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FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Turkish Baked Rice Pudding. Best and authentic recipe with video.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Best Recipe Turkish Bake Rice Pudding| Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #bakepudding #ricepudding #bakericepudding #resepmasakanturki #fırınsütlaç #tatlı #tatli #sutlac #dessertandsweet #dessertidea

Fırın Sütlaç or baked rice pudding, is one famous traditional dessert from Turkey. Served much better after keeping in the fridge to develop the texture and taste.
Some recipes can vary from one cookbook to another. Some people may add cornstarch or rice flour to their recipe. And mostly we use damla sakızı or mastic gum for this dessert. You can check my previous post for version using mastic gum here.

Another type of  Sütlaç is nonbake, but both are just great. Try it and I believe your family will like it as well.

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FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Best Recipe Turkish Bake Rice Pudding
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Serve 7 to 8 ramekins (@300 ml)
    🥣 4-5 Tbsp small grains of rice
    🥣 500-600 ml of water
    🥣 1 (5 cm) cinnamon stick
    🥣 200-300 gr sugar → depends on how sweet you wanna go
    🥣 Pinch of salt
    🥣 25 gr (2½ Tbsp) wheat starch (you can use cornstarch flour)
    🥣 1 lt whole milk
    🥣 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten

    How to make:
    1) Preheat the oven to 200℃. Prepare your heat-proof ramekins, better use shallow wide ones rather than deep ramekins. Also, prepare 1 wide tray for the water bath.
    2) Over medium heat cook rice with 500 ml water and cinnamon stick until rice is tender, stir occasionally to prevent burnt. If the water finish but your rice is not yet tender, add a small amount of water and continue to cook until it's tender.
    3) In another bowl dissolved wheat starch with enough water. Set aside. In another small bowl, whisk egg yolks with 3-4 Tbsp of water. Set aside.
    4) After the rice is tender, stir in sugar and milk. Add in also salt. Start to stir frequently and continue to cook until it starts to boil.
    5) Temper the yolk with boiling milk (about 1 cup) and back stir into the pan, keep stirring slowly. At last mix in wheat starch solution. Continue to cook until it boiling again and gets slightly thickened. Turn off the heat.
    6) Pour evenly into a heat-proof ramekin and arrange over a baking tray. Pour warm water onto the tray. CAREFULLY put the tray into the preheated oven and bake for about 30-40 minute or until the surface turn burning brown. 
    Note: Do not bake them too long which may cause a hardened texture to your pudding. The pudding should be still wobbling.
    You can set broil mode to make the caramelized surface a few minutes before removing it from the oven, do it carefully.
    7) Remove from oven and let sit to room temperature before chilling in the fridge.
    Serve it cold

    Afiyet Olsun/ bon appetite.

    Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
    If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
    Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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    FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Best Recipe Turkish Bake Rice Pudding| Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #bakepudding #ricepudding #bakericepudding #resepmasakanturki #fırınsütlaç #tatlı #tatli #sutlac #dessertandsweet #dessertidea

    🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣 🥣  


    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

    Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

    Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
    Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

    Fırın Sütlaç atau Puding beras khas Turki. Salah satu kudapan manis tradisional dari Turki yang terbuat dari beras dan susu lalu dipanggang dalam oven. Teksturnya yang krimi dengan sentuhan permukaan yang terkaramelisasi membuat kudapan ini menjadi favorit semua orang..termasuk saya yang punya lidah Asia ini 😊

    Sütlaç di sini ada dua macam, yang dipanggang ( Fırın sütlaç) dan yang tidak dipanggang. Umumnya membuat sütlaç menggunakan damla sakızı atau damar wangi yang membuat pudding panggang ini berasa istimewa. Tapi kali ini saya membuat versi yang tanpa damar wangi ya.
    Tapi jika ingin mencoba yang menggunakan damla sakızı (damar wangi) bisa di cek recipe saya yang lain disini ya 😊

    FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Best Recipe Turkish Bake Rice Pudding
    Ole: Çitra's Home Diary

      🥣 4-5 sdm beras (kalau bisa yang berbulir kecil)
      🥣 500 ml air
      🥣 1 batang kayu manis
      🥣 200-300 gr gula pasir
      🥣 sedikit garam
      🥣 25 gr pati jagung ( maizena)
      🥣 1 lt susu cair
      🥣 2 kuning telur


      1) Masak beras yg sdh dicuci dengan 500 ml air. Masak dengan api sedang hingga beras benar-benar lunak, sesekali aduk2 agar beras tdk gosong.

      2) Setelah beras lunak, masukkan susu, gula dan garam. Aduk2 hingga gula larut.

      3) Sementara itu larutkan tepung maizena dengan sedikit air (kira2 ½ gelas) lalu masukkan kuning telur, aduk dengan whisk sampai rata.

      4) Setelah susu mulai mendidih, ambil sedikit dan masukkan ke dalam mangkok yg berisi kocokan kutel dan maizena, aduk cepat dengan whisk sampai rata. Lalu tuangkan kembali kedalam panci dan masak kembali sambil diaduk2 kurleb 3-4 menit. Matikan api.

      5) Panaskan oven suhu 200℃. Siapkan pinggan tahan panas, bisa juga menggunakan aluminyum foil ukuran kurleb 300 ml. Sendokkan adonan sütlaç kedalam mangkok2 sama rata. Lalu panggang dalam oven dengan cara water kurleb 35-40 mnt atau sampai permukaan sütlaç sedikit gosong terkaramelisasi.

      6) Dinginkan sampai suhu ruang sebelum disimpan dalam lemari es. Nikmati dlm kondisi dingin atau suhu ruang.

      Selamat mencoba.


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