Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.
My today today post is another Surabaya-nese ( if I may say so for things from Surabaya 😊 )
Surabaya is the capital city of East Java province and it's my homeland. The second largest city in population after Jakarta.
And as other regions/cities in İndonesia Surabaya is also famous for the richness of its own typical cuisine. Talking about Surabaya food is like holding a very long shopping list that you want and need them all! Surabaya foods are rich and full of flavor distinguish from other cuisines from other İndonesian cities/regions.
And one of the typical ingredients from Surabaya (and neighboring towns) is "petis". Petis is a product ingredient made of shrimp in paste form. Some call it shrimp paste butcall İ it just "petis" so not being confuse with "terasi" or "belacan" (another shrimp product). Below here you can see the difference between "petis" and "terasi/belacan".
But both shrimp products are staple ingredients in most İndonesian cuisines. İ brought them from İndonesia last year during my family visit.
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Shrimp paste (petis) upper picture |
Surabaya food and mostly east javanese food use this "petis" in the ingredient that make east javanese, especially Surabaya foods distinguish from other city / provinces.
And my post today is one of my favorite food calls "Lontong Mie" or bean sprout noodle stew. This food is very popular not only in Surabaya it self but also in other city also Madura island the closest neighbour island of Surabaya. And including in "must try" food during your visit to Surabaya.
The food consists of rice cake (lontong), egg noodle, fried tofu, lento (bean fritter), bean sprout in shrimp garlicky stew. Served with spicy sambal petis.
People rarely make this lontong mie at home cause many seller can be found with their mobile vendor across the alleys during morning or until brunch time. yes, this is typical breakfast or brunch meal or sometimes lunch.
Am İ giving you complete information about what İ share today? Do leave a word if you have any question.
- ± 700 gr bean sprouts
- 5 red shallots, finely slice
- 5 cloves of garlic, finely slice
- ± ½ tsp white pepper powder
- ½ cm fresh ginger, lightly crushed
- 2 stalks of celery
- ± 300 gr shrimp
- salt to taste (± 1½ tsp)
- sugar ± 1 tsp
- enough cooking oil
- ± 1 lt shrimp broth, see lower part how to make it
- enough cooked egg noodle (İ use about 400 gr)
- kecap manis / sweet soy sauce
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- some bird eye chili, as your taste
- ± 7 tbsp "petis" udang / shrimp paste
- pinch of salt
- small amount of water
- fried tofu (today İ didn't use it)
- fried shallot, see lower part how to make it
- "lento" / black eyed peas fritter. See this link how to make it.
- Rice cake. See this link how to make it.
A) Making shrimp broth; When you clean your shrimp, do not discard the tail and head. Wash it clean and cook with about 1 lt water and bay leave (daun salam). After it's rolling boil simmer it for few minutes before turn off the heat. Pass the broth over strainer and discard bay leaves and shrimp's tail&head. Your shrimp broth ready to use.
B) Knot 2 stalk of celery and put into shrimp broth, bring back to boil together with shrimp over medium heat until shrimp cooked. Mean while heat enough cooking oil in a wok/ skillet. Fry sliced shallot until golden red and crunchy, careful not burnt it. Set a side. Fry also sliced garlic until it golden color and crunchy. set a side.
When the broth is boiling, add fried shallot and garlic. Ginger, salt, sugar and pepper. Check the taste. You should have balance taste between savory slightly sweet and light spice from ginger and pepper.
Note: I usually fry shallot and garlic double amount then İ separated them, one part goes to the broth other part for serving.
C) Mix in bean sprout, lid on and turn off the heat. The bean sprout should be has slightly crunchy texture so you don't need to cook them too long.
D) Making sweet soy sauce noodle. İn a medium bowl toss cooked egg noodle with about 4 tbsp kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), couple tbsp cooking oil and dash of salt. Stir fry for few minute. Set a side.
E) Making sambal petis; puree garlic bird eye chili, and pinch of salt. Mix with shrimp paste and small amount of water. Cook over low heat, stir continuously until it bubbling and shrimp paste smooth. Set a side.
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Rice cake (Lontong) |
Arrange rice cake on your plate, then add the bean sprout stew, topped with noodle. Lightly crush bean fritter (lento) over it, sliced with fried tofu (if using) then sprinkle with fried shallot. Add sambal petis as your taste.
Then you will have Surabaya style bean sprout noodle stew 🍛
⥥ ⥥ ⥥ ⥥ PIN IT FOR LATER ⥥ ⥥ ⥥ ⥥
Assalamu'alaykum......Merhaba dari Turkey.
Ceritanya lagi kangen-kangenan sama makanan kampung halaman nih. Sudah pada tahu Lontong mie yang terkenal dari Surabaya ini kaannn...? 😊
İni sarapan favorite saya setiap hari minggu pagi pas masih di Indonesia. Atau ketika mudik ke Surabaya.... pasti nyarinya kalau gak lontong mie ini atau sate laler (bhs jawa dari lalat)... hihihihi...lucu ya..namanya sate laler (lalat). Disebutnya begitu sebab ukuran dagingnya sengaja dibikin kecil-kecil (mirip lalat kali yaaa.... 😖) dan dibalut kelapa.
Baik yang jual lontong mie dan sate laler dua-duanya orang madura.... enak banget deh! 🍲🍲
Naaaahhhhh....kali ini edisi kepengeeeennnnn banget makan lontong mie a la mbok mbok Madura itu. Yang saya lihat kuah udangnya itu bening, ntar kalau mau makan terserah mau ditambahin kecap sendiri atau udah gitu aja dari sambal petisnya.
Daannn...alhamdulillah kiriman dari keluarga di Surabaya ada petis udangnya. langsung deh..makin ngecess pengen ndang makan masakan khas jawa timur ini.
Yuukk..yang pengen bikin dirumah..lebih bersih dan murah. Agak ribet sih karena banyak pelengkap yang kudu disiapkan...tapi worthed deh...apalagi kalau bikin sendiri udangnya bisa banyak dan gede-gede ya...hihihi...
Ehh iya...resepnya dapat bocoran dari si mbok Madura langganan di Surabaya... biasaaa..cuman bilang pake ini itu dan ini tanpa sebutin takerannya, jadi resepnya saya sesuaikan rasa. Rasa merica samar-samar aja hampir tidak terasa ...memang begitu rasanya.
Lontong Mie Surabaya
- ± 700 gr taoge
- 5 bawang merah, iris tipis
- 5 bawang putih, iris tipis
- ± ½ sdt bubuk merica putih
- ½ cm(sedikit) jahe, geprak
- 2 batang daun seledri, simpulkan
- ± 300 gr udang
- garam sesuai selera (± 1 tsp)
- gula sekitar 1 sdt
- secukupnya minya goreng
- ± 1 lt kaldu udang, lihat resep dibawah cara membuat kaldu udang
- secukupnya mie telor kuning (İ use about 400 gr)
- kecap manis
- 2-3 bawang putih
- cabe rawit sesuai selera
- ± 7 sdm "petis" udang
- sejumput garam
- sedikit air untuk melarutkan
- tahu goreng (saya tidak pakai)
- bawang goreng
- lento.Lihat disini cara membuatnya atau beli jadi
- Lontong, lihat disini cara membuatnya atau beli jadi
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Black eyed peas fritter. |
Cara memasak:
A) Membuat kaldu udang; Kaldu udang saya buat dari kepala dan ekor udang, cuci bersih dan rebus dengan kurleb 1,2 lt air bersama daun salam. Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api dan teruskan memasak dengan api sangat kecil hingga sari udang benar-benar keluar. Saring dan buang daun salam juga ampas udangnya. Kaldu udang siap digunakan.
B) Simpulkan 2 batang daun seledri dan masukkan kedalam kaldu udang bersama udang. Didihkan kembali dengn api sedang saja hingga udang matang. Sementara itu goreng bawang merah dan bawang putih (terpisah ya..). Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih goreng ke dalam kaldu bersama jahe, gula dan garam juga bubuk merica.
Note:saya bikin bawang gorengnya lebih banyak, sebagian saya cemplung ke kaldu sebagian saya pakai untuk taburan.
C) Setelah kaldu mendidih lagi dan rasanya sudah sesuai selera, masukkan taoge dan segera tutup pancinya dan matikan api jadi taogenya nggak terlalu layu...agak krenyes-krenyes gitu 😊
D) Menyiapkan Mie telurnya; campur mie telor bersama kecap manis sekitar 4 sdm kecap manis, beberapa sendok makan minyak goreng dan sedikit garam. Lalu digoreng beberapa menit sampai kecap meresap.
E) Membuat sambal petis; haluskan cabe dan bawang putih dengan sedikit garam. Lalu masak bersama petis udang dan sedikit air hingga mendidih dan petis udang halus/ tidak bergerindıl.
Cara menyajikan seperti yang saya bilang diatas; petis udangnya digerus bersama bawang putih/ bwng merah goreng didasar piring. Kalau mau pedas lagi bisa ditambah irisan cabe.
Lalu taruh irisan lontong dan tuang kuah taogenya dan mie telur. Taburi bawang merah goreng.
Selamat mencoba...semoga bermanfaat.
Other Surabaya cuisine you should try:
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Nasi Udang Sambal ala Bu Rudi / Indonesian Shrimp rice with garlic sambal |
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Kari (kare) Udang terong / Shrimp and eggplant curry- my mom's style |
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Resep Tahu Tek khas Surabaya (Surabaya style Tofu in peanut sauce) And more..... |
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