Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
Offal could be delicious as normal meat if we know how to cook it, for example, cow's feet (or legs) or (beef) tongue. You can be hooked once you taste a delicious meal using those animal parts because it is prepared correctly and cook in a clever way.
Today I am going to share a tip on how to prepare and cook beef tongue. Beef tongue is lean meat that can be very tasty. But when you didn't cook it properly it can be pretty chewy and almost rubbery.
Since it's quite lean as I mentioned above, it'll take some time to cook to have a butter-soft texture which we look for. Some said 30 minutes per pound, some said an hour.
Personally, I didn't really use a timer or whatsoever, İ just cooked and check my beef (ox) tongue periodically and test it by inserting a big fork in the thickest part of the tongue, when it easily slip off from the fork it's done.
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Recipe 1 |
When you pick your beef/ ox tongue up make sure it feels firm. Most tongues will be gray in color, and if they have darkish spots on them, don't freak out — they're perfectly normal. Once they're cooked and skinned, they'll be delicious meat.
So here is how I prepare my beef tongue.
How to prepare and cook beef (ox)/ Lamb tongue
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Recipe 1:
How to:
Wash clean tongue. Remove excess fat from the base of the tongue. If you find any bone or gristle don't forget to remove it as well.
Put the tongue with other ingredients above in a pan and cover with enough water (or hot water). Put on the lid and cook over medium-high heat. As I mentioned above I didn't check how long I cooked the tongue. The bigger tongue the longer time needed. Just check periodically after an hour or so per one big tongue (about 1 kg).
Using a big fork, insert in the thicker part of the tongue, if it's tender and slips off easily, it's done.
Or check my Melt in your mouth oven-roasted beef tongue and Indonesian satay Padang here And here for cooking with tongue recipe ideas.
- 1 beef tongue about 1,5 kg
- 1 onion, quarter
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 2-3 bay leaf
- 1½ tsp salt ( 1 tsp per kg)
- 3 Tsp black and red whole peppercorns (you can use only a black one)
Recipe 2:
- 1 beef tongue about 1,5 gr
- 1½ tsp salt ( 1 tsp per kg)
- 1 bullion
Wash clean tongue. Remove excess fat from the base of the tongue. If you find any bone or gristle don't forget to remove it as well.
Put the tongue with other ingredients above in a pan and cover with enough water (or hot water). Put on the lid and cook over medium-high heat. As I mentioned above I didn't check how long I cooked the tongue. The bigger tongue the longer time needed. Just check periodically after an hour or so per one big tongue (about 1 kg).
Using a big fork, insert in the thicker part of the tongue, if it's tender and slips off easily, it's done.
Discard the water and let it chill completely.
After cool enough to handle, gently peel off the tongue skin. Also trim some excess fat.
Now you have your beef tongue ready to cook anything you prefer.
You can try an Indonesian braised beef tongue using this prepared tongue.
Or check my Melt in your mouth oven-roasted beef tongue and Indonesian satay Padang here And here for cooking with tongue recipe ideas.
I hope this post is helpful for you.
Happy cooking 💙
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Pernah makan bistik Lidah nggak? Makanan khas resto yang pasti favorit ya.....
Pernah bikin sendiri juga di rumah?
"enggak?" ... Lho..
"riweh dan gak ngerti gimana mengolah lidah mentahnya"
Hmm... Ayo deh bikin bistik lidah atau masakan lainnya dari lidah sapi.. Karena hari ini saya mau sharing bagaimana mengolah lidah sapi mentah sebelum diolah menjadi masakan kesukaan lainnya.
Ternyata mudah lho. Lidah sapi ini termasuk jenis "lean" alias tak berlemak. Teksturnya yang berbeda dengan daging normal membutuhkan cara memasak yang benar, karena kalau salah pengolahannya... akan alot dan tidak enak dikonsumsi.
Sebelum diolah menjadi masakan lain lidah sapi harus melewati proses "brine" atau dimasak dengan garam agar lunak dan mudah dikelupas kulit lidahnya.
Yuk... kita mulai ya.
Cara memasak lidah sapi / kambing
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Resep 1:
- 1 lidah sapi (kurleb1,5 kg)
- 1 bawang bombay, potong menjadi 4 bagian
- 2 bawang putih, memarkan
- 2-3 daun salam
- 1½ sdt garam ( 1 sdt per 1 kg)
- 3 sdt butiran merica merah dan hitam (bisa pakai merica hitam dan putih)
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Resep 2 |
Resep 2:
- 1 buah lidah sapi punya saya kurleb 900 gr (atau bisa 2 buah dng todal berat kurleb 2 kg)
- 2-3 bay leaf atau bisa pakai daun salam
- 1 sdt garam (tambahi 1 sdt lagi jika lidahnya 2)
- 1 kotak bubuk kaldu
1) Cuci bersih lidah sapi. Jika ada lemak bisa dibuang, atau jika ada tulang lunak di bagian pangkal lidah bisa dipotong dan dibuang.
Masukkan ke dalam panci dengan bahan-bahan lainnya. Tambahkan air secukupnya hingga lidah terendam.
2) Masak dengan api sedang hingga empuk. Saya tidak hitung waktunya, mungkin sekitar 1 setengah jam. Cara mengecek apakah lidah sudah empuk atau belum yaitu menusukkan garpu besar di bagian paling tebal. Jika lidah merosot dengan mudah berarti sudah selesai.
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3) Dinginkan. Lalu dengan menggunakan pisau sayat tipis lidah untuk mengupas kulitnya. Lalu kelupas kulit bagian luar yang kasar tersebut.
Lidah siap dimasak sesuai selera.
Naahh...ternyata mudah kan cara megolah lidah sapi..
Yuk Bikin bistik lidah..check resepnya disini ya.
Yuk Bikin bistik lidah..check resepnya disini ya.
Semoga bermanfaat 😊
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy recipe :
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Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan lumer di lidah |
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Indonesian style Braised Beef tongue / Bistik Lidah sapi |
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Turkish Food Recipe; Dil Söğüş / Boiled Sliced beef (ox) tongue |
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