch. But for you who want to try this eggless spritz cookies you may want to keep this recipe for your prefer.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Memang ya kalau deket-deket lebaran banyak banget resep-resep kue kering yang beredar, baik yang klasik, yang new variant atau modifikasi.
Saya pribadi sih, cookies klasik tetap jadi menu utama di hari lebaran. Walau lebaran di Turki umumnya menyajikan baklava dan permen saja-tapi tidak di rumah saya (^,^)
Baklava dan permen cokelat memang selalu ada, tapi lebaran tanpa kukis bagi saya serasa kurang semangat lebarannya. Walau jauh dari tanah air Kukis selalu ada di rumah saya.
Kali ini ceritanya pengen nyoba resep kukis yang lagi happening di sebuah grup masak di FB. Kukisnya terbuat dari 3 bahan utama saja yaitu mentega/ butter, susu kental manis dan tepung pati jagung (misal merk maizena). Dengan penambahan pasta cair sebagai pemberi aroma pada kukis.
Prosesnya pun sangat mudah dan tanpa membutuhkan eletronik mixer, cukup diaduk manual dengan whisker atau garpu saja. Yukk.. yang pengen nyoba juga boleh lanjut baca ke resepnya...
Semprit Susu, resep dari link ini
By : Fah Umi Yasmin
Bahan :
- 125 gr butter → suhu ruang
- 80 ml susu kental manis putih
- 200 gr tepung maizena
- Pasta cair terserah (saya gunakan essence mawar)
- Topping terserah (saya gunakan chocolate drop)
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Essence mawar |
Masukkan butter dan susu kental manis dimangkok, pencet pakai garpu sampai butter rata, masukkan tepung, uleni rata, masukkan pasta cair, uleni lagi sampai pasta merata
Siapkan loyang tanpa oles ya, spuit adonan ke loyang, beri topping nya
Panaskan oven tempertur 100°C derajat selama 28 menit, pakai rak tengah biar tidak cepat hangus.
- Saya gunakan sendok kayu mulai dari proses awal mengaduk butter dengan SKM. Setelah tepung masuk, aduk rata dengan sendok kayu hingga tercampur semua baru ditambahkan essence cair (saya gunakan essence mawar). Jangan diuleni yang akan menyebabkan butter meleleh karena suhu tangan kita.
- Saya tambahkan beberapa tetes lagi skm karena adonan saya terlihat terlalu keras.
- Untuk proses memanggang, saya gunakan suhu 100°C fan force (atau sekitar 120°C) selama 45 menit. Jaga agar tidak berwarna coklat tapi tetap crunchy.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other recipe:
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Melt in your mouth peanut butter spritz cookies |
need recipe in USa measurements
ReplyDeleteHai Citra 😊
ReplyDeleteAh kue” lebaran udh mulai dibuat yaa
Sy kira ini musti pake mixer 😁
Thanks for sharing!
And met puasa maaf lahir batin ya 🙏🏻😊
Hai Elies.... my old blogger friend ^_^ how are you dear? iya..ini simpel gak pake mixer, 3 ingredients..kudu coba juga nih lies... Makasih ya..