Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
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İt has been a while I didn't post anything. Been Veeerrryyy busy moving house. Last month we were moving into our new apartment. And I love our new home 🏠. Many sunshine with a beautiful Bursa view from our balcony.
Moving house is pretty much exhausting. Packing and more packing especially with many glassware and small things from my kitchen.
Well... finally we made it. Even today I still have some boxes not opened yet, but at least we already (almost) have normal routine life again. Especially I can cook in my new kitchen 😊
Anyway.. this is my late post. I made this braised beef tongue a few weeks ago before we were moving out. This is one of our repeatable menus in our home. I made this many times. So I can assure you gonna love it too.
You can check my previous post on how to prepare the beef tongue before cooking it here. For you who never cook with offal before, I think this braised beef tongue could be a perfect start.
For those who love to cook with offal, you can check my other post here.
There you can find my other recipe that is amazingly delicious make from offal...yep..maybe some of you will not touch that animal part and I won't try to convince you to love it 😊
Oke, long story is my recipe of delicious Indonesian-style Braised Beef (ox) Tongue. Check this link first to how you prepare it before cook it.
Indonesia Style Braised Beef (ox) tongue
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Serve 4-5 portions,
🍽 1 prepared beef (ox) tongue, about 1000 gr
🍽 1 big (or 2 medium) yellow onion, half ring sliced
🍽 3 big cloves of garlic, finely chopped
🍽 3-4 cloves
🍽 1 bay leaf
🍽 1 ½ tsp black pepper powder
🍽 ½ tsp fresh grated nutmeg
🍽 1 tsp salt or to taste
🍽 2 tsp sugar
🍽 2 Tbsp butter
🍽 2 tsp cornstarch flour, dilute in a small amount of water
Mix these sauce ingredients:
🍽 4 Tbsp kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
🍽 ½ Tbsp soy sauce
🍽 1 Tbsp oyster sauce
🍽 2 Tbsp tomato ketchup
🍽 3-4 cups of meat stock / or just boiling water
1) Trim the fat and cut the prepared tongue about 2 cm thick. Set aside
2) İn a wok or pan heat butter and fry onion, garlic, bay leaf, and cloves until aromatic. Stir in the tongue and the sauce mixture. Add in black pepper powder, nutmeg, salt, and sugar. Cook over medium heat until bubbling for a few minutes. You may check the taste as your prefer.
3) Separate the beef tongue from the sauce. Pass the sauce over the strain and remove the herbs. Put back the sauce and the tongue onto the wok and heat over medium heat, stir in cornstarch solution and cook until the sauce gets thickened.
Remove from heat.
Serve the beef tongue warm with a mix of cooked vegetables and potato.
Happy cooking 💟
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Assalamu'alaykum ............ Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Apa kabar semua... Inshaallah sedang berbahagia dan sehat selalu ya 😊
Kali ini saya ingin sharing salah satu resep andalan dan masakan nostalgia khas saya.. yaitu bistik lidah sapi.
İya.. masakan ini termasuk masakan nostalgi lho....... yang lahir tahun 70 atau 80an pasti ngerti banget dengan makanan ini... Resepnya sempat hit di banyak majalah tahun 80 an deh.
Kalau ke restoran... menu ini selalu jadi top request.
Berasa jadi orang horang kaya deh kalau makan bistik ini dulu......hahahaha...😤
Oke deh.... yang pengen bernostalgia lagi atau bagi kamu yang lahirnya belakangan (hehehehe)..boleh kok dicoba...pasti suka deh..dan berasa jadi horang kaya 😤 (bercanda ya).
Resep Bistik Lidah sapi
Oleh : Çitra's Home Diary
Menjadi 4-5 porsi
🍽 1 lidah sapi (± 1 kg) yang sudah dimasak dan dikupas. Lihat disini untuk menyiapkan lidah sapinya.
🍽 1 bawang bombay besar, iris tipis
🍽 3 bawang putih, geprak dan iris halus
🍽 3-4 cengkeh
🍽 1 daun salam
🍽 1 ½ sdt merica bubuk
🍽 ½ sdt bubuk pala parut
🍽 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍽 2 sdt gula atau sesuai selera
🍽 2 sdm mentega untuk menumis
🍽 2 sdt pati jagung, larutkan dengan sdkt air
Campur jadi satu:
🍽 4 sdm kecap manis
🍽 ½ sdm kecap asin
🍽 1 sdm saus tiram
🍽 2 sdm saus tomat
🍽 3-4 gelas kaldu/ air panas
Cara memasak:
1) Potong-potong lidah sapi setebal kurleb 2 cm, sisihkan.
2) Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombai, bawang putih, daun salam dan cengkeh sampai harum. Masukkan potongan lidah, aduk-aduk rata.
3) Masukkan campuran saus, aduk rata. Bumbuhi garam, gula, merica dan pala. Masak sambil diaduk-aduk dengan api sedang sampai bumbu meresap. Cicipi rasanya. Bisa tambahkan bumbu-bumbu sesuai selera.
4) Ambil dan pisahkan potongan lidah dari sausnya. Lalu saring saus dan pisahkan dari ampas bumbu. Masukkan kembali saus yang sudah disaring bersama lidah kedalam panci lagi dan panaskan api sedang. Masukkan larutan pati jagung dan masak sambil diaduk hingga mengental dan mendidih. Angkat dari api
Sajikan bistik lidah dengan kentang dan sayuran pendamping lainnya. Sajikan hangat.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other Post
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How to prepare beef (ox) tongue |
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Çiğer Kebabı (Turkish Liver Kebab) With Onion salad |
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Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk |
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