Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba dari Turki.
Postingan hari ini adalah es tape ketan hitam a la Es Doger.
Saat ini di Turki sedang puncaknya musim panas, dimana suhu bisa mencapai 40°C dengan kelembaban yang tinggi. Jadi malleessss banget mau ngapa-ngapain. Kalau ingin keluar rumah- untuk belanja atau ngantar anak ke taman atau sekedar cari "fresh air"- kita biasa nunggu sekitar pukul 6 sore atau 7.
Jam 6 atau jam 7 sore, matahari masih bersinar kalau musim panas seperti sekarang. Jam 9 malam baru matahari terbenam dan udara mulai segar.
Jadi pengen yang serba segar. Mulai makanan yang serba sayuran segar, sampai pencuci mulut yang fruity. Naahhh.... karena saya punya stock tape ketan hitam yang saya buat sebelumnya, saya pengen bikin yang menyegarkan yang juga ada tape ketan hitamnya.
Dan lagi kepengeeeennn banget minum es doger. Jadi keingetan dulu jaman bebujangan pas ge-kost di daerah Menteng, sering minum es doger yang suka lewat depan rumah. Versi asli es doger yang di jakarta sih terdiri dari tape singkong, ketan hitam dan biji mutiara dengan serutan es santan yang gurih, diberi sirup gula (warna merah) lalu disiram susu kental manis yang banyak. Kadang suka ada serutan kelapa mudanya, tapi seringnya ya begitu aja.....hhmmm..... segar kan? (^,^)
Jadi kalau gak punya tape singkong, bikin es doger tape ketan hitam a la saya ini saja.... Yuk... bikin yang seger seger juga.. (^,^)
Es Doger Tape Ketan Hitam
- ±500 gr Tape ketan hitam. Siap beli atau homemade, resepnya bisa dilihat disini
- 1 pack Biji mutiara, masak sesuai petunjuk di kemasan
- kelapa muda, kerok dagingnya (saya pakai kalengan)
- potongan roti tawar (saya gak pakai)
- Susu kental manis untuk topping (lihat juga homemade SKM disini)
- ±1,8 lt santan kekentalan sedang
- 2 lembar daun pandan
- sejumput garam
- 450 gr gula pasir
- 400 ml air
- essence frambuaz
⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩
Cara membuat:
1) Rebus santan dan sejumput garam bersama daun pandan hingga mendidih. Dinginkan lalu simpan dalam freezer hingga membeku.
2) Jika punya alat untuk menyerut es batu bisa dipakai untuk membuat es serut dari santan beku ini. Atau jika tidak ada bisa gunakan food procesor (atau bisa dengan blender) untuk membuat es serut santan.
Dalam gelas saji taruh biji mutiara, tape ketan hitam dan kelapa serut (jika pakai). Lalu tambahkan es santan yang sudah dihancurkan (diserut), siram dengan sirup frambuaz secukupnya lalu siram dengan susu kental manis.
Nikmati Es doger tape ketan hitam bersama keluarga dan teman.
Selamat mencoba
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Fermented (tapai) black glutinous rice / Tape ketan hitam |
Recipe in English
Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.
My today post is about how to refresh your boring summer with something new; Es Doger. Sounds funny in your ear? (^,^)
Es doger is an Indonesian coconut milk-based shaved ice beverage with pinkish color often served as a dessert. It is a specialty of Bandung, West Java. The main, or base, part is sugared sweet coconut milk-based ice in pink syrup, served with pacar cina merah delima (red tapioca pearls), cassava tapai, ketan hitam (black glutinous rice) tapai, jackfruit, diced bread and condensed milk. The condensed milk can be plain (white), or chocolate flavored.
For coconut-based shaved ice
Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.
My today post is about how to refresh your boring summer with something new; Es Doger. Sounds funny in your ear? (^,^)
Es doger is an Indonesian coconut milk-based shaved ice beverage with pinkish color often served as a dessert. It is a specialty of Bandung, West Java. The main, or base, part is sugared sweet coconut milk-based ice in pink syrup, served with pacar cina merah delima (red tapioca pearls), cassava tapai, ketan hitam (black glutinous rice) tapai, jackfruit, diced bread and condensed milk. The condensed milk can be plain (white), or chocolate flavored.
Es doger gains its pinkish color from Rozen (rose) syrup, coco pandan syrup, or pink food coloring. Es doger is commonly sold by travelling vendor carts in major Indonesian cities, mainly in Bandung, Jakarta, Malang and Surabaya.
The Malaysian ais Bandung (Bandung ice) of coconut milk ice with pink rose syrup is probably a derivative of es doger with lesser content, since es doger is often associated with Bandung.~Wiki
But today I am going to share my simple recipe of Es Doger based on ingredients I have in my kitchen. Basically you must have simple syrup either with rose essence or raspberry, coconut milk-based shaved ice, and tapai or fermented either cassava or black glutinous rice.
Other complement ingredients such as (small cubes) white bread, jack fruits, and young coconut flesh can be added as your prefer/ availability.
My Es Doger today use tapai ketan hitam or fermented black glutinous rice, you can use store bought or homemade here. Add cassava tapai as well if you have it.
Es Doger Black glutinous rice tapai
For simple syrup~make ahead
The Malaysian ais Bandung (Bandung ice) of coconut milk ice with pink rose syrup is probably a derivative of es doger with lesser content, since es doger is often associated with Bandung.~Wiki
But today I am going to share my simple recipe of Es Doger based on ingredients I have in my kitchen. Basically you must have simple syrup either with rose essence or raspberry, coconut milk-based shaved ice, and tapai or fermented either cassava or black glutinous rice.
Other complement ingredients such as (small cubes) white bread, jack fruits, and young coconut flesh can be added as your prefer/ availability.
My Es Doger today use tapai ketan hitam or fermented black glutinous rice, you can use store bought or homemade here. Add cassava tapai as well if you have it.
Es Doger Black glutinous rice tapai
For simple syrup~make ahead
- 450 gr
- 400 ml air
- essence; rose or raspberry and some red food color ( I use raspberry pasta without adding food coloring anymore)
- ±1,8 lt medium thick coconut milk ( use 1 can, 400 ml coconut cream and dilute to 1,8 l)
- 2 pandan leaves
- pinch of salt
Ingredients and complement:
- ±500 gr Black glutinous rice tapai. Store bought or homemade by see my recipe here
- 1 pack (100 gr) Biji mutiara/ tapioca pearl,cook as per direction
- young coconut flesh, you can use fresh or canned one
- diced white bread ( I skip this)
- Sweetened condensed milk (white or chocolate) for topping (see my homemade condensed milk here)
In a glass or serving bowl place black glutinous rice tapai, tapioca pearl and coconut flesh (if using). Add coconut-based shaved ice, flush with enough simple syrup then topping with sweetened condensed milk.
Enjoy your fresh summer with family and friends.
sangat sukaa banget es doger ini, pake roti n tape singkong tambah enak :)
ReplyDeletemakasih Santi Dewi.... tp saya sukanya gak pakein roti biar gak nambah kalori lagi.. ^,^ kalau tape singkong sih...nyum!